Eden 10 Savage : Litany (E10S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ Spread   ■ Pairs+Puddles D3 MT D4    D3 MT H1  ▲  H2  H1   D4 D1 OT  D2  D1   H2           OT D2 ■ Umbral Orbs MT D1D3H1: 12 O'clock > Counter-Clockwise OT  D2D4H2: 1 O'clock > Clockwise ■ Shadow Warior + Umbral Orbs From the safe side , facing the boss : MT H1D1D3 : Left OT H2 D2D4 : Right ■ Voidgate  1st→ No shadow: Spread in 十-positions Shadowed: Resolve Shadows first  2nd→ Clockwise from the 1st positions Piority = Tower -- Shadow -- Tower -- Shadow ■ Shackled Apart: T/H: North, DPS: South ■ Shackled Together:DPS moves 1st 2nd 3rd ↑←D3 MT→ ↑ H1D3 D1ST ◎→ H1D3 H1 D4 D1 MT ↑ ◎ D1 H2 ST D4 ◎ ↓ ↓ ST D2 → ↓ H2D2 H2D2 ← ◎ MTD4