#CharacterSheet //Abilities set Strength 0 set Constitution 0 set Dexterity 0 set Intelligence 0 set Wizdom 0 set Charisma 0 //Tags to select a number/abilitie //number tags set sixteenTag 0 set fifteenTag 0 set thirteenTag 0 set tweleveTag 0 set nineTag 0 set eightTag 0 //abilitie tags set StrengthTag 0 set ConstitutionTag 0 set DexterityTag 0 set IntelligenceTag 0 set WizdomTag 0 set CharismaTag 0 //Modifiers set STR 0 set CON 0 set DEX 0 set INT 0 set WIZ 0 set CHA 0 //Select a call #ChooseStatsIn //Use the values of your Abilities to set your modifier values call #SetSTR call #SetCON call #SetDEX call #SetINT call #SetWIZ call #SetCHA quit #setBlank set Strength 0 set Constitution 0 set Dexterity 0 set Intelligence 0 set Wizdom 0 set Charisma 0 quit #checkStats msg Abilities :: {Strength} {Constitution} {Dexterity} {Intelligence} {Wizdom} {Charisma} msg Modifiers :: {STR} {CON} {DEX} {INT} {WIZ} {CHA} quit #ChooseStatsIn call #ChooseStats quit //Make Stat selection,reset if used, Then number selection,reset if used, Then set stat to number and set number tag and stat tag to 1 to indicate used state //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ChooseStats msg Choose the abilitie to set. set tagNameSTR StrengthTag set tagNameCON ConstitutionTag set tagNameDEX DexterityTag set tagNameINT IntelligenceTag set tagNameWIZ WizdomTag set tagNameCHA CharismaTag reply 1|Strength|#ChooseStats2|StrengthTag|tagNameSTR reply 2|Constitution|#ChooseStats2|ConstitutionTag|tagNameCON reply 3|Dexterity|#ChooseStats2|DexterityTag|tagNameDEX reply 4|Intelligence|#ChooseStats2|IntelligenceTag|tagNameINT reply 5|Wizdom|#ChooseStats2|WizdomTag|tagNameWIZ reply 6|Charisma|#ChooseStats2|CharismaTag|tagNameCHA quit #ChooseStats2 //If already used, msg, Then restart choosestats, if not used call ChooseNumber msg choose stats2 if {runArg1}|=|1 msg You already set this abilitie. if {runArg1}|=|1 call #ChooseStats if {runArg1}|=|0 call #ChooseNumber|runArg1|runArg2 quit #ChooseNumber msg Choose the value to set this abilitie to. reply 1|16|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|sixteenTag|runArg2 reply 2|15|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|fifteenTag|runArg2 reply 3|13|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|thirteenTag|runArg2 reply 4|12|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|tweleveTag|runArg2 reply 5|9|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|nineTag|runArg2 reply 6|8|#ChooseNumber2|runArg1|eightTag|runArg2 quit #ChooseNumber2 msg choose number2 //If already used, msg, Then restart choosenumber, if not used call setStat if {runArg2}|=|1 msg You already used this number on a abilitie. if {runArg2}|=|1 call #ChooseNumber2 if {runArg2}|=|0 call #setStat|runArg1|runArg2|runArg3 quit #setStat msg setStat set statName {runArg3} set StrengthTag2 StrengthTag set ConstitutionTag2 ConstitutionTag set DexterityTag2 DexterityTag set IntelligenceTag2 IntelligenceTag set WizdomTag2 WizdomTag set CharismaTag2 CharismaTag show StrengthTag2 show statName msg sets done if statName|=|{StrengthTag2} call #setStr|runArg2 if statName|=|{ConstitutionTag2} call #setCon|runArg2 if statName|=|{DexterityTag2} call #setDex|runArg2 if statName|=|{IntelligenceTag2} call #setInt|runArg2 if statName|=|{WizdomTag2} call #setWiz|runArg2 if statName|=|{CharismaTag2} call #setCha|runArg2 msg after set calls quit //For stat set to given number #setStr msg setStr set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Strength 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Strength 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Strength 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Strength 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Strength 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set StrengthTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Strength 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set StrengthTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setCon set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Constitution 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Constitution 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Constitution 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Constitution 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Constitution 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set ConstitutionTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Constitution 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set ConstitutionTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setDex set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Dexterity 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Dexterity 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Dexterity 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Dexterity 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Dexterity 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set DexterityTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Dexterity 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set DexterityTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setInt set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Intelligence 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Intelligence 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Intelligence 