=============== The main Sorc / Sage Tacticals for Healing. ===== "One for All" tactical - for "Roaming Mend" healing ability. A ranged heal that bounces between targets. The ability that most sorc/sage healers seem to take. Often the most beneficial tactical. "All for one" tactical - for "Revication" healing ability. A ranged heal that pools at the clicked location or target's location if double-pressed while a target is selected. If no target then it'll be at your own location. When the players are still standing on it when the ability vanishes / ends, the players receive additional health. Mainly for times when a whole group or the dps atleast are ALL going to be standing in one location for the most part. Such as stacking for Nefra. "Clense the Agony" tactical - for "Expunge" clense ability. Consuming Darkness lowers the cooldown of Expunge by 3 seconds. For groups that have too many dps that refruse to self-clense. Not usually worth giving up using one of the other 2 tacticals. =============== Abilities for Sorc Healing ===== "Static Barrier" - Good for shielding those close up taking too much damage. When possible I'd try to save this for the tank, myself, and the other healer if they dont got one themselves (such a merc healer). Good to use when you see a player being lit up as a target on EV's first boss, or KP's puzzle boss. Often time that's a bit much of a mess to click among a group of players or to spot which to click over on the group/ops frames. Too much use of this ability drains mana like crazy. So would suggest not using it on EVERYONE at ALL times. But it is the 1st ability I'd suggest getting use to and knowing when make use of. It can save you some time while your trying to use consuming darkness over and over while its lit up to regain mana. "Consuming Darkness" - Your "oh shit" moment ability that gives back mana, but unless its lit up you'll stop regenerating mana for a while and take MORE damage. at times you can use this freely when you know your NOT going to be getting damaged, such as when your in a time-out zone for SOA (Last boss in EV). When this ability does light up, it can be for 1 to 3 uses normally. This will light up when you use "Resurgence" (single target instant heal ability) and then use "Innervate" (single target channeled heal ability). So you got "Resurgence", "Innervate" and "Consuming Darkness" that you want to keep in your rotation as much as possible, even if they aren't as needed at the time to keep the ability to gain back more mana faster. Keep in mind that "Consuming Darkness" won't always be a single click, may be instant but there is that game issue where it still scan's thru the ability and takes a moment before you can cast it again. With lag you really gotta pay attention to rather it's lit up or not, or deal with the situation as it accurs for hitting it too many times and risking taking more damage than you otherwise would. Usually no one waits on a healer, so often times you got little to no chance to "Seethe" (regain health and mana) outside of combat. Also a lot of peole won't bother to self-heal nor self-clense before combat starts again. So always make use of what chances you get to get mana-bar back under control. You can get up to 4 stacks of the "Weary" debuff which decreases force regeneration. when you use "Consuming Darkness" while it's not lit up when your playing sorc under it's Healing Spec. You can remove a stack of it faster each time you use "Consuming Darkness" while it's lit up. So if you got time to "Resurgence" into "Innervate" to light up "Consuming Darkness" then how ever many time(s) it's lit up for, you can use it to drop 1 stack of the debuff to help get rid of the stacks a bit sooner. You gotta do what you gotta do @ times to survive in this crazy mad world. "Seethe" - Shouldn't have to cover this one as it's stated above, but used to regain mana and health outside of combat. We all got a simular ability, dps should be slapped for not using it. "Resurgence" - (single target instant cast heal ability) A goto heal ability that is part of your energy / mana regeneration rotation. .... "Revivication" - (multiple target heal ability) A good multiple target area heal that unfortunately has a long cast timer normally. Most of the time when you use this ability it should always be done imediately following "Resurgence". This way it becomes an INSTANT cast. -Insert spiderman referance here- F# keys can come in handy at times to swap back to yourself or between yourself and the Tank. So always a good idea to check which F# key swaps you to the tank. F1 always being to swap your target back to yourself. With this you can "Resurgance" your tank, F1 to yourself (or target a melee dps or someone in a group of players needing group heals) cast "Revivcation" for a