Dear {name} Your verification code is: {OTP} Please do not provide this OTP to anyone else in any circumstance. Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service Dear {name} Your order #{order number} has been confirmed. Thank you for using the service of FPT University Canteen Service Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service Dear {name} You have completed transfer the order #{order number} to {new user} Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service Dear {name} You have received an order #{order number} from {old user} Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service Dear {name} You have already deposited {amount} into your account. Your account balance is {total} Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service Dear {name} You have withdrawn {amount} from your account Your account balance is {total} Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service Dear {name} As you requested, your password has now been reset. Your new details are as follows: Username: {username} Password: {password} Thanks Alot FPT University Canteen Service