(Stelia frowns. She realizes that Terra won't budge. Fine. In time she will break her and mold her into what she wants. The old smug smile creeps back onto her.) >"Very well, I will not trump on what an arbiter wills of you. But otherwise, you will be a slave to him first, and me second. And don't worry, I am kind master. You will be able to have a degree of agency. But choose to stand with me now, and I will mold you to becomee my agent of debauchery. You can do whatever you want with your arbiter, I don't really give a shit. But I want your service and loyalty." (Stelia approaches close to Terra and caresses her curves, softly grabbing hold of her chin and softly dragging her thumb across her lips. Her face closing in really close.) >"I want your undying love for me. I know you'll do anything. Just say yes, Terra. And we can be together, side by side. Along with whomever else will join us. And we will conquer this world in a symphony of pleasure."