So, the relational Schema will be like below For Entity Doctor the reational Schema will be Doctor(doc_id,First_name,Last_name,Phone_no,Address,) Degree_Doctor(doc_id,degrees) Patient(Patient_id,name,age,gender,address,TreatDate) Has(patient_id,_name_) Guardian(_name_,Phone_no,Address,patient_id) Test(test_id,test_name,description,Rate) Record(doc_id,patient_id,test_id) Room(Room_no,Rate,type,date) In the Entity Doctor and Patient there is a relationship of one to many . Means one doctor can have many patient. So, the realtionship value Treat_Date can be added in the Patient table. In the Entity patient and Guardian there is a relationship of many to one. Means many patient can have 1 guardian. Also the guardian entity is weak therefore we will need the patient_id into the guardian entity schema As the relation among patient,doctor and test entities are many to many. So, there will be one more schema Record which will have the key of each of the table. As degrees in the Doctor Entity is multivalued attribute therefore there will be one seperate schema for that which will have key also there.