flash 5 min heal 4 min time summoners! wave management, this is really important. dont mindlessly push or freeze. think about the consequences. if you cant come up with anything decide purely by matchup how to play. ping opponent wards for your jungler so he knows its warded or not, most of the time you have to tell them that a gank is free or not time opponent wards yellow trinket, early game, has 90-100 seconds cd so you can do a +2 min on the clock just to be sure. it also has a cd of 4 minutes early. fake warding (like apdo tf) controlling enemy control ward is important, see if he bought one and if/where he put it think how to play in loading screen, when your powerspikes are, what the gameplan is, what can you play around, what can you play towards, whats your win condition not showing on lanes and staying in fog of war is really good for putting defensive vision, aka vision where youre not seen and can light up map etc.. when dodging/hitting skillshots its a 50/50 if you/enemy are going back and forth, its much easier to hit/dodge if enemies arent expecting it if you hit the enemy in lane with autos, all the minions will focus on you. so mindless auto harassing will damage you more in the long run. if enemy adc is low or support is low its best to start freezing and not immediately start pushing as it will make them come forward more level 5 kennen Q with NO items (spellthief) will do around 1/5 of the adcs hp dont forget to trinket change, doing after firstback is actually rly good make prio before objective, so if enemy wants to contest herald drake baron you shold push lanes and make prio so that they lose something in exchange. little things like that can make a difference. resetting properly before an objective is important, like backing and coming back to lane before destroying a tower wait until it kills all creeps, or, is it really important to take it? you can leave it and make the enemy lose more cs than just onehit KO the tower when respawning early game enemy needs like 20-25 seconds until they reach their own turret. trinket swapping time flashes and heals strg+A und strg+C F1 and F2 repeatedly when going to ward, try doing it when only a canon minion is alive so that you dont lose out on exp https://www.online-stopwatch.com/loop-countdown/ use this to look at minimap or use f keys tell your team what to do, most of the time this brings everyone on the same page against enchanter supports like janna, soraka, lulu,... etc you can play much more aggressive against engage supports like leona, ali, braum,.. etc its best you play passively and try not to die early level, you have lots of kill pressure after 6. try freezing vs those champs, they cant do much if youre under your tower. against hook supports like thresh, blitzcrank, pyke.. etc its best to play super passive and keep your distance, at 6 you can still kill them all agianst poke lanes like brand, xerath, velkoz,.. etc you can play a little bit aggressive but not as much. moderate amount. pushing first wave is exceptionally good against aggressive supports because early game if you have more creeps on your side you will have more creeps damaging enemy if they ever go on you. pushing first wave creaetes bigger wave for you, gets you level 2 faster, gives you better harass (because you dont need to focus on hitting minions but can focus on hitting enemies) if you are freezing try stepping up and harassing enemies, ofc without getting hooked and etc. only free harass. against leona: they sometimes keep the targon buff so they can hit level 2 much faster than enemy and engage immediately when lane arrives ALWAYS missing ping when enemy isnt in your lane since they can always be roaming drop deep wards and try to spot enemy jungler ward early at raptors when blue side cheater recall: wave 1 - kill meeles, damage the enemy caster minions but don't kill them on the first wave, prevent the enemy from killing your casters wave 2 - once the second wave arrives prevent the enemy from touching the wave at all, only last hit wave 3 - push as fast as you can with the power of your minions and your abilities, make sure the wave is going under the tower and recall can freeze the lane when coming back to prevent cheater recall, push first 2 lanes. if you put a deep ward in enemy