Now that Arch Linux created all the Root structure to the specified mount point `/mnt`, normally, you have to save all the partitions and mountpoints information, to do this there is this default file in linux called `fstab`, it as the `f`ile`s`ystem `tab`le with all the information of what should be mounted to where as soon as the system boots up. To save your current mount information simply issue the command: `genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab` this command says "`gen`erate `fstab` using UUID's (unique codes that referrence to specific partitions) from all that is mounted in `/mnt` and `>>` _(send to)_ the file /mnt/etc/fstab. This is mostly done! Now it is highly recommended to at least create a user for your system, to do so you have to `chroot` into it: `arch-chroot /mnt` now thing would work as if you were booted from the actual system, but some things are still limited before the first reboot. If you don't want to do any more locale and keyboard configuration create the user account now with: if you want the root simply issue the command: `passwd`, it should prompt you by a password. As a security measure passwords are not displayed in the TTY. After matching both passwords you'll have defined the password for the user root so you would be able to change to root _from_ a normal user using the `su` (`s`uper `u`ser) command in typing that password. to create a new user account with the `useradd -m username-abc123` command (the `-m` flag creates your user's home directory inside `/home`). Don't fonget to set a password for this user, this can also be done with `passwd` but this time you also specify which user you want to define the password for, so: `passwd username-abc123`. To finish the main part of the installation you have to install the bootloader: it's good practice to update `pacman`'s database once in a while with `pacman -Sy`, then install `grub` with - `pacman -S grub efibootmgr` (`efibootmgr` is not exactly necessary but definately recommended) then install grub with: `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=CoolGRUB_Name` and generate it's config file with: - `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg` Done! You should be able to reboot BUT this is just the skeleton of the installation, to _configure it properly_ follow the [Installation Guide]( specially from the #Installation section forward. After rebooting you would be able to install drivers and desktop environment packages and play around with the options. --- --- As a final tip I would recommend the AUR helper [paru](, as it was recommended by yay's developer as a kind of "spiritual successor". To install it first install `git`: `pacman -S git` then find a folder where you want to download paru e.g. (`c`hange `d`irectory) `cd ~/Downloads` `git clone` then `cd` into the `paru` folder and issue the command: `makepkg -si` this is how you would build most git packages, but with an AUR helper you'll rarely need to do this outside of `pacman`, which is recommended.