IGN (In-Game Name): ​Yahuah​​ Age: 19 Years Old Timezone: Amsterdam CET Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, I have previous Staff experience, I have been Staff on servers of my friends back in the day, that was back in 2012/2013, the times where different than, I had many chances to become Staff on big servers, but, I was denied, because, I did not had a microphone at that time, I have bought recently a good microphone : To continue with this question, I know a lot of commands from my past Staff experience, and, since I play this game for a very long time ( 2010 ) I have a lot of experience in how you Staff, the rules of Staffing, and, how you should punish people and help people, etc. Why would you like to become a staff member?: I would like to become a Staff member, because, I enjoy helping people, I am very patience person, and, I always listen to people, what they have to say, etc, I am fair in my way of dealing with people, I am also fast in responding to people, the main reason I want to be Staff, is that I like to help people, and, of course help the server out. If accepted, how would you improve the players' experience?: I would be there for the players when they need support, as I said, I am a person that reacts fast, and, is very patience, so that is in my favor when it comes to situations like that, just in general I would help the players in every single way. If you were to rate your honesty on a scale of 1-10, what would it be and why? I would rate it to a 9, I am not a person that lies, of course sometimes people lie when they are not aware of it, but, I am honest, being unhonest would me make a bad Staff member in the first place, and, I am pretty sure the players would see that, it is important to be honest, especially while Staffing, the players will respect that a lot. Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Max ( 321maxm ) Additional Information?: No, that's all, I have already something about my personality, and, how I am, in some of the questions, I am very patience, I react fast, and, I am good listener, and, that is a huge favor in Staffing.