jungle and spot the enemy junglers, maybe its best to not show yourself and just give info to your team where enemy jungler is. like how ap0 spotted jgl karthus jungle tracking is one of the most important things, you need to be up on your toes on where the enemy jungler is and play accordingly keep in mid when you get baron you should tell your team to B and 1-3-1 or 0-4-1 or 1-4-0. its your job to communicate to these bastards what to do. they will most likely do it. with good damage adcs like jhin, aphelios, lucian, tristana, kalista, draven, kaisa, mf, senna, twitch, varus, vayne, xayah its really good to fight enemeis as they are good in combo with kennen but with passive champs like jinx, cait, kogamw, ez its better to play very passive ofc it depends how good the player is, most of the time they pick good damage adc and still play passive best time to roam is when youve went back and are coming back to lane Or when youve killed enemy bot or when they have backed. roaming vs enchanter supports is godtier. roaming vs aggressive supports is hard because shitty ad will die otherwise also its bad if you roam when enemy is freezing because your ad is essentially ******, so try to reset wave before otherwise adc cant do shit all game. remember these are noobs. use your wards when you know you truly NEED the vision, for example if you place it and no one is mia and youve seen enemy jungler in top you waste the ward time after first wave and 3 meele minions from second wave you get level 2 botlane dont step up too much when theyre close to level 2 and youre level 1 basically, 6 meele and 3 ranged. or if you miss a meele, 5 meele and 5 ranged after 3 waves and 3 meele minons of 4th wave you get level 3 dont show yourself immediately when you run into lane, play with fog of war in mind. or before you go into fog of war you go a direction but actually go the other direction when youre in fog of war wards mostly always there where the support was, so if the support was mostly botside he probably hasnt warded topside and that means you are mostly unseen. the chances are definitely lower to be seen. run with adc everytime when leashing so you dont lose exp try focusing on fog of war movement, when you kill a ward move somewhere then move the other way to give false information being in fog of war is better than running randomly in lane youre seen in shrine only if the eyes are on you, not before. try not to die early even if there are kills available for yourself, giving adc kills early is a dumb move. always try to synchronize your back with the adc if you are trying to hover for him always be aware where your jungler is and where enemy jungler could be look for flanks, hylissang style. a lot of times its possible that one part of the jungle isnt warded because only support can ward as much. so try to find flanks dont try to play too aggressively without ulti, with ulti you can beat the adc. if enemy adc and support back there is a timeframe where you can gank a different lane or go back yourself and gank a different lane. can roam with level 3 immediately, but you need to see if its possible for your adc communicate to your team where enemy jungler can be ward somewhere in enemy jungke imediately at 0:40-1:00 to spot jungle path ulti is rly strong so try to gank with it if botlane is impossible to engage on too encased in botlane, can move around much more. shouldnt be afraid of how much enemy sees because in your own jungle enemy sees nothing. early game no one has put that many wards so a lot of times its all fog of war. put control wards in the pit iteself and try to actively be ready for it always keep track of jungler and support they can be roaming a lot if possible drop wards in enemy jungle to see where he is more control wards use control wards in fog of war before enemy can see it in your items when you roam as blue side you can take the jungle path along dragon wall instead of river, river is almost always warded. pinging too much destroys teammates mental, esp adc if you want bad adc to do something dont order him around, say stuff like "can we push?" "maybe we should freee?" emotional decision making is destroying your game look for winning plays, decision making that is winning you the game in the case you left your adc alone in lane