pool-on-the-ground heal, F# key or click back on the Tank, cast "Innervate" to shield the Tank while your not focus healing them for a moment, then "Consuming Darkness" how ever many times its lit up for... to get mana back. Boss battle such as the last one in TFB, when you can only reach players with certain abilities, you can use this pool heal on yourself and the other healer on your platform while using the direct target abilities on other players. "Innervate" - (single target channeled heal ability that should last around 2.26 seconds if not interupted. A goto heal ability that is part of your energy / mana regeneration rotation. This ability is used a LOT and really simple to use. When your skill tree is setup right, you should be able to use this while moving. I hate to not say more about this ability cause it is that important and helps to light up "Consuming Darkness" after having used "Resurgence" within a pretty short time before it. "Roaming Mend" - (multiple target instant cast heal ability) A decent ability to heal as many as 4 to 5 players (depending on the tactical you use). The ability will hit your target and then bounce between RANDOM players within 20 meters. This is a well loved abilities by Healers and gets used a bunch, even though you can't choose most of it's targets. I would class this as a Filler ability though, making sure to NEVER use it inbetween "Resurgence" and "Revivication" which would prevent your "Revivication" from becoming an INSTANT cast! When a battle is going slower and you dont need as much group heals, you swap between doing a rotation with "Revivication" and one with "Roaming Mend". I'd usually though would use the "Roaming Mend" either before doing "Resurgence" or after "Innervate". After using "Consuming Darkness" is alright to, as that's when your starting the rotation over again with either "Resurgence" or a filler such as "Roaming Mend". "Dark Heal" - (single target cast ~1.25s heal ability) Used when you need a bit larger healer if lit up. I remember there being more than one way to light this ability up, but I usually get it to light up when I "Resurgence" (pool) > "Revication" (target). Then you usually have time while it's lit up to use your "Innervate" which will light up "Consuming Darkness" for your mana regeneration. Then you can use "Dark Heal" after "Innervate" before how ever many possilby multiple clicks of your "Consuming Darkness". "Rally" - (2 target cast ~1.67s heal ability) You may have to make sure your Skill Tree is setup for this ability. When you got 2 tanks stacking on each other, this ability can be handy and tends to do a larger Heal. That is when you got the time to waste on such a long cast. If other abilities are on cooldown / greyed out, this ability can be good to keep where you can use it. "Expunge" - This is a Sorc's clensing ability. Instant cast with ~10s cooldown which can differ depending on your alacrity. Range is 30 meters. Force used is 14. It tends to be a drain on mana, so tell DPS to self-clense. Good idea to remind dps that have the ability to clense other players to help out if there are too many dps / tanks with no self-clense (Power Techs / Snipers) or limited # of self-clense such as Jug's / Assassins. Marauders can usually survive without a clense. This brings up the point of Buffs and Debuffs that are set to be shown on your group/operation frames. It's wise to have a custom UI setup for showing clensable debuffs as well as one setup for showing buffs and non-clensable debuffs. This way if your swaping between roles (heal/tank/dps) you can see what you need on yourself (with stacks), on enemy target, on the another Tank, and so on to cover all possible situations. Like a Tank that has to watch out on-the-fly for everything going on, A healer as to prepare for all the possibilities. We know if it's not a tank doing something different than your used to, it'll be a dps. Pugs these days can be trouble, so be ready. And these days, a Healer never gets waited on, or gets given time for any of their needs. so slap people around when you need to. You gotta do what you gotta do, to keep up and keep things from falling apart. "Extrication" - "Reanimation" - An In-Combat ability to use to bring another player back to life. Only healers can do this these days. In a lot of situations, likely only YOU since most groups only want to run with a single healer for lesser content. Force used is 27. Range is 30 meters. Pay attention to Line-of-Sight issues as well as a server/client-side location situation where they think the player is in 2 different locations. Situations like Dread Palace (4th Boss with the Role-Challenge Portals) where the player can get knocked off the platform and teleported but remains dead in a different location, making for a un-sync'd