* Yannis Exidaridis * Alexandros Diamantidis * Tilemachos Raptis * * For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt". * * Open eClass is an open platform distributed in the hope that it will * be useful (without any warranty), under the terms of the GNU (General * Public License) as published by the Free Software Foundation. * The full license can be read in "/info/license/license_gpl.txt". * * Contact address: GUnet Asynchronous eLearning Group, * Network Operations Center, University of Athens, * Panepistimiopolis Ilissia, 15784, Athens, Greece * eMail: info@openeclass.org * =========================================================================*/ $require_help = TRUE; $require_login = true; $helpTopic = 'Profile'; include '../../include/baseTheme.php'; include "../auth/auth.inc.php"; $require_valid_uid = TRUE; $tool_content = ""; check_uid(); $nameTools = $langModifProfile; check_guest(); $allow_username_change = !get_config('block-username-change'); if (isset($submit) && (!isset($ldap_submit)) && !isset($changePass)) { if (!$allow_username_change) { $username_form = $uname; } // CSRF PROTECTION if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) { if ($_SESSION['csrf']!=$_POST['csrf_comp']) // if (hash_equals ($csrf, $_POST['csrf'])) header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=5"); exit(); } // check if username exists $username_check=mysql_query("SELECT username FROM user WHERE username='".escapeSimple($username_form)."'"); while ($myusername = mysql_fetch_array($username_check)) { $user_exist=$myusername[0]; } // check if there are empty fields if (empty($nom_form) OR empty($prenom_form) OR empty($username_form)) { header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=4"); exit(); } elseif (empty($email_form) and check_prof()) { header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=4"); exit(); } elseif (strstr($username_form, "'") or strstr($username_form, '"') or strstr($username_form, '\\')){ header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=10"); exit(); } // check if username is free elseif(isset($user_exist) AND ($username_form==$user_exist) AND ($username_form!=$uname)) { header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=5"); exit(); } // check if email is valid elseif (!email_seems_valid($email_form) and check_prof()) { header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=6"); exit(); } // everything is ok else { ##[BEGIN personalisation modification]############ $_SESSION['langswitch'] = $language = langcode_to_name($_REQUEST['userLanguage']); $langcode = langname_to_code($language); $username_form = escapeSimple($username_form); if(mysql_query("UPDATE user SET nom='$nom_form', prenom='$prenom_form', username='$username_form', email='$email_form', am='$am_form', perso='$persoStatus', lang='$langcode' WHERE user_id='".$_SESSION["uid"]."'")) { if (isset($_SESSION['user_perso_active']) and $persoStatus == "no") { unset($_SESSION['user_perso_active']); } header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=1"); exit(); } } } // if submit ##[BEGIN personalisation modification - For LDAP users]############ if (isset($submit) && isset($ldap_submit) && ($ldap_submit == "ON")) { $_SESSION['langswitch'] = $language = langcode_to_name($_REQUEST['userLanguage']); $langcode = langname_to_code($language); mysql_query("UPDATE user SET perso = '$persoStatus', lang = '$langcode' WHERE user_id='".$_SESSION["uid"]."' "); if (isset($_SESSION['user_perso_active']) and $persoStatus == "no") { unset($_SESSION['user_perso_active']); } header("location:". $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?msg=1"); exit(); } ##[END personalisation modification]############ //Show message if exists if(isset($msg)) { switch ($msg){ case 1: { //profile information changed successfully (not the password data!) $message = $langProfileReg; $urlText = $langHome; $type = "success_small"; break; } case 3: { //pass too easy $message = $langPassTooEasy.": ".substr(md5(date("Bis").$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']),0,8).""; $urlText = ""; $type = "caution_small"; break; } case 4: { // empty fields check $message = $langFields; $urlText = ""; $type = "caution_small"; break; } case 5: {//username already exists $message = $langUserFree; $urlText = ""; $type = "caution_small"; break; } case 6: {//email not valid $message = $langEmailWrong; $urlText = ""; $type = "caution_small"; break; } case 10: { // invalid characters $message = $langInvalidCharsUsername; $urlText = ""; $type = "caution_small"; break; } default:die("invalid message id"); } $tool_content .= "


