[18:17] Hello, I have a question and enough headache because of this... [18:17] 1-) While my server IP is on Eline list, X:Lines/Akills/Shun, etc... aren't affects to Kiwi IRC users. [18:18] 2-) When I change resolvehostnames="no" to "yes" It works as it should (but can't see user's hostnames then). [18:18] 3-) And this has been happening since yesterday, I did something on /etc/hosts - (Defined; serverip + server.domain.name) [18:18] So, do I need to keep resolvehostnames="no" to "yes" for local connect classses? Or should I remove my server IP back from /etc/hosts? Any clue? [18:18] Brb - getting coffee... [18:18] <~Sadie> what version are you on [18:20] <~Sadie> inspircd does not read /etc/host [18:20] <~Sadie> hosts* [18:28] I'm using 3.6.0 [18:28] And there are 3 way to get rid of this issue that I've noticed [18:29] 1-) Remove the server IP from Eline list. 2-) Remove the server.domain.name from /etc/hosts 3-) Change resolvehostnames="no" to "yes" [18:30] Seems to be DNS issue... [18:32] <~Sadie> Gokturk: there was a fix related to this in 3.8 [18:32] * donk (donk@ChatSpike44smic.cable.virginm.net) Quit (Quit: donk) [18:32] <~Sadie> update to 3.8.1 and see if it still happens [18:33] * donk (donk@ChatSpike44smic.cable.virginm.net) has joined #inspircd [18:33] Oh, glad to hear that! Thanks Sadie [18:33] I'll update it