robcoleman@robs-air iP5s iOS 10.3.3 Restore % ./futurerestore-m1-beta-1 -t blob.shsh2 -s sep-firmware.n51.RELEASE.im4p -b Mav7Mav8-7.60.00.Release.bbfw -m BuildManifest_iPhone6,1_1033_OTA.plist -p BuildManifest_iPhone6,1_1033_OTA.plist --use-pwndfu iPhone_4.0_64bit_10.3.3_14G60_Restore.ipsw Version: 9bff1c4e9ba60ce325192a77afbb32aae09d62dd - 201 img4tool version: 0.197-aca6cf005c94caf135023263cbb5c61a0081804f libipatcher version: 0.81-ad44d0da23f5120c3c77a72062bd627c50f37e71 Odysseus for 32-bit support: yes Odysseus for 64-bit support: yes [INFO] 64-bit device detected futurerestore init done reading signing ticket blob.shsh2 is done [TSSC] opening BuildManifest_iPhone6,1_1033_OTA.plist [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] User specified to not request a baseband ticket. Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received Did set SEP+baseband path and firmware ERROR: Unable to connect to device?! ERROR: Unable to get FirmwarePreflightInfo [WARNING] failed to read BasebandGoldCertID from device! Is it already in recovery? [WARNING] using tsschecker's fallback to get BasebandGoldCertID. This might result in invalid baseband signing status information [TSSC] opening BuildManifest_iPhone6,1_1033_OTA.plist [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] User specified to request only a Baseband ticket. Request URL set to Sending TSS request attempt 1... response successfully received Downloading the latest firmware components... [TSSC] opening firmwares.json [DOWN] downloading file [TSSC] selecting latest firmware version: 12.5.2 [TSSC] got firmwareurl for iOS 12.5.2 build 16H30 [TSSC] opening Buildmanifest for iPhone6,1_12.5.2 [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request Finished downloading the latest firmware components! Found device in DFU mode requesting to get into pwnRecovery later Found device in DFU mode Identified device as n51ap, iPhone6,1 Extracting BuildManifest from iPSW Product version: 10.3.3 Product build: 14G60 Major: 14 Device supports Image4: true [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 1 [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 2 [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 3 [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 4 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request checking APTicket to be valid for this restore... Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID checking APTicket to be valid for this restore... Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 0: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 1: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 2: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 3: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 4: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash) failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=84279308 line=1286 file=img4tool.*** commit count=197: commit sha =aca6cf005c94caf135023263cbb5c61a0081804f: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 5: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" BAD! (hash not found in im4m) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash) failed verification with error: [exception]: what=verification failed! code=84279308 line=1286 file=img4tool.*** commit count=197: commit sha =aca6cf005c94caf135023263cbb5c61a0081804f: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 6: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 7: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO Failed to get exact match for build identity, using fallback to ignore certain values [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 0: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 1: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 2: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 3: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... NO [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity 4: [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity matches board ... YES [IMG4TOOL] checking buildidentity has all required hashes: [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "AppleLogo" OK (found "logo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BasebandFirmware" IGN (no digest in BuildManifest) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging0" OK (found "chg0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryCharging1" OK (found "chg1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryFull" OK (found "batF" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow0" OK (found "bat0" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryLow1" OK (found "bat1" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "BatteryPlugin" OK (found "glyP" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "DeviceTree" OK (found "dtre" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "KernelCache" OK (found "krnl" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "LLB" OK (found "illb" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "OS" OK (found "rosi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RecoveryMode" OK (found "recm" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreDeviceTree" OK (found "rdtr" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreKernelCache" OK (found "rkrn" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreLogo" OK (found "rlgo" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreRamDisk" BAD! (but ignoring due to whitelist) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "RestoreSEP" OK (found "rsep" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "SEP" OK (found "sepi" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBEC" OK (found "ibec" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBSS" OK (found "ibss" with matching hash) [IMG4TOOL] checking hash for "iBoot" OK (found "ibot" with matching hash) Verified APTicket to be valid for this restore [TSSR] Checking BuildIdentity 0 [TSSR] Selected BuildIdentity for request Variant: Customer Erase Install (IPSW) This restore will erase your device data. Extracting iBSS.iphone6.RELEASE.im4p... payload decrypted iBoot64Patch: Staring iBoot64Patch! iBoot64Patch: Inited ibootpatchfinder64! iBoot64Patch: Added sigpatches! iBoot64Patch: has_kernel_load is false! iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x18038b25c : 000080d2 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x18038b260 : c0035fd6 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x18038e280 : 200080d2 iBoot64Patch: Patches applied! Extracting iBEC.iphone6.RELEASE.im4p... payload decrypted iBoot64Patch: Staring iBoot64Patch! iBoot64Patch: Inited ibootpatchfinder64! iBoot64Patch: Added sigpatches! iBoot64Patch: has_kernel_load is true! iBoot64Patch: Added debugenabled patch! iBoot64Patch: Added unlock nvram patch! iBoot64Patch: Added freshnonce patch! iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x83000983c : 000080d2 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x830009840 : c0035fd6 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x83000ed90 : 200080d2 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x83000b008 : 200080d2 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x8300025d8 : 000080d2c0035fd6 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x830002638 : 000080d2c0035fd6 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x8300267e8 : 000080d2c0035fd6 iBoot64Patch: Applying patch=0x83000df28 : 1f2003d5 iBoot64Patch: Patches applied! Sending iBSS (164898 bytes)... Cleaning up... [exception]: what=ERROR: Unable to send iBSS component: Unable to upload data to device code=32964625 line=503 file=futurerestore.*** commit count=201: commit sha =9bff1c4e9ba60ce325192a77afbb32aae09d62dd: Done: restoring failed! robcoleman@robs-air iP5s iOS 10.3.3 Restore %