#action {Your protective magic dissipates.} {retick; sancdown} #alias {sancdown} { #var {status_sanc} {false}; sancup } #alias {quaff_sanc} { #math {sanc_potion_count} {$sanc_potion_count - 1}; get black-potion $sanc_potion_container; quaff black-potion; } #alias sancup { #class {sancing} {open}; #alias nosanc { #class {sancing} {kill}; #if {"$status_sanc" == "true" && $sanc_ticks_left > -1} { on_sanc_up; #alias {on_sanc_up} {#nop} } }; #nop -- higher priority than logging tells; #nop {tells you 'sanc: FAILED} {sanc_fallback} {4}; #nop {You tell the group 'sanc: FAILED} {sanc_fallback} {4}; #action {You arm is jolted and A black potion flies from your hand, *SMASH*} { quaff_sanc }; #action {You do not have that item.} { sanc_fallback }; #alias sancup_spells_collected { #list {att_spells} {find} {sanctuary} {probe}; #if {$probe == 0} { #var {status_sanc} {false} } { #var {status_sanc} {true} } sancup }; #action {You feel the power of a diety's blessing shielding you.} { #alias on_status_prompt {nosanc} }; #class {sancing} {close}; #if {"$status_sanc" == ""} { collect_att_spells {sancup_spells_collected} }; #elseif {"$status_sanc" == "true"} { #delay {sanc_next_tick} {nosanc} {0.01} }; #elseif {"$status_sanc" != "attempt"} { #var {status_sanc} {attempt}; sanc_primary } }