MAGIC: THE GATHERING Chapter Six OUTLINE – 5 June 2020 EXT. TEFERI’S CLOCK TOWER - DAY Teferi’s clock tower island floats in a dreary, wool-gray sky. TITLE CARD SUPERS: “RAVNICA” INT. TEFERI’S CLOCK TOWER (RESUME FROM 105) TEFERI kneels over the lifeless body of KFFNK, mourning the death of his companion. He’s beside himself, feeling responsible for what happened. Nearby, JACE, KAYA, and CHANDRA are still processing the aftermath. Noting the presence of some petrified manifestations, Jace realizes Vraska was here. Teferi nods. “Where is she?” Jace asks, with urgency that betrays genuine emotion (that does not go unnoticed by Kaya and Chandra). “Gone,” Teferi says, “Taken by Ashiok, along with the child. I tried to protect them...” Jace explains to Teferi that Ashiok needs only one more Ember to begin its conquest of Ravnica, the Ember within Gunge. Chandra is determined to find the child, to save him, but Jace fears it’s too late. “Perhaps not,” says Teferi, collecting himself, “Vraska turned the child to stone.” Jace arches a brow, impressed: “Not bad. That may be enough to stop Ashiok from consuming the kid’s Ember. At least temporarily.” “Vraska bought us some time,” Teferi says, picking up his iconic STAFF for the first time in our series, “Let’s use it.” Jace reacts, asides to Chandra with a smart-alecky grin: “Ooo, he’s got a staff.” A moment of heroic solidarity... then Kaya, lightheaded from the wound she sustained in 105, sinks into a chair. Jace kneels beside her, concerned. Kaya insists she’s okay, but Teferi can see she’s hurt worse than she’s letting on. She needs a healer. Kaya reluctantly agrees, vowing to catch up to them. On that note of uncertainty... ROLL MAIN TITLES - MAGIC: THE GATHERING ENT. RAVNICA UNDERCITY (VARIOUS) - SOON KRAUL SOLDIERS are on high alert at the massive GATES of the Golgari capital. TITLE CARD SUPERS: “UNDERCITY OF RAVNICA” INT. GOLGARI THRONE ROOM - CONTINUOUS Jace, Chandra, and Teferi are escorted by Kraul Soldiers into the Golgari Swarm throne room. The members of the Council – the Lich NIXA, a DEVKARIN SHADOW ELF, 2 ERSTWHILE ZOMBIE, KRAUL GENERAL, and SPORE DRUID (all from #103) – are gathered at the foot of the throne. The mood is somber, with more glowing spores drifting through the vaulted space than before – a visual reminder of all the lives lost in the battle. Nixa demands to know why the group has come to the Undercity – once again without invitation. Jace explains that Ashiok was able to track them to their sanctuary and kidnap Gunge. Nixa scowls with disdain: “So despite your efforts you were not able to protect our child.” Jace continues, telling her that Vraska was also taken. Nixa and the Council erupt with anger: “Our Queen!?” Jace says they’ve come to the Golgari for help. The Planeswalkers need to find Vraska and rescue Gunge before Ashiok can sacrifice the boy to gain unimaginable power. Chandra and Teferi add their voices to Jace’s in an attempt to convince Nixa of the urgency of their mission. If Ashiok succeeds, all of Ravnica is doomed – the surface world as well as the Undercity. With Ashiok’s temple hidden somewhere in the vast reaches of this underground realm they need the Golgari’s help to find it, and their strength to stop this Bringer of Nightmares. Sensing an opportunity to solidify her own power, Nixa refuses: “The Collective is more important than any individual.” She moves to sit on the throne, stating her claim to the crown by right of succession. “Unless someone wishes to challenge my claim,” Nixa adds darkly. The other Council members think better of it and kneel in supplication. Nixa smiles, then turns back to Jace, declaring imperiously, “The Golgari have already sacrificed enough lives in this battle against outsiders.” The Council agrees. They want nothing more to do with this. Nixa sends Jace, Chandra, and Teferi on their way, advising them to be thankful that she doesn’t order them all killed for their transgressions. Vraska and the child are surely dead. “If you wish to continue on your fool’s errand that is your choice. The Golgari will not help.” ENT. RAVNICA UNDERCITY (VARIOUS) - SOON Kraul Soldiers escort Jace, Chandra, and Teferi through the gates and swing them closed. Chandra turns to the others: “Now what?” Without the help of the Golgari, how are they supposed to even find Ashiok’s Temple? Teferi agrees, the Undercity is so vast that no one has ever charted it. Jace has spent some time down here with Vraska, but even he’s only seen