(Stelia's sadistic smile grows wider on her face. Her eyes widen with psychotic glee. She gives a loud cackle she seems to have really lost it. The reminders of her childhood. The pain she felt. The abandonment. It's all surfacing at once. She was geniunely happy a few minutes ago. Carefree. That's gone right now. Left with pure unadulterated rage and lust. Her hands grab hold of Terra's shoulders and grips them tight, her staring right into Terra's eyes, into her soul, piercing through it all.) >"Ara~? CHOICES?! HAHAHA~ Sure I'll humor you." (Stelia let's go of Terra and puts on a very friendly and sweet act, sounding as innocent and adorable as one could possibly be.) >"One. You and I can forget everything that happened today. We part ways and never speak again." >"Two. You share the fate of those in that room over there. You will live out the rest of your days as cattle." >"Three. I could kill you were you stand. Force my slime into your body and rip you from the inside out." >"Four. You submit to me. We will violate each other in every manner of sexual vice. You will not be allowed exclusivety over me, but when we're together you and I can do whatever we please with each other. You will be a loyal disciple of mine, and you will act out my will. Kill anyone who needs to be killed. Lay anyone who needs to be laid. Join me in my sexual conquest of this world. In time I may even let you be my loving spouse. Along with others who may join my cause. I'll even give you a cute womb tattoo to make you as mine." (Stelia smiles smugly.) >"The choice is yours, Terra."