Oregon 'faith leaders' pulling 'gun control' initiatives: * Rev. Dr. W. J. Mark Knutson, Senior Pastor of Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland https://www.augustana.org/ 2710 NE 14th Ave Portland, OR 97212 (503) 288-6174 ministry@augustana.org - Services: 10am IRS EIN: 83-0808633 ** Their chuch's own blatant admission of political involvement, here: https://augustana.org/serve/ ** * Rev. Alcena E. Boozer, former principal of Jefferson High School and Pastor Emeritus of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church https://www.stphilipthedeacon.org 120 NE Knott Street, Portland, OR 97212 Services: 10am IRS EIN: 93-1133460 * Rabbi Michael Cahana of Congregation Beth Israel https://bethisrael-pdx.org 1972 NW Flanders Street, Portland, Oregon 97209 (503) 222-1069 Service times are listed here: bethisrael-pdx.org/joinus/ IRS EIN: 93-0386818 * Imam Muhammad Najieb, Director of the Muslim Community Center of Portland and a veteran of the Marines mccpdx [dot] org (the site is unprintable because it's categorized as sp█m) 5325 N Vancouver Ave, Portland, OR 97217 Services: Friday at 12:30pm IRS EIN: 91-1854576 * Rev. Lynn Smouse-Lopez, Pastor of Ainsworth United Church of Christ https://ainsworthucc.org 2941 NE Ainsworth Portland, OR 97211 (503) 284-8767 office@ainsworthucc.org Services: On S█ndays at 10am, Wednesdays at 7pm IRS EIN: 13-1957221 ** See their own admission of political involvement under 'Ceasef█re Oregon' and 'Lift Every Voice', here: https://www.ainsworthucc.org/in-the-community/ ** * Liz McKanna (employment litigation attorney with McKanna Bishop Joffe LLP in Portland) https://mbjlaw.com/attorneys/elizabeth-mckanna/ Getting the IRS to review tax exempt status for churches involved in politics: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/divulge_all_suspected_tax_exempt_status_abuses_to_the_irs.pdf Cites: They've said themselves who's involved, and which churches: https://www.lifteveryvoiceoregon.com/press-releases The media reports that > ' The Better Portland campaign and the World Deliverance Church hosted a conference Thursday to address the gun vi█lence in Portland.' https://www.kptv.com/news/we-believe-in-action-community-leaders-discuss-gun-violence-in-portland/article_471ed540-32a0-11ec-bf15-1f8dbbaf6fd2.html The Better Portland campaign and the W█rld [Wide] Deliverance Church appear to be effectively the same entity: https://betterportland.wordpress.com/ The above site claims that the Deliverance Church 'and various community partners' sponsored the rally, but Deliverance doesn't appear to have an address other than a P.O. Box, a number, and a free email address. ( https://betterportland.wordpress.com/contact/ ) So from where is the funding coming? Those 'various community partners', evidently. I did however find a F█ceb██k Group for Deliverance, complete with sheisty-looking guys presenting as pastors. https://www.facebook.com/World-wide-deliverance-church-110907743631100/ Though the page has few f█llowers and even fewer Reacts, it does regularly hype the Manna House services as what appears to be the only tangible venue they use. 9200 NE Fremont St, Portland, OR 97220, Services 9:30am, IRS EIN: 93-6034705 Mannahouse doesn't appear to have any affiliation with Better Portland, 'W█rld Wide Deliverance Church', nor either of the 'gun control' initiatives. So who's funding and organizing all this stuff? Presumably the 'faith leaders' being reported and detailed above, from the various established churches. Is 'Deliverance' effectively just a sh█ll corporation church for the purpose? It's only been 'a thing' since after the same established church officials tried, and flubbed, their last attempt at 'gun control' initiatives in Oregon back in 2018. Late in 2019 the 'Deliverance' group mentioned having things started but wanting to wait a couple years before starting up. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=156652199056654&id=110907743631100 I did find paperwork for 'Deliverance' (https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_or/151374395) with the right P.O. Box, area, and 'pastor' and his w█fe listed as the only 'agents', incorporating back in 2019. But the only non-P.O. Box address is '5933 NE WIN SIVERS DR, PORTLAND, 97220', which is a 'virtual office' and professional mail forwarding address: https://www.davincivirtual.com/loc/us/oregon/portland-virtual-offices/facility-2130 so they're insubstantial.