a small fraction of it. “The Golgari aren’t the only ones who live in the Undercity,” says a familiar voice. Jace, Chandra, and Teferi turn to see Kaya emerge from the darkness, her wound now bandaged. This is a land of the dead, she continues, where the spirits of the original inhabitants of the city may still linger. Kaya phases into the spirit realm and ventures into the darkness. Indeed there are GHOSTS down here... most so ancient and insubstantial that they don’t react to her at all. They just float through the ruins, going through the motions of a life lived centuries ago. MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 3 She finds a FRIGHTENED SPIRIT and explains what she’s looking for – a temple to a horned god, Ashiok, where worshippers gather. The Frightened Spirit is elusive and wants nothing to do with Kaya or Ashiok, and disappears into the gloom. Kaya calls out in frustration, appealing to the ghosts for help, if they still feel any love for Ravnica – the city they helped build, the city where they lived and died, the city their descendants call home. None respond... until a BRAVE SPIRIT (from Ravnica’s ancient past, species TBD) approaches: “I know this temple you seek. I have seen the strange and terrible rituals performed there.” MOMENTS LATER, Kaya returns to Jace, Chandra, and Teferi with the Brave Spirit. She’s found a guide, but they’ll need a boat. Chandra looks at the Spirit, apprehensive: “A boat...?” INT. RAVNICA UNDERCITY - RIVER - SOON On the bank of an underground RIVER, Jace, Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi board a small BOAT. They push off and the current sweeps them away, carrying them into the gloom of the “wilds” of the Undercity. Teferi explains to Chandra that the crumbling RUINS that they’re passing through are the remains of the original, long-forgotten Ravnican civilization. Now overgrown with fungi and crawling with creatures that have never seen daylight, it serves as the foundation to the modern city above. Kaya sits in the stern, controlling the rudder, following the Spirit as it glides through the caverns. Jace takes the quiet moment to make sure Kaya is well enough to join them. Kaya assures him she’s okay, and says they’ll need all the help they can get. A pensive Chandra touches her regulator control and asks the obvious question: what are they going to do when they actually find Ashiok? Jace repeats what they’ve learned so far: Ashiok’s strength comes from fear. They must be prepared to face their darkest nightmares. Be strong, Ashiok knows what scares you. They have to disrupt the ritual and rescue Gunge before his Ember is removed. That will buy them some time to figure out how to destroy Ashiok – provided it’s not already too late... INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - RAVNICA UNDERCITY - SAME TIME Deep in the Undercity, the Ravnican Temple of Ashiok buzzes with activity. It’s an “open-air” space: a ring of Stonehenge-like standing stones surround a raised dais, with an Altar at the center and a statue of Ashiok looming over it all. The hooded CULTISTS gather in front of the statue, the EPARCH and the young elf LEMNO among them. As the chants of the Cultists reach a crescendo... ...ASHIOK and the HELLHOUND step from the shadows. Ashiok glides across the dais to stand before the Altar. Regal. Terrifying. MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 4 The Cultists scream in unison, a worship ritual akin to what we saw in 104. As they cower, tendrils of black mist emerge from their bodies and flow to Ashiok, who devours this manifestation of their fear. In response, Ashiok grows stronger. Stands taller. At a gesture the Cultists fall silent and – The dark ritual begins. The four EMBERS gathered thus far rise from Ashiok’s head, one at a time, glowing like tiny stars in our signature orange. At Ashiok’s direction the Embers float to four ceremonial BRAZIERS arrayed around the dais, the fifth one remaining empty. Two Cultists place GUNGE, still petrified, upon the Altar. Ashiok bends to extract his Ember, but nothing emerges from the statue. Foiled, Ashiok beckons to the cultists. They bring forth VRASKA, who is blindfolded (to protect them from her petrifying magic). The Eparch uses his LITHOMANCER MAGIC to raise an inclined slab from the stone floor. The Cultists place her on the slab, and the Eparch shapes the stone to hold her hands and feet, embedding them in the very rock. Vraska is trapped, helpless. The Eparch leans to