V = ""..revo.getPhoneInfo()["IMEI"].."" if V == "867482048234191" or V == "867482048234209" then V = "pass" else V = "error" end a = {} b = "" repeat a[#a + 1] = string.char(255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 210, 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 210, 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 10, 255, 210) b = b .. string.char(255, 255) a[#a + 1] = b .. b until #a == tonumber("10000") for i = 1, 4 do gg.searchNumber(b) for i = 1, 10 do debug.traceback(2, nil, a) end end function pass() V = gg.PACKAGE if V == "com.nxt.gg" then else gg.alert("⚠️USE MY GG⚠️") os.exit() end end gg.alert("welcome to Team INvsBL CLAN") gg.alert("Dont buy from others") gg.alert("official @Raj_gaming_vilen") function VPS()end function setvalue(address,flags,value) VPS('Modify address value (address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end function HOME() MN = gg.multiChoice({ " NO RECOIL SAFE ", " ANTISHAKE BRUTAL ", " SMALL CROSSHAIR ", " MAGIC BULLET ", " INSTANT HIT ", " WIDE VIEW ", " BLUE FOG ", " DARK MAP ", " 🔔CONTACT OWNER COPY LINK 🔔", " 🔔CHANNEL LINK COPY🔔 ", " ⚔️【EXIT】⚔️", },nil, "𝕋ℍ𝕀𝕊 𝕊ℂℝ𝕀ℙ𝕋 BY INvsBL CLAN 🎭 ") if MN == nil then else if MN[1] == true then NSF()end if MN[2] == true then NSB()end if MN[3] == true then AB()end if MN[4] == true then MG()end if MN[5] == true then IH()end if MN[6] == true then WV()end if MN[7] == true then BF()end if MN[8] == true then MD()end if MN[9] == true then DM()end if MN[10] == true then CL()end if MN[11] == true then EXIT()end end PUBGMH = -1 end function NSF() function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["freeze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, freeze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "open失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "open失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "open,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "open失败") end end end end gg.setValues({ [1] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1D40C98, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.0, }, [2] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1C57DEC, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.0, }, [3] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1DBA718, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.1, }, [4] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1d40c84, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.7, }, [5] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1d1ddd4, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.1, }, [6] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1c55c10, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.1, }, [7] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1dba704, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.3, }, [8] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1d40d48, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0, }, [9] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1d40cac, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.1, }, [10] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x1d1dff0, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0.1, }, }) gg.clearResults() end function NSB() so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x381CCE0 setvalue(so+py,4,0) so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x376E57C setvalue(so+py,4,0) gg.toast(" ANTI SHAKE ") end function AB() so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x136BDDC setvalue(so+py,4,0) gg.toast("small crosshair") end function MG() so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x3C491D0 setvalue(so+py,16,55) gg.toast("magic bullet activated") end function IH() gg.setValues({ [1] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0xfb1944, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = -9.9066194e27, }, [2] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0xfb47ec, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0, }, [3] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0xfb47f0, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0, }, [4] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x5fc07b4, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = -9.9066194e27, }, [5] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x5fcd178, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = -9.0338317e22, }, }) gg.clearResults() gg.setValues({ [1] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x24A74B0, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0, }, }) gg.setValues({ [1] = { ['address'] = gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start + 0x37c1ba4, ['flags'] = 16, ['value'] = 0, }, }) gg.toast("INSTANT HIT") end function WV() so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x2EFA72C setvalue(so+py,4,0) gg.toast("wide view") end function BF() so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x2D0DA28 setvalue(so+py,4,0) so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x2D0DA38 setvalue(so+py,4,0) gg.toast(" BLUE FOG ") end function MD() so=gg.getRangesList('libUE4.so')[1].start py=0x2EFA72C setvalue(so+py,4,0) gg.toast(" DARK MAP ") end function DM() gg.alert("💝ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴅᴏɴᴇ 💝") gg.copyText("@Raj_gaming_vilen") end function CL() gg.alert("💝ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴅᴏɴᴇ 💝") gg.copyText("@INvsBL_Raj") end function EXIT() print("😘𝙼𝙰𝙳𝙴 BY RAJ GAMING😘") os.exit() end while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then gg.setVisible(false) HOME() end if PUBGMH == 1 then HOME() end end