"; } $sqlGetInfoUser ="SELECT nom, prenom, username, password, email, am, perso, lang FROM user WHERE user_id='".$uid."'"; $result=mysql_query($sqlGetInfoUser); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $nom_form = $myrow['nom']; $prenom_form = $myrow['prenom']; $username_form = $myrow['username']; $password_form = $myrow['password']; $email_form = $myrow['email']; $am_form = $myrow['am']; ##[BEGIN personalisation modification, added 'personalisation on SELECT]############ $persoStatus= $myrow['perso']; $userLang = $myrow['lang']; if ($persoStatus == "yes") { $checkedClassic = "checked"; $checkedPerso = ""; } else { $checkedClassic = ""; $checkedPerso = "checked"; } ##[END personalisation modification]############ unset($_SESSION['uname']); unset($_SESSION['pass']); unset($_SESSION['nom']); unset($_SESSION['prenom']); $_SESSION['uname'] = $username_form; $_SESSION['pass'] = $password_form; $_SESSION['nom'] = $nom_form; $_SESSION['prenom'] = $prenom_form; ##[BEGIN personalisation modification]############IT DOES NOT UPDATE THE DB!!! if (isset($_SESSION['perso_is_active'])) { if ($persoStatus == "no") { $_SESSION['user_perso_active'] = TRUE; } else { unset($_SESSION['user_perso_active']); } } ##[END personalisation modification]############ $sec = $urlSecure.'modules/profile/profile.php'; $passurl = $urlSecure.'modules/profile/password.php'; $authmethods = array("imap","pop3","ldap","db","shibboleth"); if ((!isset($changePass)) || isset($_POST['submit'])) { $tool_content .= "
"; $tool_content .= "

"; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // if (isset($_SESSION['shib_user'])) { // $auth_text = "Shibboleth user"; // $tool_content .= ""; // } else { // $tool_content .= ""; // } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($_SESSION['shib_user'])) { $auth_text = "Shibboleth user"; $tool_content .= ""; } else { $tool_content .= ""; } $tool_content .= ""; if (isset($_SESSION['shib_user'])) { $auth_text = "Shibboleth user"; $tool_content .= ""; } else { $tool_content .= ""; } $tool_content .= ""; if(!in_array($password_form,$authmethods) and $allow_username_change) { $tool_content .= ""; } else // means that it is external auth method, so the user cannot change this password { switch($password_form) { case "pop3": $auth=2;break; case "imap": $auth=3;break; case "ldap": $auth=4;break; case "db": $auth=5;break; default: $auth=1;break; } if (isset($_SESSION['shib_user'])) { $auth_text = "Shibboleth user"; } else { $auth_text = get_auth_info($auth); } $tool_content .= " "; } $tool_content .= ""; if (isset($_SESSION['shib_user'])) { $tool_content .= ""; } else { $tool_content .= ""; } $tool_content .= ""; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset ($_SESSION['csrf'])) { // $tool_content.="" $tool_content.=""; } // if (isset($_SESSION['shib_user'])) { // $auth_text = "Shibboleth user"; // $tool_content .= ""; // } else { // $tool_content .= ""; // } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ##[BEGIN personalisation modification]############ if (isset($_SESSION['perso_is_active'])) { $tool_content .= ""; } ##[END personalisation modification]############ $tool_content .= "
$langName    ".$_SESSION['csrf']." [".$auth_text."] //     ".$prenom_form." [".$auth_text."]
$langSurname    ".$nom_form." [".$auth_text."]
".$langUsername. "     ".$username_form." [".$auth_text."]
$langEmail    ".$email_form." [".$auth_text."]
    ".$_SESSION['csrf']." [".$auth_text."] //
$langPerso $langModern  $langClassic
$langLanguage " . lang_select_options('userLanguage') . "
"; } echo $_SESSION['csrf']; draw($tool_content, 1); if (isset ($_POST['submit'])) { if ($csrf==$_POST['csrf']) // if (hash_equals ($csrf, $_POST['csrf'])) { echo 'equal'; } else echo 'not equal'; } ?>