whisper in her ear: “Undo your magic, gorgon. Give us the child. He will not be harmed.” Vraska doesn’t believe it and refuses. The Eparch grabs one of her head tentacles and holds a dagger to it. “Give us the child.” Again, Vraska says no. With the deliberate righteousness of a fanatic the Eparch severs the tentacle and drops it, still wriggling, to the ground. Vraska grits her teeth against the pain, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. The Eparch grabs another tentacle but Ashiok stays his hand with a gesture. The cult leader bows and withdraws. Ashiok studies Vraska, peering into her mind. BLACK MIST begins to curl from Ashiok’s head. The Eparch watches with anticipation: “Fear will show you the way, gorgon. Fear will cleanse you. Fear will liberate you. Embrace your fear, as it embraces you...” From the mist crawls an abomination. A RAT KING, a writhing mass of rodents, tails and bodies entangled, skin cracked and burnt. It screeches and hisses as it crawls up Vraska’s legs. She strains against her bonds, fighting to control her fear... but finally can’t resist the horror and cries out. Off her screams... EXT. RAVNICA UNDERCITY - FUNGI FOREST - SOON Jace, Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi look in wonder at the huge fungi “trees” that tower over the river as their boat drifts through this alien, bioluminescent forest. The Brave Spirit beckons them to the shore. Kaya steers the boat to the bank and they disembark. “The temple is not far, but I will go no further. Not even the dead are safe from that dark magic,” the Brave Spirit tells the group, pointing them in the direction they need to travel. Kaya thanks him, and the Spirit flies off into the darkness. MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 5 Jace says they have to hurry. With that, the group sets off into the strange wilderness. Chandra pauses, hearing something: “Shh, listen.” The others stop and they hear it too. In the distance... screams. Jace recognizes them as Vraska’s and starts running. The others follow… EXT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - RAVNICA UNDERCITY - MINUTES LATER Jace, Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi reach an area where the forest thins. There, in the middle of a vast cavern, the TEMPLE OF ASHIOK. The group takes stock of the situation: The dark ritual is well underway. Two dozen Cultists are arrayed around the Altar, chanting, with the petrified Gunge at the center. Embers glowing brightly in four of the five braziers. Vraska is still secured to the stone slab. The Hellhound sits patiently, a coiled spring. And presiding over it all, Ashiok. Jace turns to the others, gears turning in his head: “I have a plan. Actually, I have three.” INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - MOMENTS LATER ON THE DAIS, the blindfolded Vraska screams and struggles against her bonds as the Rat King Manifestation moves closer and closer to her face. Then she suddenly stops, as if hearing something. She gasps a reply through gritted teeth – “Jace? No, it’s too dangerous” – before succumbing to more screams. Ashiok cocks its head, realizing something is amiss. At a command gesture the Hellhound charges out of the temple space, on the hunt. Ashiok watches as the Rat King continues to torment Vraska, until – Cries of anger go up from the Cultists. Ashiok and the Eparch turn to see the Hellhound approach the dais with Jace in its jaws. A group of armed Cultists follow, with Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi in captivity. The Eparch looks at them, outraged: “Infidels!” Ashiok grins, satisfied, and EVAPORATES the Rat King Manifestation into black mist. The Eparch turns to Vraska, triumphant: “Make the child flesh again, or your friends will die.” The Cultists hold knives to Jace, Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi’s throats. But Vraska refuses. They are all willing to die for Ravnica. Scowling, the Eparch changes tack, turning to address the Cultists: “Close your eyes to the gorgon’s gaze. Rejoice in the gift of darkness, and the eternal night to come.” The Cultists shut their eyes and turn away. Lemno removes Vraska’s blindfold. Vraska sees Jace and the others under guard... and the Eparch standing over the Gunge statue, a hammer and chisel poised to shear off one of the petrified hands. Her eyes widen with maternal horror. The Eparch hisses: “Give Ashiok the Child. Or I start chipping off pieces.” Vraska glares at Lemno, then