Imp — Yesterday at 11:23 PM He wouldn't. She just Left, so like, he just shrugged the idea off dogindg only way he would willingly go out of his way about it is if he knew about Cauli. raindare — Yesterday at 11:23 PM I see... That is unfortunate. BEcause she would have Much to Say. Imp — Yesterday at 11:24 PM How much. raindare — Yesterday at 11:25 PM Diaphlyn: Oh! You want to help me see the way mortals do? That's wonderful! I get the impression that you do this for a lot of people... it might even be a habit for you, the way you thought of me and my needs, and how they might be solved. That's wonderful! You're wonderful! Diaphlyn: It's obvious that you're a very thoughtful person, and the sort of thoughtful person that people might take for granted... so I think it's important to say that I'm touched by your offer. Imp — Yesterday at 11:39 PM Sully:, yeah, it''s just fun to figure out problems. [Rubs the back of his head, um.] Sully: Also, people saying it can't be done makes me want to do it. [...........Ugh, is this where Emii gets it from?] raindare — Yesterday at 11:39 PM Diaphlyn: Yes, I realize that... it's why I wasn't sure whether or not to tell you that... it probably can't be done. <:) But I appreciate the thought, and I want you to know that! Imp — Yesterday at 11:41 PM Sully: Yeah. Right. Figured you'd say that. raindare — Yesterday at 11:41 PM Diaphlyn: Yes. It's... not a problem to be solved, it's simply a part of who I am. And I've never had a problem with that! Imp — Yesterday at 11:43 PM Sully: Still wanna try. It's fun for me. [He shrugs.] Having the time to do it's nice. raindare — Yesterday at 11:43 PM Diaphlyn: ...Are you sure you have the time to do it? You only have so many years to live! Imp — Yesterday at 11:48 PM Sully: Like, 110 years is a lot. I'm only, what, 70? unu Plenty of time. raindare — Today at 12:00 AM Diaphlyn: 110 years... is a lot!? (She seems surprised.) Imp — Today at 12:02 AM Sully: Yes, ms. I-have-lived-for-literal-millenia. raindare — Today at 12:04 AM Diaphlyn: Well... it's true that I have... sometimes, I wish the rest of you could, too. But you're so... brave, to say that 110 years is a lot. I'm happy that it's not scary to you. Imp — Today at 12:04 AM Sully: What, you want me to live in fear of my death constantly? Sully: I'd never be here if I was. raindare — Today at 12:06 AM Diaphlyn: Oh, because many of the people you’re close to here are so dazzlingly powerful? That’s a good point… Imp — Today at 12:07 AM Sully: No, because I would be starving and dead in a ditch somewhere if I didn't take risks. raindare — Today at 12:08 AM Diaphlyn: …That’s sad. Imp — Today at 12:08 AM Sully: Life is sad a lot. raindare — Today at 12:08 AM Diaphlyn: But you’re not either of those things, and that’s what matters! Imp — Today at 12:08 AM Sully: A lot of people are, though. raindare — Today at 12:09 AM Diaphlyn: …I know. Imp — Today at 12:18 AM Sully: ...Anyways. Sully: HOW do you see? raindare — Today at 12:20 AM Diaphlyn: Oh… everyone’s told me that I see spirits and spiritual energy. You’re wobbly and don’t have a defined shape. Sometimes you’re really stretched out, other times you’re compact. But you fade out of view a lot… oh, and you’re green and purple. Imp — Today at 12:20 AM Sully: .......Green? Sully: Okay. Well. Yeah, I have my work cut out for me. raindare — Today at 12:21 AM Diaphlyn: Yes. And your friend… she’s a really intense dark purple surrounded by a lot of bright purple and some pink. And little Emii is bright blue and orange and wavy! Diaphlyn: But it’s not just colours. Sometimes, you have a shadow, but not everyone does that. Diaphlyn: Oh… and your wife is a big bundle of multicoloured fireflies! Imp — Today at 12:25 AM Sully: A shadow...what's the shadow like? [Tbh? He pulls out a notepad. This is interesting.] raindare — Today at 12:26 AM Diaphlyn: Hmm… well, usually when people have shadows they’re hiding a big secret, or don’t like to talk about themselves. Yours wraps around you, like a tail. Diaphlyn: But not all around you, just near the bottom. It looks like you have a lot of secrets that don’t get in the way of getting close to people. Imp — Today at 12:37 AM Sully: ......................... [His shoulders slump a little.] Geeze, way to hit close to home, I guess. Sully: [As he says that, said shadows proobably creep up his leg ever so slightly.] raindare — Today at 12:41 AM Diaphlyn: Oh, but there’s nothing wrong with having a shadow. Your friend… Sherri. That’s her name! It’s hard to see, but she has a big shadow behind her. But the shadow glitters a little bit. That means she doesn’t talk freely about things that mean a lot to her. Imp — Today at 12:45 AM Sully: Oh, so there's a lot of different interpretations for a shadow. Okay... [Keeps...writing stuff down. There's no way this is going to be perfect...] And so, when something doesn't have a soul, you don't see it. Do you see your average tree? raindare — Today at 12:46 AM Diaphlyn: A little bit! They’re easier to see than rocks. When the seasons are changing, that’s when they’re easiest to see. Diaphlyn: Emii doesn’t have a shadow at all. Most starforged don’t… Imp — Today at 12:56 AM Sully: Most starforged? [He tilts his head, tapping his notebook...] Do their...let's say, negative or hidden traits express differently? raindare — Today at 1:00 AM Diaphlyn: Hmm. Well… Emii’s fire dances around a lot. Towards people or things she’s talking to that annoy her. And it’s not only starforged… my daughter, Cauli, gets anxious sometimes. When that happens, bunches of glitter start expanding in and out around her. Imp — Today at 1:11 AM Sully: Hm...their souls might just be different then. Again. Weird. [Ugh. Do I need to account for that? Not really. Keep eyes on the prize. How do you, soul sight to see physical, soul-less things? He leans back in his chair, tapping his pen, hmmm.....] Sully: [Any part of him that represents curiosity and problem solving is going to come to the surface, here.] raindare — Today at 1:15 AM Diaphlyn: Oh, and right now, you’re extra wiggly. With a healthy glow. The green is more visible too… Imp — Today at 1:21 AM Sully: Being wiggly isn't unusual for me, honestly. unu [His ribbons wiggle. One pats at the table.] Sully: .........mmmm. My initial thought would be to have something that just, displays an actual image - like goggles, but that'd just be invisible to you. It'd...need to be something that interfaces with your sight organically. There's no way around it. raindare — Today at 1:22 AM Diaphlyn: Yes. I’ve tried on glasses before, but I could only see them if they’re handmade, and the lenses don’t do anything. Imp — Today at 1:24 AM Sully: Oh, I wasn't thinking of just glasses. Sully: I doubt what we'd need would fit inside a simple pair of glasses. Making them compact can come later. raindare — Today at 1:25 AM Diaphlyn: Oh…! I just remembered. The way I see people usually resembles their eyes. That’s what I’m told. Diaphlyn: Are your eyes purple or green? Are Sherri’s eyes purple? Imp — Today at 1:38 AM Sully: ...Their eyes. Hmm. Got it. So just give everything eyes. Easy. Sully: Also, purple eyes on both counts. raindare — Today at 1:39 AM Diaphlyn: Oh, but it’s not the eyes themselves. They just reflect the soul. They’re one of the main places the soul can leave a mark! Imp — Today at 1:40 AM Sully: I figured, but it was a joke. raindare — Today at 1:41 AM Diaphlyn: Oh. Well… it would be pretty funny if everything had eyes, you’re right!