and youre playing around someone else, like for example midlane katarina who is 7/0, you should still drop wards for your adc so he can farm safely. playing around win conditions is important. Kennen Damage kennen1: 900~1000 damage possible with ignite and enemy 40 mr at level 6 and when you have 60 ap kennen2: level 10 you should be able to deal circa 1,2k damage with everything and ignite ^^look at your damage on your spells and MATH it out FUTURES MARKET/DEBT you can go amp tome first item and get hextech at 3 min, after first canon wave. also works with boots, armguard, the MR necklace item for banshees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jungle info: normally junglers start red buff and try to clear all the jungle first. beware of 2 min gank junglers beware redside for blue buff -> gank junglers beware redside of 4-5min ganks if jungler went a super weird path at 2:30-2:40 most junglers have finished red buff, raptors and krugs and will either look for gank or go to wolves/blue or counterjungle most farm junglers anticipate a counterjungle at around 2:30 when they are about to finish raptors so they ward the raptor area towards river it can also be that they went to both buffs and gromp and around 2:30~2:40 min they will look for a gank. ^^ for botlane if you ward tribrush or river at 2:10~2:20 its best so you can spot the enemy jungler circa 3~3:30 min they have cleared all the jungle and are either looking for gank or get scuttle which they will do until 3:30~4min red side: it can be that after they get scuttle they will go for krugs and/or gank top lane always mirror your own jungler, it helps. at 3:30~4 min almost everyone in the game has 1200g-1900g junglers usually have 1400 if theyve been mostly farming so they are looking to go back and get an upgraded jungle item if they have nothing to do or they will gank a lane or they will keep farming also at at 4~ min krugs will spawn if the ally/enemy jungler did them for red side after redside krugs spawn they will most likely be taken by enemy jungler by 4~5 min if nothing happened all game and krugs spawn at 4 min then red side jungler could potentially go b after clearing with scuttle and after taking krugs at 4 min they will try ganking blue side top lane most ganks happen at 4~ min, for both blue and red side junglers. they can go practically all lanes depending on the game and how they pathed. if blue side jungler started blue first they could however do scuttle at a much later time, like around 4-5 min if youre redside top lane and youre pushed in at around 4 min it can be that you will get ganked solely because the enemy is around that vicinity becuase they want to counterjungle for example and have their first back at 5:40-6:10 min, normally at 6~6:30 all lanes and roles should be level 6, junglers definitely. at 6:45 junglers red buff (if they started blue then blue buff) will be back up, since they clear it at the same time at the same speed its for both the same. tip: VERSUS ZED MID or OTHER HARD MIDS: before getting 6 you should back when youre level 5 (this is when youre in an even lane and both will hit 6 same time) if you back right before you hit 6 you will be less likely to die to an all in since you will be full hp after backing. put ward in raptor area towards river at 1:20~ then you can spot enemy jungler or help your jungler if he gets counterjungled JARVAN: bei jarvan aufpassen level 2 ganks 1:50~ möglich. deswegen passive spielen early und early warden. wenn nicht möglich =insta flash NUNU: for red side if the enemy nunu did path normally he will take scuttle at 3:30 and sit there to snowball into lane to top/mid. sometimes they will wait 30sec to a min to get the movementspeed shrine+snowball gank. red side: if he pathed weirdly and started red buff he is done in 3 min and is looking for a snowball for mid/bot. he can get scuttle or go right into botlane with snowball. best is to ward river 20 sec before 3 min hits to properly catch him. ^^possibly same with RAMMUS looking like what buff they have or form which side they come and how long the duration for the buffs is you know if you see for example that red buff is half done that he started red side jungle and then blue buff jungle. this means the red side jungle will spawn earlier. you can