Color: Used by item unboxe Light Blue: Blue: Purple: Pink:  Red / knife:  Others: White:  VERY red:  Regular beige chat text:  Very green:  Light green:  Mid green:  Darker red:  Greenest green:  Light purple:  Brown gold:  Linebreak: 
 Tutorial type beat: playerradio X "Hello" playerradio x "Flashbang Out!" Radio.Smoke Radio.Flashbang Guardian.RoundStart Guardian.Victory Guardian.HalfwayThere Funny ones: Guardian.Victory hydra_guardian_complete_46.wav hydra_guardian_complete_18.wav hydra_guardian_complete_35.wav hydra_guardian_complete_26.wav hydra_guardian_complete_22.wav playerradio Radio.Flashbang "Flashbang Out!" playerradio Radio.Flashbang "Flashbang out!
Hello" playerradio Radio.Flashbang "Flashbang out!
 Hello" playerradio Radio.Flashbang "Flashbang out!
don has opened a container and found: Glock-18 | Fissure" playerradio X "
 name has opened a container and found: StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Fissure" playerradio X "
 name has opened a container and found: P2000 | Ocean Foam" playerradio Radio.Flashbang "Flashbang Out!
don has opened a container and found: ★ Bayonet | Gamma Doppler" If you want to make it really believable only choose skins from 1 single case and match the knife that you "unbox" accordingly. _ Some other fun things I've made: Faking someones VAC ban: playerradio Radio.Smoke "Smoke Out! has been permanently banned from official CS:GO servers." Russian flag with curse words: playerradio x "

IDIOTS" Faking a vote kick: playerradio x "
Player don left the game (Kicked from the session)" Switzerland flag (example): playerradio x "
OOOOOOOO" Use of colors: playerradio deathcry "
Buna dimineata sa trezit dulceata?" Idiot checklist: playerradio x "
Ce e MikeB?:
☐ Silver
☐ Noob
☑ Codat" Teammates without aim: playerradio x "
This is your crosshair: ✜
Please use it :) Being toxic in COLORS: playerradio x "
T EAM" Annoying kök: playerradio x "
½½½½__½½½½½__½½½½__½___½" Using the location: playerradio Radio.Roger "Roger that.
don @ la ma-ta acasa (RADIO): Roger that." Unicode characters: playerradio X "
I'm going on a VAC-ation. ⛱" Unicode art: playerradio X "
Ѡ" Flags: France: playerradio x " 
 ⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ Poland: playerradio x " 
⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ Sweden: playerradio x " 
 ⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ ⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ 
 ⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ ⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ Malta: playerradio x " 
⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ Russia: playerradio x " 
⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘⛘ Soviet flag: playerradio x " 