Welcome to dial a drink ayrshire! Where we supply drink 24/7 around the clock! This is a quick and easy step by step on how to get in touch with us via the apps on your card! If you are IOS download Monal on the app store or click this link which will redirect you to the app https://apps.apple.com/us/app/monal-xmpp-chat/id317711500 If you are using android you will want to download blabber.im from the playstore or via the link here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=im.blabber.messenger&hl=en_US&gl=US Once downloaded follow the step by step for your device: Android: 1. Hit bottom right arrow to continue through the motions until you get to 'create new account' 2. Choose 'create new account' and choose your username and hit next (If it takes a while to load choose a more complex username to make sure its not taken) 3. Again follow the motions by hitting next on the arrow on the bottom right of your screen until you need to set a nickname this can be anything then continue as usual. 4. Once complete you will be on the main menu, hit the + icon at the bottom right to 'add contact' 5. Add: instadrink@jabber.calyxinstitute.org and send us a message! Your good to go and from now on we will be able to reply within minutes! Make sure your notifications are on so you can hear any messages coming your way! When chatting to us please be sure at the top right corner where your padlock is that its set on OMEMO by clicking the padlock. IOS - IPHONE: 1.Once you have Installed Monal follow the motions again by supplying a username and password. 2. Once complete go to the top right person icon and add us: instadrink@jabber.calyxinstitute.org and send us a message Your good to go and from now on we will be able to reply within minutes! Make sure your notifications are on so you can hear any messages coming your way! When chatting to us please be sure at the top right corner where your padlock is that its set on OMEMO by clicking the padlock.