Beginning connection to server ... The connection has been accepted by the server. Round 1 has begun, the next round begins in 149 seconds. Round 2 has begun, the next round begins in 74 seconds. TiceTace shot at you, but missed. You shot at JHgB0 and caused 518 damage! You have advanced. Round 3 has begun, the next round begins in 72 seconds. Bound shot at you, but missed. You shot at King*1907 and caused 256 damage! You have advanced. Round 4 has begun, the next round begins in 72 seconds. You shot at King*1907, but missed. Round 5 has begun, the next round begins in 72 seconds. You shot at King*1907, but missed. You have advanced. Round 6 has begun, the next round begins in 72 seconds. You shot at Sachael, but missed. You have advanced. Round 7 has begun, the next round begins in 72 seconds. You shot at Ragnarok and caused 125 damage! You have advanced. Round 8 has begun, the next round begins in 71 seconds. You have shot Gnatty Bumppo and they passed out! Round 9 has begun, the next round begins in 71 seconds. You shot at Gouzgounis and caused 378 damage! You have advanced. Round 10 has begun, the next round begins in 71 seconds. RusTank has hit you for 982 damage. THOMAS1821 has hit you for 721 damage. Semenyk has hit you for 1167 damage. Gwen Dolyn shot at you, but missed. Ima Goat shot at you, but missed. Danutlo has hit you for 236 damage. astaroth666 shot at you, but missed. TLR shot at you, but missed. Forgotten Spleen has hit you for 155 damage. lc1545 shot at you, but missed. You shot at pameharris8, but missed. Round 11 has begun, the next round begins in 70 seconds. pameharris8 has hit you for 377 damage. RusTank has hit you for 3607 damage. Semenyk shot at you, but missed. Ima Goat shot at you, but missed. Danutlo has hit you for 234 damage. astaroth666 has hit you for 299 damage. TLR shot at you, but missed. Forgotten Spleen shot at you, but missed. lc1545 shot at you, but missed. You shot at Luke Daine, but missed. You have advanced. Round 12 has begun, the next round begins in 70 seconds. pameharris8 has hit you for 387 damage. RusTank shot at you, but missed. Luke Daine has hit you for 387 damage. You shot at Ragnarok, but missed. Round 13 has begun, the next round begins in 68 seconds. pameharris8 shot at you, but missed. RusTank has hit you for 948 damage. You shot at Ragnarok, but missed. Round 14 has begun, the next round begins in 69 seconds. pameharris8 shot at you, but missed. RusTank has hit you for 954 damage. You shot at Ragnarok, but missed. Round 15 has begun, the next round begins in 66 seconds. pameharris8 has hit you for 399 damage. RusTank has hit you for 994 damage. You shot at pameharris8 and caused 231 damage! You have advanced. Round 16 has begun, the next round begins in 67 seconds. Rabiolah has hit you for 2804 damage. You shot at Rabiolah, but missed. You have advanced. Round 17 has begun, the next round begins in 65 seconds. pameharris8 shot at you, but missed. RusTank has hit you for 1000 damage. Dondo shot at you, but missed. Ima Goat shot at you, but missed. Danutlo shot at you, but missed. astaroth666 shot at you, but missed. Forgotten Spleen has hit you for 138 damage. lc1545 shot at you, but missed. You shot at pameharris8, but missed. Round 18 has begun, the next round begins in 66 seconds. pameharris8 has hit you for 373 damage. Zaitsev shot at you, but missed. RusTank shot at you, but missed. THOMAS1821 has hit you for 904 damage. alaska9904 has hit you for 650 damage. shaman has hit you for 661 damage. SQue has hit you for 698 damage. DoUzOs has hit you for 159 damage. roybad has hit you for 1018 damage. Dondo shot at you, but missed. Ima Goat shot at you, but missed. Luke Daine has hit you for 391 damage. Danutlo has hit you for 344 damage. astaroth666 shot at you, but missed. Forgotten Spleen shot at you, but missed. lc1545 shot at you, but missed. You shot at pameharris8, but missed. Round 19 has begun, the next round begins in 65 seconds. pameharris8 has hit you for 402 damage. Zaitsev shot at you, but missed. RusTank has hit you for 926 damage. alaska9904 has hit you for 640 damage. shaman shot at you, but missed. SQue has hit you for 718 damage. DoUzOs has hit you for 321 damage. roybad shot at you, but missed. Dondo shot at you, but missed. Ima Goat shot at you, but missed. Luke Daine has hit you for 393 damage. TiceTace shot at you, but missed. astaroth666 shot at you, but missed. Forgotten Spleen shot at you, but missed. lc1545 shot at you, but missed. You shot at pameharris8, but missed. You have advanced. Round 20 has begun, the next round begins in 65 seconds. Rabiolah shot at you, but missed. You shot at Rabiolah, but missed. You have advanced. Round 21 has begun, the next round begins in 64 seconds. You shot at CatBallou, but missed. Round 22 has begun, the next round begins in 63 seconds. You shot at wisebl00d, but missed. Round 23 has begun, the next round begins in 64 seconds. You shot at dazhebezdazhe, but missed. Round 24 has begun, the next round begins in 63 seconds. SofiBarbie has hit you for 209 damage. You shot at Southrn Comfort and caused 349 damage! Round 25 has begun, the next round begins in 62 seconds. You shot at astaroth666, but missed. Round 26 has begun, the next round begins in 61 seconds. You shot at astaroth666, but missed. You have advanced. Round 27 has begun, the next round begins in 62 seconds. You shot at Lost Cowpoke and caused 509 damage! Round 28 has begun, the next round begins in 61 seconds. You shot at pameharris8, but missed. You have advanced. Round 29 has begun, the next round begins in 61 seconds. You shot at Lost Cowpoke and caused 400 damage!