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Intelligence 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Intelligence 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set IntelligenceTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Intelligence 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set IntelligenceTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setWiz set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Wizdom 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Wizdom 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Wizdom 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Wizdom 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Wizdom 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set WizdomTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Wizdom 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set WizdomTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit #setCha set numName runArg1 set numName16 sixteenTag set numName15 fifteenTag set numName13 thirteenTag set numName12 tweleveTag set numName9 nineTag set numName8 eightTag if numName|=|{numName16} set Charisma 16 if numName|=|{numName16} set sixteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName16} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set Charisma 15 if numName|=|{numName15} set fifteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName15} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set Charisma 13 if numName|=|{numName13} set thirteenTag 1 if numName|=|{numName13} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set Charisma 12 if numName|=|{numName12} set tweleveTag 1 if numName|=|{numName12} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set Charisma 9 if numName|=|{numName9} set nineTag 1 if numName|=|{numName9} set CharismaTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set Charisma 8 if numName|=|{numName8} set eightTag 1 if numName|=|{numName8} set CharismaTag 1 //If an tags are not 1 then do selection again if StrengthTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if ConstitutionTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if IntelligenceTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if WizdomTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn if CharismaTag|=|0 call #ChooseStatsIn quit //Check what value a stat is at and set modifier correctly //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //STR #SetSTR if Strength|<=|3 set STR -3 if Strength|>|3 call #SetSTR2 quit #SetSTR2 if Strength|<=|5 set STR -2 if Strength|>|5 call #SetSTR3 quit #SetSTR3 if Strength|<=|8 set STR -1 if Strength|>|8 call #SetSTR4 quit #SetSTR4 if Strength|<=|12 set STR 0 if Strength|>|12 call #SetSTR5 quit #SetSTR5 if Strength|<=|15 set STR 1 if Strength|>|15 call #SetSTR6 quit #SetSTR6 if Strength|<=|17 set STR 2 if Strength|>|17 call #SetSTR7 quit #SetSTR7 if Strength|<=|18 set STR 3 quit //CON #SetCON if Constitution|<=|3 set CON -3 if Constitution|>|3 call #SetCON2 quit #SetCON2 if Constitution|<=|5 set CON -2 if Constitution|>|5 call #SetCON3 quit #SetCON3 if Constitution|<=|8 set CON -1 if Constitution|>|8 call #SetCON4 quit #SetCON4 if Constitution|<=|12 set CON 0 if Constitution|>|12 call #SetCON5 quit #SetCON5 if Constitution|<=|15 set CON 1 if Constitution|>|15 call #SetCON6 quit #SetCON6 if Constitution|<=|17 set CON 2 if Constitution|>|17 call #SetCON7 quit #SetCON7 if Constitution|<=|18 set CON 3 quit //DEX #SetDEX if Dexterity|<=|3 set DEX -3 if Dexterity|>|3 call #SetDEX2 quit #SetDEX2 if Dexterity|<=|5 set DEX -2 if Dexterity|>|5 call #SetDEX3 quit #SetDEX3 if Dexterity|<=|8 set DEX -1 if Dexterity|>|8 call #SetDEX4 quit #SetDEX4 if Dexterity|<=|12 set DEX 0 if Dexterity|>|12 call #SetDEX5 quit #SetDEX5 if Dexterity|<=|15 set DEX 1 if Dexterity|>|15 call #SetDEX6 quit #SetDEX6 if Dexterity|<=|17 set DEX 2 if Dexterity|>|17 call #SetDEX7 quit #SetDEX7 if Dexterity|<=|18 set DEX 3 quit //INT #SetINT if Intelligence|<=|3 set INT -3 if Intelligence|>|3 call #SetINT2 quit #SetINT2 if Intelligence|<=|5 set INT -2 if Intelligence|>|5 call #SetINT3 quit #SetINT3 if Intelligence|<=|8 set INT -1 if Intelligence|>|8 call #SetINT4 quit #SetINT4 if Intelligence|<=|12 set INT 0 if Intelligence|>|12 call #SetINT5 quit #SetINT5 if Intelligence|<=|15 set INT 1 if Intelligence|>|15 call #SetINT6 quit #SetINT6 if Intelligence|<=|17 set INT 2 if Intelligence|>|17 call #SetINT7 quit #SetINT7 if Intelligence|<=|18 set INT 3 quit //WIZ #SetWIZ if Wizdom|<=|3 set WIZ -3 if Wizdom|>|3 call #SetWIZ2 quit #SetWIZ2 if Wizdom|<=|5 set WIZ -2 if Wizdom|>|5 call #SetWIZ3 quit #SetWIZ3 if Wizdom|<=|8 set WIZ -1 if Wizdom|>|8 call #SetWIZ4 quit #SetWIZ4 if Wizdom|<=|12 set WIZ 0 if Wizdom|>|12 call #SetWIZ5 quit #SetWIZ5 if Wizdom|<=|15 set WIZ 1 if Wizdom|>|15 call #SetWIZ6 quit #SetWIZ6 if Wizdom|<=|17 set WIZ 2 if Wizdom|>|17 call #SetWIZ7 quit #SetWIZ7 if Wizdom|<=|18 set WIZ 3 quit //CHA #SetCHA if Charisma|<=|3 set CHA -3 if Charisma|>|3 call #SetCHA2 quit #SetCHA2 if Charisma|<=|5 set CHA -2 if Charisma|>|5 call #SetCHA3 quit #SetCHA3 if Charisma|<=|8 set CHA -1 if Charisma|>|8 call #SetCHA4 quit #SetCHA4 if Charisma|<=|12 set CHA 0 if Charisma|>|12 call #SetCHA5 quit #SetCHA5 if Charisma|<=|15 set CHA 1 if Charisma|>|15 call #SetCHA6 quit #SetCHA6 if Charisma|<=|17 set CHA 2 if Charisma|>|17 call #SetCHA7 quit #SetCHA7 if Charisma|<=|18 set CHA 3 quit