location situation. Also happens when people fall in Eternity Vault (SOA, Last Boss). Also remind them to wait til area damage is not taking place before theyt accept the it so they don't die a 2nd time right away before you have a chance to heal them. At times they'll need reminded to JUMP when accepting the REZ (2nd boss on EV). Other times, just don't bother at all if they die in GREEN liquid that they are not likely to get out of not alone survive to have time to get out of. In some fights YOU'd want to save this ability for another HEALER and/or Tank, but for some fights where a tank is lazy and has not swapped to dps or is simply not quite AS needed for the end of a battle, you'd want to choose a DPS (possibly fellow healer if there even is one). This kind of situation is what I'd refer to for the 1st boss in K.Palace. Do however pay attention to how many are dead and rather it's a situation that combat reviving them would help or just WASTE a VERY LONG cooldown. 5 minute cooldown. -Insert subway referance here- 5 minutes can be a long time to make a group wait and throw people off their game when doing harder content. Usually if your cooldown is around a minute out, then your likely OK to start a harder boss fight, as if they need it that soon into the fight, then too much is going to go wrong anyways leading to another wipe. "Revive" - An Out-of-Combat ability to bring another player back to life. Range 10 meters. In most cases, just tell people to release. That way they'll be full health and won't need for YOU to heal their lazy rare end. "Unnatrual Preservaction" - (your in-combat self heal ability) Only heals yourself. =============== Rotation for Sorc Healing ===== == (Prefight) Static Barrier @ atleast Tank / Healers / sometimes Melee DPS == (Filler Abilities) Roaming Mend Rally Expunge Static Barrier Affliction (on enemy target for DOT damage) Unnatrual Preservaction (self heal) == (During Combat) [Filler(s)] Resurgence (usually Tank) Revivication (Self+Group, 2Tanks Stacking, Group of Melee DPS) Innervate (usually Tank, Self, or Anyone needing more health than others within range and line-of-sight) [1 or maybe 2 Filler(s)] Static Barrier on Focused Tank (to make sure the Tank with-out need of DCD's will survive next step.) Consuming Darkness (possibly multiple times while lit up. can be time consuming.) [Filler(s)] == (SOA's Steps @ EV) > Put a target marker on yourself and tell them to fallow YOU or another Sorc/Sage Healer (not the tank or raid leader). > Tell those M.Holes to not use their class ability to speed boost everyone. This makes life such hard both for those that run off to their deaths but also for the healers who loose the needed time to heal a group up. When Your at the half way point, you do not have the time needed to heal everyone perfectly usually due to cooldowns and mana. Also consider that sometimes one or more healer(s) may get spawned on opposite side of the arena and have to run around or drop down the other side. > Self Target (F1 key) > Resurgence (for self heal and mana regen) > Revication (pool for healing other players) Preferably placed right where players are going to land / run through. > Innervate (for self heal and mana regen) > Consuming Darkness (for mana regen) How ever many times while it's lit up. > Roaming Mend (for healing limited # of other players) It can be OK to skip using Roaming mend as it takes up mana and heals less people who likely won't be close together. > @ half way point, focus on what group heals you can first when off cooldown, hoping you can get a 2nd of them off soon enough before or most likely AS the next step drops, and your starting to get left behind. Also catch try to catch a target on whoever is about to die or lowest and the other healer(s) and tank. > @ bottom. Always be ready to Sorc-Tank! Only semi-joking these days, but it used to happen often. > Do make sure to type out or voice chat it out that healer (you) stuck in mind-trap when it happens, or if you notice when the tank has been grapped by one. When in a mind-trap, enjoy doing some mana regeneration. If your expecting them to take their sweet type, make use of "Consuming Darkness" since your not taking damage until your out of their. and you can simply do some "Resurgence" into "Innervate" to light up Consuming Darkness. even if you don't need healing, to get mana back. =============== The Sorc Skill Tree for Healing. (Corruption / Heal) ===== 78 - ... 73 - Mid > Corrupted Flesh (reduced damage) -or- Left > Emersion (movement-impairing effects) 68 - Mid > Phase Walk (move location) -or- Left > Whirlwind 64 - Left > Unnatural Vigor 60 - ... 51 - Right > Force Mobility 47 - ... 43 - Left > Unhindered Resolve 39 - Left > Dark Resurgence 35 - ... 27 - right > Dark Power 23 - mid > Rally 15 - ... =====