紗枝 Sae プロデューサーはん。 うちな、小さい頃から、いろいろ習い事させられてきたんどす。 日舞にお歌、華道に茶道・・・・・・。 Producer-han, when I was small, I've been asked to learn many things. Classical dance, singing, flower arrangement, tea ceremony... [ http://www.studentsoftheworld.info/sites/schools/42417.php?Page=4 ] 紗枝 Sae 京は好きやし、そのままおってもよかったんやけど・・・・・・ せっかくなら、学んだこと、いろいろ生かしてみたいなぁー思て。 I love Kyoto, and it would've been just fine if I stayed. However, I thought that I might as well use the things I learned. 紗枝 Sae それで、あいどるの世界、のぞいてみることにしたんどす。 そしたら綺羅星みたいに、綺麗な綺麗な世界で・・・・・・。 So, I took a look at the world of idols. And then, like a beautiful star to a very beautiful planet... 紗枝 Sae こんなところで、うちも輝けたら・・・・・・きっと幸せやろうなぁって。 せやから・・・・・・プロデューサーはん・・・・・・。 I thought that if I were to shine in this world, I believe that I'd be happy. Which is why, Producer-han... 紗枝 Sae あらためて、うちのお世話してくれはります~? うちをあいどるとして、祇園の桜みたいに咲かせておくれやす~。 I ask you once again, could you take good care of me. Please make me bloom as an idol similar to the cherry blossoms of Gion. [ https://www.insidekyoto.com/2017/03/cherry-blossoms-gion-shimbashi.html ]