turns to look at the statue. Realizing what’s about to happen the Planeswalkers react and Chandra cries out, MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 6 “No, don’t!” But the decision is made. With a flash of her eyes Vraska RESTORES Gunge to flesh and blood. Pleased, Ashiok glides across the dais to the Altar. Gunge may no longer be stone, but he’s paralyzed with fear. A terrifying smile splits Ashiok’s face as it takes the child in its hands... leans close to give the “kiss of death.” A bright orange ball of energy emerges from Gunge – his EMBER – and hovers in space between them like a tiny, fragile star. Gunge crumples to the stone floor, lifeless. Jace, Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi look on, helpless, as the Ember floats over and takes its place in the vacant brazier. Their faces are filled with emotion. All hope is lost. Ashiok raises its clawed hands... but nothing happens. Ashiok looks at the Temple, the Cultists, the braziers. Something is wrong. “Deceiver,” Ashiok hisses, and stomps a foot. A wave of PSYCHIC ENERGY radiates from the impact, DISSIPATING the illusion -- INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - REALITY Ashiok stands on the dais. But instead of Gunge, the PETRIFIED STATUE OF LEMNO stands in his place. Nearby, Jace hustles the de-petrified Gunge away, while Kaya PHASE-SHIFTS Vraska free of the stone slab. The other Cultists and the Hellhound are frozen in a TIME BUBBLE, thanks to Teferi, who stands nearby with Chandra. For the first time, Ashiok’s icy demeanor cracks and we see pure rage. A NIGHTMARE-PHYREXIAN births from Ashiok’s head and surges toward Teferi, forcing the Time Mage to redirect his magic to “bubble” the Manifestation. The time bubble trapping him now dispelled, the Eparch sees Jace, Gunge, Kaya, and Vraska escaping. He cries out to the other (now also freed) Cultists to kill them and take the child. As they surge forward... Chandra and Teferi move to help their friends. Teferi tells Chandra to use her magic but she hesitates, gun shy: “What if I can’t control it?” Teferi snaps at her: “Don’t argue with me!” Chandra concentrates. Flames curl around her fingertips... and a WALL OF FIRE erupts across the dais, separating Jace and the others from the Cultists. But the Cultists simply charge through the flames, so insane with murderous purpose that they don’t feel their own flesh burning. Kaya draws her daggers and kills a pair of Cultists, phasing her body so their attacks pass through her, then materializing to thrust the blades home. Jace grapples with a third Cultist whose crazed strength gives him the upper hand until Kaya comes to the rescue. Vraska sees more Cultists going after Gunge. She scoops up the child in one arm and whirls to face the Cultist. Her eyes flash green with petrifying magic and the Cultists turn to stone. Out of immediate danger, Vraska looks at Gunge and sees that he’s clearly MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 7 terrified. In a calming, motherly tone, she asks Gunge if he still has his stone. Gunge opens his fist to proudly show her the petrified moth. “Good. Remember, Sir Gunge, you are the Steward of the Stone,” she says, “We have to get it to safety. I’m counting on you to fulfill your duty. Are you ready?” Gunge nods, determined. Meanwhile, black mist begins to billow from Ashiok’s head and NIGHTMARE-MANIFESTATIONS crawl forth: NIGHTMARE-IMPS... NIGHTMARE-GOBLINS... NIGHTMARE-DEMONS... Nightmare-Phyrexians. The effort causes Ashiok to noticeably stoop, weakened. Teferi throws up a TIME BARRIER that slows their charge to a crawl... but it won’t last forever. The Eparch surveys the battlefield and uses his LITHOMANCY to ANIMATE the Cultists that Vraska has turned to stone. The petrified Cultists attack, impervious to Vraska’s petrifying magic (and sword) as well as Kaya’s daggers. Vraska – still carrying Gunge in one arm – and Kaya are forced to dodge and retreat. Furious, Ashiok scruffs the Hellhound and tosses it into the fray. It circles around the wall of fire, stalking Chandra... The Planeswalkers are clearly outmatched. Jace turns to Vraska and warns her that if it looks like this plan isn’t going to work, they have no choice but to deprive Ashiok of the Ember. Vraska reacts, horrified at the unspoken order to kill Gunge. At her hesitation, Jace presses: “The fate of Ravnica is at stake.” Vraska clutches Gunge and snaps back, “Then your plan better work.” With that, Jace does the unexpected – he moves to block Ashiok’s path. Before Ashiok can react, Jace girds himself... INT. ASHIOK’S MINDSPACE - CONTINUOUS ...and enters Ashiok’s mind. The Stygian, bog-like void. And in the haze just ahead, Ashiok. Staring back at him, eyeless, impassive. The inhuman voice, that creepy blend of masculine and feminine, booms from the darkness from all directions at once: “You persist, Planeswalker. You deceive Ashiok. You defy Ashiok. Your trespass shall not go unpunished.” Ashiok raises a hand and a wave of PSYCHIC ENERGY SLAMS into Jace (as in #103). INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - REALITY Jace stands rooted in place on the dais, his eyes rolled back into his head. He CONVULSES from the psychic impact. Coughs up blood. MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 8 INT. ASHIOK’S MINDSPACE - CONTINUOUS The blast wave dissipates, but Jace is still there. “Nice try, asshole,” Jace says, defiant, “But I’m not going anywhere.” Ashiok speaks: “Through Ashiok you shall know endless fear. Through fear you shall know endless pain.” And then Jace is suddenly gone. Ashiok lowers its hand, satisfied. Until Jace GLITCHES back into existence (the same way Ashiok did in #103). Ashiok regards him with disdain: “Ashiok has known your kind before. Trickster. But you deceive only yourself.” “If anyone is fooling themself, it’s you,” Jace says, GLITCHING again. Ashiok snarls, and before Jace can glitch away again the bog lashes out and GRABS his feet, holding him fast. Jace struggles to free himself, but he’s stuck. Ashiok grins... INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - CONTINUOUS Vraska and Kaya continue to fight the Petrified-Manifestations and Cultists, but it’s a losing battle. The stone creatures are invulnerable. Vraska realizes the Eparch is controlling them with his magic. The only way to stop them is to stop him. “I got him,” says Kaya cockily as she PHASE-SHIFTS and darts across the temple, passing through various obstacles. Kaya readies her spectral-daggers, the Eparch in her sights... when a NIGHTMARE-WRAITH (also in ghost form) slams into her. Teeth snapping, claws raking. Kaya cries out in pain as the Wraith bites down on her arm, causing her to drop one of her daggers. She plunges her other dagger into the ghostly creature. It releases her and atomizes... but before she can recover her weapon two more Nightmare-Wraiths take its place, forcing Kaya to engage them. Chandra, meanwhile, moves to help Vraska against the stone-monsters, but the Hellhound blocks her path. She blasts it with fire, but the beast shrugs off her (regulated) flames and keeps coming, like a Terminator. Teferi sees her ineffective struggle from his vantage point maintaining a time barrier against the onslaught of Manifestations. He calls out to Chandra to turn off her regulator, but Chandra is paralyzed with indecision. Teferi leaves the time barrier to decay in place and hurries to Chandra’s side. He traps the Hellhound in a TIME BUBBLE and tears off her regulator. Chandra is aghast, but Teferi tells her she can’t spend her life living in fear. Don’t make the same mistake he did. “Trust yourself,” Teferis says, “I trust you.” The Hellhound slowly rips free of the time bubble. Emboldened by the supportive parental figure she needed, Chandra lets herself go. Flames form around her fists... rise to wreathe her head. Her eyes and hair IGNITE and Chandra finally assumes her iconic form! Embracing her power fully for the first time she unleashes intensely concentrated blasts of fire that ENGULF the Hellhound! It lets out an unholy cry and runs in flames off to die... MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 9 Meanwhile, Vraska makes her way toward the Eparch, sword flashing with the swashbuckling panache of a pirate. The Eparch uses his magic to pull columns of stone out of the floor to block her path and throw her off-balance. Nearby, Kaya stabs one Wraith into oblivion, then spins to throw her dagger at another – burying it in its chest. But the numbers are still against the team as more Manifestations emerge from Ashiok. Things look bleak when something catches Kaya’s eye. A creepy, hummingbird-size amalgamation of metal shards with skeletal wings and a single unblinking eye. A TEZZERET DRONE. Kaya stares at it, realizing. Then... several of Tezzeret’s CONSTRUCTS surge onto the battlefield and attack Ashiok’s forces! Jace, meanwhile, stands frozen before Ashiok, blood streaking his face. DISSOLVE TO: INT. ASHIOK’S MINDSPACE - CONTINUOUS Jace struggles in the bog. Ashiok glides effortlessly across the surface, circling him, studying him like a curiosity. “You believe you can distract Ashiok. But you are only a pebble in a river. You are irrelevant.” Jace concentrates and GLITCHES FREE: “Then why are you still talking to me?” Ashiok: ”Only you have been able to touch the mind of Ashiok. You can be Ashiok’s voice to the world. Submit, and serve.” Jace shoots back, defiant: “I don’t serve anyone.” Ashiok smiles: “Yes, Jace Beleren serves only himself. You have seen the minds and hearts of the people. They know only greed. Lust. Anger. Envy. They do nothing but deceive each other, and themselves. This reality... this ‘Ravnica’... shall submit to Ashiok. And through fear they shall know peace. Through worship they shall know purpose.” As Jace considers Ashiok’s words... INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - CONTINUOUS Kaya, still in spirit form, retrieves her spectral daggers amidst the chaos and looks at the ritual space on the dais. The Embers shimmer in the braziers, but while in her ghost form she can see something else: the faint image of their original host bodies. SPIRITS. She looks at the daggers in her hands, an idea forming... The Petrified-Manifestations and Cultists continue to be a major threat. The metallic Constructs can only chip away at their stone bodies, while still being vulnerable to their powerful stone-fisted blows. And even Chandra’s unrestrained FIREBALLS just wash over their impervious statue-like forms. MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 10 Vraska threads her way closer to the Eparch... feints her way past a final stone guardian... and stabs him in the gut. The Eparch gasps in pain. Vraska draws him in close, face-to-face, to whisper: “You may not fear death, priest, but there are worse fates.” She pulls her blade free with a cruel smile: “Enjoy your eternity of agony.” With a GREEN FLASH of her eyes the Eparch TURNS TO STONE. Without the lithomancer, the Petrified-Manifestations and Cultists freeze in place, mere statues now. Only Ashiok’s Nightmare-Manifestations remain – but they continue to birth from the god-emperor’s head. A seemingly inexhaustible army, though Ashiok is looking more hunched and desiccated from the effort. Seeing an opening Kaya makes her way to the dais and stands before one of the braziers. She raises a dagger to strike down the EMBER-SPIRIT. Ashiok sees the danger and sends Nightmare-Wraiths after her. Kaya is forced to spin away and defend herself... INT. ASHIOK’S MINDSPACE - CONTINUOUS Jace looks at Ashiok, realizing: “I know your secret. Without the fear of your worshippers, you’re nothing.” Ashiok fixes on Jace – “Pathetic fleshling, Ashiok is everything” – and unleashes another powerful WAVE OF PSYCHIC ENERGY. The blowback is no less severe than before, but Jace bravely faces it down... and begins taking the fear associated with Ashiok’s collected memories into himself. Instead of sinking into the bog, the darkness swirls up and around Jace. TENDRILS OF BLACK MIST flow into Jace’s eyes. Ashiok realizes what’s happening, tells him to stop. Jace ignores Ashiok’s demands and continues to ABSORB the reservoir of fear into himself... INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - CONTINUOUS Ashiok staggers. Something’s wrong. The black mist issuing from between Ashiok’s horns begins to FLOW TOWARD JACE. BLACK FILAMENTS going into Jace’s wide-open eyes, which GLOW BLUE, rimmed by BLACK TEARS. The Nightmare-Manifestations turn as one and converge on Jace. Teferi tells the group to protect him, and he, Chandra, and Vraska use their combined magic and combat skill to keep the Manifestations at bay. Kaya takes advantage of the opening and moves to one of the Ember-Spirits. It looks at her, and opens its arms wide, exposing its Ember. Offering itself, looking for mercy. Kaya understands and plunges one of her spectral daggers into the glowing, fragile orb. The Ember ATOMIZES, and the Spirit fades away, released at last. Kaya moves to the next Ember-Spirit and FREES it. Ashiok emits an ear-splitting SCREAM in both the physical world... MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 11 INT. ASHIOK’S MINDSPACE - CONTINUOUS ...and the mindscape. CRACKS appear in the Stygian void. Golden light shines through. Ashiok staggers again as a third Ember is released. Jace calls out to Ashiok: “You’re weak. A pretender. I can sense your fear