『 SERVER RULES 』 「0」You are not allowed to find loopholes! Not everything is said in the most detail, so please do not try to find ways around our system. 「1」You must be whitelisted! This server is built on trust, and therefore you need to be accepted. You can read about how to apply in #「applications」 「2」You must follow TOS! We require that you all follow Discord's TOS. A link to them can be found here: https://discord.com/terms 「3」 Suggestions! We will allow suggestions, but staff maintains the right to veto any if we believe it doesn't fit. 「4」No griefing or stealing! You should only touch something someone else made with permissions. Non destructive or damaging pranks and the likes, as long as with good intentions, will in most cases be fine. 「5」Don't build too close to others or community areas! You should try to stay at least 250 blocks away from any bases, unless you get the owner's permission to build closer. You should also stay 250 blocks away from the spawn island, as well the mushroom island north of spawn, as these will be community areas. 「6」Farms are permitted! Bigger/Laggier farms are expected to have an on/off switch. Staff reserves the right to kick you if you're causing significant lag. We expect you to try and minimise lag of farms, to do this please follow these tips: - DO NOT cram passive mobs together - Cover all hoppers with containers (preferably composters) - Make redstone efficient, try making it go through blocks to limit usage of dust and components (less laggy) - Limit amount of items on the ground - Spawnproof around afk areas if possible - Limit useage of pistons and TNT if many players are online - Avoid afking if not important - Only run laggier machines and farms during downtimes with few people online - Keep villager trading halls away from any other farms as villager pathing will lag the server 「7」Pvp is not allowed! Unless all parties have given consent. 「8」Cheating will not be tolerated! Use of hacks and exploits, such as X-Ray and duping, WILL get you banned. With the exception of tnt duping, that is still allowed. Using ANY alternative method of figuring an ore's location is also not allowed. 「9」Client Mods! The only mods allowed are things that can be done in a vanilla client without outside help only: Allowed examples: - Optimisation mods (such as Optifine or Sodium) - Litematica (with the exception of Easy Build) - Inventory management mods Disallowed examples: - Minimap mods - Fullbright 「10」Harassment, insults and discrimination of any form will not be tolerated! Please remember to always stay respectful to your fellow members and the staff team, we're all here to have fun. 「11」Advertising and spamming in chat is not permitted! 「12」Your discord server nickname should be easily recognisable! This is to make it easier for everyone to identify you. 「13」Write the word catastrophe in your application! 「14」Keep public areas clean! In order to keep the community area safe, good looking and easy to cross, as well as simplify the role of the staff team constantly having to spend time fixing it, please do not: - Break End Stone on the main path of the End Island - Add random blocks on the Nether Roof - it should be 100% spawn proof - Add random unauthorized and unhelpful blocks on the Spawn Island (This belongs to TH, you aren't supposed to touch it) - Break blocks in the main nether tunnel from the SD portal 「15」SFA expiry conditions! If you are the owner of an SFA and it expires, we will not be able to transfer player data to a new account if you are able to get one. 「16」Ownership! Banned users' belongings are not to be used unless you co-built it. A banned user cannot give you permission to own their belongings, even if this was before their ban. 『 SHOPPING DISTRICT 』 「17」Getting a shop! You can rent a shop plot to build your shop on from the staff. Only staff can sell plots, and you're not allowed to make shops outside of the shopping district. You are permitted to build shops outside of the shopping district before it is opened, however these must close upon the opening of the SD. 「18」You can have up to 2 shops per person! If multiple people own a shop, this counts as a shop for all of them. Only a shop owner can build/stock/earn profits from the shop. 「19」Sizes and payment! All plots range in sizes from 100 blocks (10x10) and 400 blocks (20x20). You can not get plots bigger or smaller than this. You need to pay an upfront payment of 15 diamonds per 100 blocks, and a monthly tax of 10 diamonds per 100 blocks should be paid to the townhall. The monthly payment is due on the 1st of every month, but you can pay it at any time during the month prior to that date, and you will not get an extension. You also have to pay for your first month. 「20」You can't use lit beacons! This is to avoid light pollution in SD because of attention grabbing beacons. 「21」Missed Payments and Auctions! If tax isn’t payed by 1 month you will be sent a 2 weeks notice. Your plot, including all the inventory, will be seized and be auctioned. When a plot is auctioned, a lectern will be placed in front of said plot. You will have a week to edit the book to bid for it, and whoever has provided the highest bid by the end of the week will win it. There will be a starting bid provided, which will be equal to the plot's original price. 「22」You're not allowed to sell or rent your plot! If you want to get rid of your shop for any reason, you can return it to townhall, where it then will be auctioned off. 「23」Your shop must have max 2 themes! Every shop should limit the items they sell to closely related items within a theme. You can find a list of allowed themes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DcEJpsCgsjA6vGLBlbCxU1d9UOl42nDwVawVbjf1sww/edit#gid=1351290697. If you have an idea for a theme not on the list, please ask staff if it's allowed, they will then put it on the sheet if approved. You should inform the staff of which themes you want to sell items from upon building your shop. 「24」All shop prices and personal trades must obey the price list! This is to ensure a healthy market, and prevent one person forcing everyone else out of the market. Do not try to go around the prices by selling crafted products cheaper, or bundling. The price list is subject to change through suggestions. You can find the prices here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DcEJpsCgsjA6vGLBlbCxU1d9UOl42nDwVawVbjf1sww/edit#gid=1557790789 「25」You must show the rates of your machine! Any minigame involving gambling must clearly show the chances of success and failure, accounting for different prize levels.