track junglers better this way. time for RE-GANK is 30 sec to 1 min, especally for red side top lane YI JUNGLE (fed): when playing against yi jungle it is best to move as a unit to stop his splitpush. it is an unfair champ so this is the only way for you to win. KAYN: conqueror kayn is red kayn. dark harvest kayn is blue kayn. FIDDLE/KAYN: for blue side ward over the wall in river brush because fiddle likes to ulti from there NIDALEE: can clear all 6 camps in 3:15, at the moment scuttle spawns jungle timers: ->spawns: raptors 1:30 wolves 1:30 krugs 1:42 gromp 1:42 blue buff 1:30 red buff 1:30 scuttle 3:15 drake 5:00 herald 8:00 baron 20:00 ->respawn: raptors 2:00 wolves 2:00 krugs 2:00 gromp 2:00 blue buff 5:00 red buff 5:00 scuttle 2:30 drake 5:00 herald 6:00 baron 6:00 elder 6:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ jungle plants: honeyfruit spawns between 6:00-6:30 and has a respawn timer of 5.5-7 min scryers bloom spawns between 3:00-3:30 and has 5:00-6:30 min spawn, 50/50% on either side always think the jungler will come up in lane if you are low and the jungler can kill you and you dont know if he is here, he is probably here. if there is no reason for you to be in lane while low and when its too risky its better to back. its better to back if midlane is even and you got a kill since you lose out on nothing, +-0 read spells to know if you can oneshot someone, most of the tme you can really just oneshot them with one full rotation and ignite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ more mid: apdo tf: pushes in lane vs akali level 2 (blue side tf) then goes towards enemy blue buff then comesback. akali then pings that it is warded. he effectively gave false information that he warded there. moving somewhere like youre gonna ward but not really warding. apdo tf:after pushing the wave (blue side tf) go to raptors and drop deep ward in the raptor brush apdo tf: freezing vs fizz, freezing generally vs meeles in mid is really good because they have to step up so much. so try to mostly last hit mid vs like kassadin and fizz because then they will have to be extra overextended apdo tf:when enemy wave is 7 creeps and yours 6 and they are in the middle of the lane you can go back (when the enemy has also backed) and it will be really good for you because naturally 7>6 (example) so your lane will be pushed in apdo tf: (blue side) (can also be done redside) when close to your tower and there are ranged enemy minions, and youre up against a meele char, its good to let the creeps hit you and you pull it to the side a bit (entrances of your tower, left and right) so you can make a freeze. positioing in lane? position yourself towards the opposite side of the lane if you know the enemy is coming from the opposite side or is jungling on that side ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Random: Kills are worth 18 cs and assists are worth 9 baron is worth one kill first tower is worth 2.5 kills with plates gromp does precentage hp damage so low hp isnt as bad MS setup: comet with nimbus celerity waterwalking futures market and cosmic insight amp tome start into hextech min 3 boots of swiftness/sorc shoes protobelt into hourglass raba/void void/raba banshees whenever normal setup: electrocute taste of blood eyeball collector ravenous footwear and futuremarket amp tome start into hextech min 3 protobelt sorc shoes hourglass raba/void void/raba banshees whenever MATCHUPS: © almost always dorans ring © go red trinket first or second back © vs super strong AD champs you can go armguard and/or tabi © void is godtier item © one lucky lategame teamfight can win the game © in mid against easy champs go ignite, against assassins go exhaust/barrier © merc treads vs ap champs is really good © almost always tp needed in top aatrox top © Q Q 14-6 / W 26-14 / E 9-5 / R 120-100-80 -> its possible to dodge his Q 2-3 with E if you time it right and sidestep properly, dodge Q 1 with sidestep -> his Q1 is 650 range -> W is 825 range -> dont meele if you cant insta burst and kill -> going boots first is really good against him so maybe not go magical footwear -> he deals absurd damage and heals for an absurd amount, keep a distance from him ahri Q / W / E / R akali top/mid electrocute © can go ignite mid © W might be better Q 1.5 / W 20 / E 16-10 / R 100-80-60 -> if you overextend you die, you have killpotential early -> her E is 650 range -> her Q is 500 range -> dont try to trade too hard with her, she can Q -> auto -> Q -> auto really fast with super MS -> basically in lane, when she is half bar she can Q. since its super cd thats always how it is. akshan Q / W / E / R anivia mid electrocute © tp is better © Q Q 10-8 / W 17 / E 4 / R 6 -> early game she is rly weak -> bad vs push early so hard push -> her Q stun is only 1.5 seconds -> merc treads REALLY good vs her, makes her stun go to 1 second -> E 100% ap ratio at when stunned + lvl 3 200 ~ lvl 4 250 ~ lvl 5 300 -> wall is 1000 range annie Q / W / E / R asol Q / W / E / R azir Q / W / E / R brand Q / W / E / R camille top/mid electrocute © can go either Q or W Q 9-6 / W 15-9 / E 16-10 / R 140-115-90 -> try having stack on her at all times so when she jumps at you can W and E immediately to stun her, her stun lasts 0.75 secs -> her W is 650 range and slows for 80% for 2 sec cassio mid electrocute © ignite vs her © Q Q 3.5 / W 24-16 / E x / R 120-100-80 -> early game she is super weak because she runs out of mana super quickly -> check her mana to know if she has enough strength to all in you -> early game her Q is 50 mana, W 70 mana, E 50 mana, R 100 mana -> goes no magic res early so magic pen is really good against her -> try htiting Qs then all in immediately -> if Q hits you cant 1v1 her, she can just run you down. -> Q 850 range cho top/mid electrocute © Q Q 7 / W 13-9 / E 8-4 / R 80 -> his E can hit you from auto range. it has 550 range -> he can oneshot you with just base damage, you have to dodge his Q -> boots first can be rly good -> mercs needed vs him -> his W is 650 range -> dont shove, he naturally pushes with his spells so you should just last hit. if possible -> can buy exe -> you can try playing for tp plays and deep vision corki top/mid electrocute © Q/W Q 8 / W 20-16 / E 10 / R 12-11- 10 -> can be easily killed if you hit 1 Q and engage properly darius top/mid electrocute © W>Q Q 9-5 / W 7-5 / E 24-12 / R 120-100-80 -> boots first is rly good vs this guy since he goes phage or boots first aswell -> his E range is 535 -> his W slows for 90% for 1 sec (wtf) so you can only use your E afterwards -> his E also slows for 40% for 1 sec -> you do better than him in teamfights -> dont shove vs this, try zoning -> can buy exe diana Q / W / E / R mundo top/mid electrocute © Q Q 4/ W 4/ E 6-4 / R 110-100-90 -> push all day and try to impact map better, tp plays and deep vision -> his W makes him super tank vs mages when taking magic damage or using spells -> AD is better -> executioners. ekko Q / W / E / R fiora top/mid electrocute © W Q 13-8 [6-3] / W 24-16 / E 11-5 / R 110-90-70 -> parry has huge cd so you can capitalize on that, she is mincemeat if its down -> if she has too good of a vital on you you go back and reset it, 1200 range on her passive -> executioners is really good vs her -> passive vitals gives ms/heal/true damage when when hit -> W slow and cripple lasts for 2 seconds (!) if she gets a stun off its 2 sec stun fizz Q / W / E / R galio Q / W / E / R gp top/mid electrocute © dorans shield and biscuits and second wind. armguard, yeah? © Q Q 5 / W 22-14 / E 18-10 / R 180-160-140 -> utilize brushes vs this guy to not eat all his Q poke -> can all in him when his W is down -> can get executioners, but its not that good -> keg cd is 2-1-0.5 level 1/7/13 garen top/mid electrocute © predator might be better © Q Q 8 / W 23-15 / E 9 / R 120-100-80 -> cant really kill in lane have to look for other plays with tp and deep vision in enemy jungle -> getting boots first is solid to counter his Q gnar top/mid electrocute © Q © armguard can be rly good Q 20-10 / W x / E 22-12 / R 90-60-30 -> early he is shit, you have much bigger auto range. his auto range is 400~ until later levels -> if he goes hexdrinker or cowl you cant beat him anymore, so tp plays and deep vision -> E has super long cd and its maxed last most of the time -> Q range is 1100 -> can jump 475+525 = 1000 and ulti 475, so engage is 1475 gragas Q / W / E / R graves Q / W / E / R gwen Q / W / E / R hecarim Q / W / E / R heimer Q / W / E / R illaoi top/mid electrocute © W>Q © armguard maybe? Q 10-6 / W 4 / E 16-12 / R 120-95-70 -> you can use