(Stelia keeps her eyes open during the entire time they kiss. She wraps her hands around Terra, caressing her up and down. She moves her hands down to her butt and clenches down tight. She moves her leg between Terra's and rub's Terra's cronch against her slimy thigh. Her long tongue dances around Terra's mouth as if it owned it, because now it did. Stelia mirrored Terra's actions minutes prior, slowly inching them both towards the bed. She lifts Terra up in her arms and sets her gently on the sheets, lovingly massaging every bit of her body. She pulls away from the embrace and looks at her lover with lustful eyes.) >"Here, let me grab something." (Her tendrils strench over to a dresser across the room and they pull out a small vial of some kind of potion. It places the vial in Terra's hands.) >"As a slime I can morph myself into almost anything. But I can't naturally replicate certain processes. This potion will turn me temporarily into a proper futanari. If you desire, I can drink it and I will use my slime powers to bury my seed deep inside you. I will grant you the privalege carry my child. This is a choice I give to you. I will not force you to do anything. But if you desire it, I will give you my spawn. We can consumate our relationship right here. I didn't let you impregnate me earlier because I may have located a suitable mate of which I have a rather deep interest in. But I am more than fine with knocking you the **** up and raising a child together here in our manor." (Stelia caresses the side of Terra's face. Loving and lustful eyes staring right at the doll) >"What do you say, darling?~"