now. You need our fear to survive, and you know that I can take it from you. All of it.” Ashiok shrieks with anger. With a final, supreme effort, Jace selflessly strips away the very essence that fuels Ashiok as black filaments stream into his eyes, head, and body… INT. ASHIOK TEMPLE - CONTINUOUS Kaya reaches the final Ember-Spirit – ELAKSHI (the Leonin child from 104) – and RELEASES her with her dagger. The Ember BURSTS into countless points of light and fades to nothing, as the Spirit vanishes. At the same moment Jace CRUMPLES, unconscious. Severely weakened, Ashiok drops to the stone floor, its feet touching the ground, having weight for the first time. It looks mortal, vulnerable. Refusing to go down, Ashiok stalks toward Jace with great effort, baring its razor-sharp talons as it moves in for the kill... Teferi tells Chandra to blast Ashiok with the biggest fireball she can muster. Feeling confident, Chandra concentrates and summons a MASSIVE FIREBALL... hurls it at Ashiok. Before it hits Teferi catches it in a TIME BUBBLE. A nuclear explosion frozen at the moment of detonation. Ashiok puts its nails to Jace’s throat. Realizing what’s happening, Kaya leaps to Jace, pulls him into an embrace, and PHASE-SHIFTS both of them. Chandra and Vraska (still holding Gunge) dive for cover as Teferi releases the time bubble. The firebomb EXPLODES. The explosion obliterates Ashiok... the Manifestations... Petrified-Cultists... and the entire Temple. When the smoke clears, Chandra, Teferi, Vraska, and Gunge emerge unscathed. Kaya phases Jace back from the spirit realm, but the strain on Jace was too much. He’s dead... or very close to it. Gunge watches as everyone gathers to mourn Jace. Curious, he joins them. As a Golgari, death is a natural part of the life cycle, but his new friends clearly see it as a huge loss. Reaching out with his own magic, Gunge REVIVES Jace. Turns out he’s useful for something after all – as teased earlier, he’s a healer. MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 12 Jace wakes up, still in Kaya’s embrace. He looks up at her, smiles: “I’ve never seen you so happy to see me.” Kaya laughs, says that’s only because he owes her so much money and she still expects to collect. INT. RAVNICA UNDERCITY - FUNGI FOREST - SOON Jace, Chandra, Kaya, Teferi, Vraska, and Gunge reach the shore of the river. Vraska says her good-byes and tells them they have safe passage out of the Undercity, adding with a smile: “But only for a one-way trip.” Jace grins: “Admit it, you had fun. Just like old times.” “Too much like old times,” Vraska replies with a note of finality. As she turns to leave Jace warns Vraska to keep an eye on Nixa. “I always do,” she says with a knowing smile. With that, she takes Gunge by the hand and disappears into the forest, while the others push the boat into the water for the return trip... INT. TEFERI’S TOWER - LATER Jace, Chandra, Kaya, and Teferi return to the Tower. To his surprise and delight Teferi finds something in the rubble – his delicate ceramic teacup, which somehow survived the melee intact. He smiles: “Do you know what this means?” Anticipating a lesson, Chandra says that even those things that seem the most delicate are stronger than they appear. Teferi looks at her with bemusement. “No, sweet child, it means I can have a *** of tea.” Kaya turns to Jace and returns Gideon’s MUSIC BOX COIN. Jace accepts it, says he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to settle his debt with her. “Then pay someone else,” she says. Jace goes to Chandra, somewhat sheepish. This is difficult for him, but he apologizes to Chandra for the way he treated her. She nods, accepting. With a flash of the old charm, Jace flips the coin: “Heads or tails?” Chandra rolls her eyes, not in the mood for his tricks. Jace persists, and she calls heads. Jace opens his palm to reveal... it’s heads. Jace smiles and offers it to her: “Take it.” Chandra refuses it – this belonged to his friend. She only knew Gideon for a few minutes. But Jace is ready to let it go. Gideon’s memory will always live inside him, and Jace wants it to live on with a new friend. Chandra accepts it. Teferi notes wryly that Gideon once hoped to bring Planeswalkers together, and in a way he did after all. Chandra tells everyone that it’s time for her to go home. She has to lay her mother to rest. Kaya asks if she’d like them to come with her. Chandra thanks her but says this is something she needs to do herself. With that, Chandra PLANESWALKS