$name : Jebediah Springmeyer $author : Vincent $description : Generates statements for Jebediah Springmeyer's tall tales of adventure! $picture : https://d1nhio0ox7pgb.cloudfront.net/_img/v_collection_png/128x128/shadow/tobacco_pipe.png $amount : 1 $button : Crikey! $Jebediah pole [North|Northern|East|Eastern|South|Southern|West|Western] $Jebediah pole short [North|East|South|West] $Jebediah main location African American Antarctic Arctic Asian Australian European $Jebediah location start A Ab Adian Ah Alba Alge Ando Ango Anglo Ame Au Ari Ba Be Bene Benka Back Beck Ben Bem Bi Bo Bon Bono Brita Brem Bro Brock Bu Ca Cala Can Cana Ce Cheli Ci Co Cu Cyclo Cys Da Dak De Den Di Do Du E Elle Epe Epo Esso Eura Euro Fa Fab Fe Fi Fo Foo For Fran Fram Fu Ga Gar Ge Gel Gi Go Gold Goo Gra Gu Ha Hali He Hem Hi Ho Hor Hub Hu I Iam Ibal Ibi Ibo Ja Jaba Jay Je Jebe Ji Jick Jit Jo Joa Job Juck Jun Ju Ka Kal Ke Ki Kin Kib Klep Ko Krit Krump Ku La Lan Lax Le Lend Li Lo Lox Lu Ma Maka Mam Man Mana Me Mech Mene Mi Mo Mu Na Nad Ne Nee Ni Nika No Nook Noon Nu Nulu O Obo Ode Oo Obeli Oni Onyx Pa Pam Pana Pe Pi Plu Plum Pluto Po Pro Proto Pu Qua Que Qui Que Quel Ra Rab Raba Re Reck Ri Ro Ru Sa Sala Se Seb Si Sin Simba So Sole Solem Soul Su Sus Ta Te Tech Teka Tele Ti Tito To Tu U Uda Um Umber Ulta Van Vale Venu Vox Wa We Wi Wo Woo Wu Ya Ye Yi Yo Yu Xa Xab Xe Xeno Xi Xo Xu Za Zat Ze Zele Zi Zib Zo Zoo Zu Zulu $jebediah location end cian dictorian donian doran gonian lian liax nadian nexian ran nian rian rican sian tinian zona zonian $jebediah creature verb Biter Blazer Bouncer Brawler Bubbler Builder Catcher Charger Cobbler Constrictor Crawler Croaker Drowner Ducker Farter Fetcher Fighter Flinger Flopper Fluffer Howler Jumbler Jumper Kisser Leaper Licker Glider Gnasher Gobbler Gulper Muncher Paddler Pecker Pilferer Pooper Pruner Roller Rumbler Runner Scratcher Screecher Shrieker Singer Skipper Skulker Slapper Slinker Snatcher Spitter Splinter Squatter Squabbler Squeaker Stinker Stuffer Stumbler Tumbler Trembler Trover Waddler Wiggler Wobbler $Jebediah creature Ant Cat Bear Beast Beetle Bird Demon Devil Dog Donkey Dove Duck Dragon Fish Goose Hawk Hog Horse Lion Lizard Owl Parrot Pig Pony Moose Mouse Moth Mole Rat Shark Snake Spider Squirrel Tiger Turtle Tortoise Wasp Wolf Worm $body adj back black blue brown curve dark fat front grey multi round sharp short side single squat square stout tall thick thin wide wild white yellow $Jebediah adjective [body adj] Beaked Beard [body adj] Bearded Black Blade [body adj] Bladed Bubble Bright Brook Brow Brown [body adj] Browed Cliff Cloud [body adj] Clouded Crazed Creek Crimson [body adj] Crowned Dark Dawn Deep Dusk Dust [body adj] Dusted Ebony Feather [body adj] Feathered Filth Filthy Fire Floral Flower [body adj] Flowered Fungal Fungus Glow [body adj] Glowing Grey Ground Grizzle [body adj] Grizzled Hoof [body adj] Hoofed Icy Irridescent Lightning Limb [body adj] Limbed Mad Matte [body adj] Matted Mountain Mud Paw [body adj] Pawed Pebble [body adj] Peg-legged [body adj] Pegged [body adj] Peppered Plain Polar Quill [body adj] Quilled Rainbow [body adj] Rainbowed Red River Round Rotund Scale [body adj] Scaled Sea Shine Shining Sleet [body adj] Spiked Spiky Splint [body adj] Splinted Split Steep [body adj] Steeped Stone Subterranean Sure-footed Tail [body adj] Tailed Temperate Terrestrial Thunder Tooth [body adj] Toothed Trail Tropical Water White Wild Yellow $Jebediah imaginary animal [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah creature][Jebediah creature] [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah creature][Jebediah creature] [Jebediah creature verb] [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah adjective][Jebediah creature] [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah adjective][Jebediah creature verb] [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah creature][Jebediah creature verb] [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah creature verb]-[Jebediah creature] [|[Jebediah pole]] [Jebediah location start][jebediah location end] [Jebediah adjective] [Jebediah creature verb]-[Jebediah creature] $Jebediah expletive [Jebediah expletive opening] [Jebediah odd expletive] [Jebediah expletive opening] [Jebediah expletive standalone] $Jebediah expletive opening All to pot! Arsebloody Bleeding Blimey, Bloody Bollocks, Bounding Cheeky Confounded! Confounding Crickey! Flappin' Horrible Nefarious Puffy Slapping Sod-off, Sodding Terrible The cheek of it! Unfathomable Wanking Zaney $Jebediah odd expletive [Jebediah expletive start][Jebediah expletive end] [Jebediah expletive start][Jebediah expletive standalone] $Jebediah expletive start crimple cropple dodgy fiddle gobble goose golly rustled $Jebediah expletive end berries blighter bounder jimmies knocker sticks pots puff wobblers $Jebediah expletive standalone Arse Beaver Bellend Berk Bint Blighter Bloodclaat Bonk Bugger Chunder Clunge Cow Fanny Feck Flaps Gash Git Knob knobend Hocus pocus Minge Minger Munter Nonce Prick Prickteaser Punani Shag Slag Slapper Tart Wanker $jebediah positive A day at the races for us! [Jebediah friend] All [aces|spades]! [Jebediah friend] [Blimey|Blinding|Brilliant|Mighty|Positively] [astounding|excellent|good|well done]! [Jebediah friend] [Cheers|Top shelf]! [Jebediah friend] Come hell or [high waters|Brass monkeys]! [Jebediah friend] Fancy that! [Jebediah friend] Follow along [Jebediah friend] Full steam ahead! [Jebediah friend] High class! [Jebediah friend] High flying adventure! [Jebediah friend] I’m feeling proper chuffed, [Jebediah friend] Quite [Brill|Good|Right]! [Jebediah friend] Nothing stopping us [Jebediah friend] Nothing ventured, nothing gained [Jebediah friend] [No|Bugger all] [big pickle|challenges|****-up|obstacles|problems|troubles] we can't [surmount|defeat|overcome] [Jebediah friend] Take a gander at us [Jebediah friend] Upwards and onwards! [Jebediah friend] Well of course! [Jebediah friend] $Jebediah friend [[old boy|ol' bean|gentleman]|[good mate|my good man]|[ace|boy|champ|mate|son]] $Jebediah Springmeyer CREATURE: [Jebediah imaginary animal]
EXPLETIVE: [Jebediah expletive]
POSITIVE: [Jebediah positive]