What: A DeFi NFT, you stake your tokens inside a valuable NFT that acts like a digital piggy bank or a bank account. Why: Make a higher interest rates than a bank and own a NFT that's far more likely to become the next CryptoPunks, CryptoKitties, Mooncats than other NFTs. A little background: Aavegotchi is created by Pixelcraft which received a grant from Aave the creators of flash loans Partnered and got tweeted by Lil Pump. Had a partnership with OKex. Partnered with Chainlink. This is currently the simplest guide to get you into Aavegotchi.com https://imgur.com/a/ojbB6Qc Step 1) Buy and get USDC to Matic through Ascendex formerly Bitmax https://ascendex.com/en/register https://ascendex.com/en/assets/assets-withdraw/USDC Step 2) Borrow 0.01 Matic tokens on Aavegotchi's Discord or anywhere else Your Matic address is the same as your ethereum address. https://wiki.aavegotchi.com/en/socialmedia Step 3) Add Matic network (to actually see your tokens and utilize Quickswap and aavegotchi's shop) https://docs.matic.network/docs/develop/metamask/config-matic/ Step 4) Buy Matic token, GHST token and 1 type of maTokens on Quickswap https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap If you want to stake USDC then buy maUSDC , there's 8 ma tokens ma stands for MaticAave Step 5) Buy your Aavegotchi based on what coin/collateral you want to stake, there's 8 collaterals available; USDC, TUSD, USDT, ETH, DAI, Aave, LINK, YFI https://aavegotchi.com/baazaar/aavegotchis?sort=priceLow&page=1 https://aavegotchi.com/aavegotchis https://imgur.com/a/ojbB6Qc Click on your NFT, click on the pink add/remove button, stake your maUSDC You'll see your gotchi comes with 10,25,100maUSDC please do not remove the minimum or he'll get deleted. To remove collateral click on the arrow during the staking window. Please again do not remove the minimum amount or you aavegotchi will die. Please pet your piggy bank every 12 hours for long-term benefits and please participate in the forums and proposals. https://dao.aavegotchi.com/ https://snapshot.org/#/aavegotchi.eth That is all.