{ type: 'job', merged: null, class_id: null, class_name: null, rules: [], recid: 10746, customer: 'ol6xn', created_by: '1aojmj', created_by_name: 'Jacob Milne', approved_estimate_total: 0, approved_invoice_total: 0, approved_invoice_due: 0, last_estimate: 0, last_estimate_date_estimate: 0, last_estimate_date_created: 0, last_estimate_number: null, last_estimate_jnid: null, last_invoice_date_invoice: 0, last_invoice_date_created: 0, last_invoice_number: null, last_invoice_jnid: null, last_invoice: 0, parent_approved_invoice_total: 0, parent_approved_invoice_due: 0, parent_last_invoice: 0, parent_approved_estimate_total: 0, parent_last_estimate: 0, parent_fax_number: '', parent_home_phone: '', parent_mobile_phone: '8015989896', parent_work_phone: '', last_budget_gross_profit: 0, last_budget_gross_margin: 0, last_budget_revenue: 0, open_edge_id: null, date_created: 1660203193, date_updated: 1660203525, date_status_change: 1660203193, date_start: 1660411800, date_end: 1661009400, related: [ { id: '3jdhrc', name: 'Jacob Milne- 251', number: '13880', type: 'contact' } ], location: { id: 1 }, owners: [ { id: '1aojmj' } ], subcontractors: [ { id: '2yiijv', name: 'Find Auto' } ], external_id: null, is_active: true, is_archived: false, name: 'Seva Test Job 2', number: '10746', record_type: 14, record_type_name: 'Insurance', status: 122, status_name: 'Contract Signed - Insurance Roof', source: null, source_name: null, description: 'Webhook test', sales_rep: '1aojmj', sales_rep_name: 'Jacob Milne', address_line1: 'Address 1', address_line2: 'Address 2', city: 'Schenectady', state_text: 'NY', country_name: 'United States', zip: '12345-6', primary: { id: '3jdhrc', name: 'Jacob Milne- 251', number: '13880', type: 'contact' }, jnid: 'l6oq46ccmpoglss98qgz5lj', attachment_count: 0, tags: [ 'sin' ], geo: { lat: 35.495921, lon: -82.710186 }, task_count: 0, fieldassists: [], cf_string_2: 'Pre Lein #', cf_string_3: 'Life', cf_string_4: '2 yr', cf_string_5: 'Adjuster/Claim', cf_string_6: 'Claim #', cf_string_7: 'Amber Wheat', cf_string_8: 'Timberline HD', cf_string_12: 'Adjuster Contact', cf_string_13: 'Internal Referal', cf_string_16: 'Needs Pickup', cf_string_17: 'Approved', cf_string_20: 'ABC Boise', cf_string_21: 'dumpster', cf_string_22: '302', cf_string_24: 'Almond', cf_string_31: '10/12', cf_string_35: 'Full Metal', cf_date_1: 1660327200, cf_date_2: 1660327200, cf_date_4: 1660413600, cf_long_2: 12, cf_long_9: 5, cf_double_1: 4, cf_double_2: 9, cf_double_3: 10, cf_double_4: 1, cf_double_5: 11, cf_double_6: 8, cf_double_12: 7, cf_double_13: 13, cf_double_15: 6, cf_double_16: 2, cf_double_17: 3, cf_boolean_4: true, cf_boolean_5: true, cf_boolean_6: true, cf_boolean_7: true, cf_boolean_9: true, actual_time: 0, estimated_time: 0, image_id: null, is_lead: false, is_closed: false, sunlightStatusAndId: null, sunlightEvents: null, 'Pre Lien #': 'Pre Lein #', 'Roof Warranty': 'Life', Workmanship: '2 yr', 'Adjuster/Claim Rep': 'Adjuster/Claim', 'Claim #': 'Claim #', 'GAF Color': 'Amber Wheat', 'GAF:Type': 'Timberline HD', 'Adjuster Contact': 'Adjuster Contact', 'Internal Referal': 'Internal Referal', 'Trailer Status 1': 'Needs Pickup', Financing: 'Approved', 'Primary Material Supplier': 'ABC Boise', 'Dumpster Instructions': 'dumpster', 'Trailer Number 1': '302', 'Gutter Color (Select)': 'Almond', 'Predominant Pitch': '10/12', 'Commercial Work': 'Full Metal', 'Date of Loss': 1660327200, 'Contract Date': 1660327200, 'Material Order Date': 1660413600, 'Cost of Job': 12, 'Number of Layers': 5, 'Contract Amount': 4, 'ACV Amount': 9, 'Deposit/Deductible': 10, Squares: 1, 'Monthly Power Bill Estimation': 11, 'ACV Amount Due': 8, 'Supplement Dollars Gained': 7, 'O&P paid': 13, 'Change Order': 6, Panels: 2, 'Lineal Feet': 3, 'ACV Paid': true, 'Deposit/Deductible Paid': true, 'Pre-Lien': true, Warranty: true, 'General Contractor': true }