public class Dardas { protected String name; // שם הדרדס protected int height;// גובה הדרדס protected double weight; //משקל הדרדס public Dardas(String name,int height,double weight){ name; this.height = height; this.weight = weight; } public String toString(){ return" , height-"+this.height+" ,weight"+ this.weight; } } =========================================== public class DardasSinger extends Dardas { private boolean Writer; private int RememberdSongs; public DardasSinger(String name,int height,double weight,boolean Writer, int RememberdSongs) { super( name, height, weight); this.Writer = Writer; this.RememberdSongs = RememberdSongs; } public void SetWriterTrue(){ this.Writer=true; } public String ToString() { String str = super.toString(); return str+"He is "+this.Writer+" a writerss"+"He remember :"+this.RememberdSongs+" Songs!!!!!!!!!"; } } ============================================ public class FisherDardas extends Dardas { private int FishCoughtPD;// Fish cought per day private int MathLVL;// Level of the dardas math 1-3 public FisherDardas(String name,int height,double weight,int FishCoughtPD,int MathLVL) { super(name,height,weight); this.FishCoughtPD=FishCoughtPD; this.MathLVL = MathLVL; } public String ToString() { String lvl; if(MathLVL== 1){ lvl="Real real smurt"; } if(MathLVL==2){ lvl="okie dokies"; } else lvl="dummy dumb"; String str = super.toString(); return str+"He cought today :"+ this.FishCoughtPD+" Fish, his math level is :"+lvl; } } ========================================== public class DardasWriter extends DardasSinger { private String Signon; }