your E more aggressively to dodge her Q since its practically same cd. -> can go gunblade as ap -> exe is rly good -> if her E is down you can 1v1 her with her ulti even -> morellos needed vs her irelia top/mid electrocute © W/Q © she has mixed damage but you should go armguard Q 12-8 / W 20-12 / E 18-12 / R 140-120-100 -> can all in you relatively early, so you have to play really passive -> when you think you can kill her, she can also kill you. that is a rule -> maybe look for tp plays and deep vision -> armguard helps a ton -> if you stand near low hp minion she can Q and do a combo on you and Q back -> if you are about to die and she ultis you you can flash the ulti -> Q range 600, ulti range is 1000 jarvan Q 10-6 / W 12 / E 12 / R 120-105-90 -> E range is 860 -> Q range is 770 -> R castrange is 650 -> 50 AD level 9: 300 Q 80 E 275 R 136 Auto 8% current hp Passive jax Q 8-6 / W 7-3 / E 16-8 / R 80 -> Q range is 700 -> can jump to wards and plants, if it can be targeted he can jump to it. except towers ofc -> E lasts for 2 seconds, insta stun for 1 sec and 2 sec if he dodges stuff -> counterstrike can be recast for the stun after 1 sec -> takes less damage from AOE while in counterstrike -> his E has 200 range jayce Q 8 / W 13-5/ E 16 / R 6 - canon Q 16-6 / W 10 / E 20-10 / R 6 - hammer kalista Q 8 / W 90-50 / E 14-8 / R 150-120-90 -> Q range is 1150 -> E range is also 1100 -> E slows karma Q 7-5 / W 12 / E 10-8 / R 45-36 -> Q range is 950 -> W range is 675 -> E range is 800 -> can reduce mantra cd with autos and spells -> mantra W heals 20% missing hp -> E is 1,5 sec ms boost but shield lasts for 2,5 sec kassadin Q 11-9 / W 7 / E 5 / R 5-3.5-2 -> takes 15% reduced magic damage and can go through minions -> Q range is 650 -> E range is 600 -> R range is 500 -> R cost R1 50 / R2 100 / R3 200 / R4 400 / R5 800 katarina Q 11-7 / W 15-11 / E 14-8 / R 90-60-45 -> Q range is 625 -> Q hits 3 targets -> with W can make her go through walls -> passive range is 340 kayle Q / W / E / R kayn Q / W / E / R -> E lasts 7 seconds level 1, 9 seconds level 5 kled Q / W / E / R leblanc Q / W / E / R lillia Q / W / E / R lissandra Q / W / E / R lucian Q / W / E / R -> can dodge Q if not aimed at you but creep, faker does it regularly lulu Q / W / E / R lux Q / W / E / R malphite Q / W / E / R malzahar Q / W / E / R maokai Q / W / E / R mordekaiser Q / W / E / R morgana Q / W / E / R nasus Q / W / E / R nautilus Q / W / E / R neeko Q / W / E / R nocturne Q / W / E / R olaf Q / W / E / R orianna Q / W / E / R ornn Q / W / E / R pantheon Q / W / E / R poppy Q / W / E / R pyke Q / W / E / R qiyana Q / W / E / R -> can cast anything while dashing with E -> E+Q will hit you nomatterwhat -> insane brust potential early, even when youre very slightly low hp she can probably all in you level 3-5 -> blue Q roots for 1 second -> red Q deals bonsu damage when 50% hp -> green Q gives bonus ms and invis for 3.5 seconds she can cast W while invis wthout being showed -> 650 range Q -> she has a jarvan like passive where it deals bonus dmg every few seconds, she can reset the cd with W tho -> she can hop over terrain with W quinn Q / W / E / R renekton Q / W / E / R rengar Q / W / E / R riven Q / W / E / R rumble Q / W / E / R ryze Q / W / E / R samira Q / W / E / R senna Q / W / E / R -> 15 seconds cd on her Q so that means 9 seconds with 40 cdr and she reduces it by 1 second every 1 auto seraphine Q / W / E / R sett Q / W / E / R shen Q / W / E / R shyvana Q / W / E / R singed Q / W / E / R sion Q / W / E / R swain Q / W / E / R sylas Q / W / E / R syndra Q / W / E / R taliyah Q / W / E / R talon Q / W / E / R teemo Q / W / E / R tristana Q / W / E / R trundle Q / W / E / R -> phase rush destroys his E so might be best to go phase rush tryndamere Q / W / E / R twisted fate Q / W / E / R twitch Q / W / E / R urgot Q / W / E / R vayne Q / W / E / R veigar Q / W / E / R -> mercs is a cheatcode against him, tenacity is godlike. can even go precision for tenacity. velkoz Q / W / E / R viego Q / W / E / R viktor Q / W / E / R vlad Q / W / E / R volibear Q / W / E / R ww Q / W / E / R wukong Q / W / E / R xerath Q / W / E / R yasuo Q / W / E / R yone Q / W / E / R yorick Q / W / E / R zed Q / W / E / R ziggs Q / W / E / R zilean Q / W / E / R zoe Q / W / E / R zyra Q / W / E / R