it doesnt matter if the channel is huge like anomaly or smaller that this one either way the keys drops are RNG which means they're random the streamer doesnt decide who gets the key and who doesnt however you need to spend a total of 2 hours in the stream to be put into the pool after your 2 hours you are able to be picked anytime you're in the stream. there isnt any ! command to give you better luck or anything else you can really do besides just sit here and wait for the key it might take someone 10 mins it might take another 10 days there isnt a "ok this is when you should get your key" if anyone has ever played a RPG game like skyrim or fallout the drop rates and spawn rates of certain animals or materials are randomized aka RNG its the same way with the keys my personal opinion is that this stream is better than well any others because. its silent therefore you can play a game and listen for footsteps or watch a movie or youtube *** anytime you want just make sure this is going on in the back ground to get your time past 2 hours and to just be in the stream to have your shot at getting the key.