a = {1: 'one', 3: 'three', 5: 'five', 7: 'seven', 9: 'nine'} print('The keys present in dictionary are: ') print(a.keys()) print('\n') print('The values present in dictionary are: ') print(a.values()) print('\n') print('The items present in dictionary are: ') print(a.items()) print('\n') print('The length of dictionary is: ') print(len(a)) print('\n') if 7 in a: print('Seven is present') else: print('Seven is not present') print('\n') if 2 in a: print('Two is present') else: print('Two is not present') print('\n') print('The value of 9 in dictionary is: ', a.get(9)) print('\n') a.pop(9) print('The value of dictionary after removing 9 is: ', a)