away in a brilliant flash of light. Leaving Jace and Kaya with Teferi. Jace looks at the smashed furniture and debris and apologizes for dragging him into this. “I’m sorry about Kffnk,” he says, a display of earnest sentiment that does not go unnoticed by Kaya. “His death was not in vain,” Teferi nods MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 13 sadly, “And the rest is just... stuff.” With that they say their farewells and Jace and Kaya depart. INT. GOLGARI THRONE ROOM - LATER Gunge chases a bug across the floor, catches it, and pops it into his mouth. The Kraul General, Spore Druid, Devkarin Shadow Elf, and Erstwhile Zombie look on approvingly, then turn to the throne... upon which sits Vraska. She asks Gunge if her “Steward” still has his stone. He hurries to present her with the stone, beaming with pride. Vraska smiles, satisfied, and takes it from him. Turning, she places it on an upturned palm, which we REVEAL is a new statue of a pleading woman – NIXA. EXT. NALAAR HOME - KALADESH - NIGHTFALL Chandra stands before her family home. The front door still hangs from a hinge, the three-toed talon mark raked across the wood. No light comes from within. It’s dark, empty. No longer a home but a tomb. Choking back tears, Chandra says good-bye to her mother. She forgives her for, well, being a mother. She knows that everything she did came from a place of love. And Chandra knows her mother would forgive her for being an independent, headstrong child. She is, after all, a Nalaar. “You were trying to protect me because you loved me. I understand that now. And I love you, too.” Chandra says. “But now it’s time for me to find my own way.” With that Chandra BLASTS the house with flame. In moments the entire structure is ablaze. She steps back and watches it burn, tears rolling down her cheeks. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NALAAR HOME - KALADESH - LATER (NIGHT) Chandra sits in front of the pyre, the house having collapsed into a pile of burning timber. Sparks from the fire rise into the sky, a visual echo of the Golgari spores in 104. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NALAAR HOME - KALADESH - LATER The house is now just Embers glowing in the night. Chandra sits there in the dark, lost in thought... until she realizes she’s not alone. She turns to see Teferi standing at the edge of the firelight, holding his staff. Chandra is surprised to see him: “I thought you couldn’t planeswalk. How did you get here?” Teferi steps closer, explaining: “I took my own advice. I realized you weren't the only one holding back.” Chandra smiles. “And when you’re ready, I thought I’d show you around the Multiverse,” he continues, adding, “If you like.” Chandra grins: “I like.” MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20 14 With the promise of adventure, Teferi and Chandra disappear into the Blind Eternities... EXT. MARKET SQUARE - RAVNICA - SUNSET Jace and Kaya walk through the city streets, passing the friendly FOOD VENDOR (from 101). Ravnicans go about their routines with no idea how close they came to catastrophe. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. STREETS OF RAVNICA - LATER Jace and Kaya continue down another street. Suddenly Jace is gripped by SHOCK CUTS to violent and horrific memories previously held within Ashiok. He gasps, stagger-steps at the unexpected, uninvited torrent of images and emotions. Kaya notices, asks if he’s okay. Jace shakes it off, flashes his charming grin to cover: “It’s nothing. Buy you a drink?” Kaya looks up, and we REVEAL they’re standing outside TEZZERET’S NIGHTCLUB. “Maybe not here,” Kaya says. “What kind of deal did you make with Tezzeret?” Jace asks, “He didn’t show up to help us by accident.” Kaya holds his gaze. He’s waiting for an answer, trusting her, not peering into her mind. This time, Kaya extends her hand, and Jace takes it. “Buy me a drink or three, and I’ll tell you.” Jace smiles, and they walk on, disappearing into the evening crowd. CAMERA DRIFTS over to HOLD on the club... INT. NIGHTCLUB - TEZZERET’S WORKSHOP - NIGHT Inside the Nightclub it’s business as usual. We find Tezzeret hard at work in his backroom WORKSHOP. Building something, using his ARTIFICING MAGIC to weave delicate strands of Etherium with flesh. On the workbench, REVEAL Ashiok’s Hellhound. It stirs back to life, charred flesh augmented with mechanical artistry. Tezzeret smiles, pleased. SMASH TO BLACK. END OF EPISODE END OF BOOK ONE MTG 106 - OUTLINE 6/5/20