ATTACK ORDER LIST: ** Due note second attacks may change from result of first. If you come out in very poor condition you can make your own decision if you could continue into your second attack, or if you want to place your self into clean up. Both attacks can be made at no penalty so don't be afraid to use both. ** Wave 1 Team A (IN ORDER) Izlude -> Baronxues Izlude -> Tanton Ricey -> Akiran Ricey -> juninho Coinflare -> Kingfud Coinflare -> TBA Wave 1 Team B (IN ORDER) Aztrocreep -> YossiGod Aztrocreep -> Neo Hated -> NEO (AFTER AZTRO) Hated -> koonqHD (AFTER AZTRO) Synbios -> koonqHD (AFTER HATED) Synbios -> ti2nakr Vulin -> Rink Vulin -> if alive go into Ynip Wave 2 Team A (IN ORDER) TBA Wave 2 Team B (IN ORDER) Shadow61342 -> clean up Team B attacks if necessary Shadow61342 -> Ricardo Timbee -> Clean up Team B attacks if necessary Timbee -> Ricardo (if dead go to cleanup team) Clean Up Team (any order) Flip Pulpy Comaeu Ukyossiv (dad life) Skyedryv