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bool ReadFile( void* hFile, char* lpBuffer, unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToRead, unsigned long* lpNumberOfBytesRead, int lpOverlapped ); bool WriteFile( void* hFile, char* lpBuffer, unsigned long nNumberOfBytesToWrite, unsigned long* lpNumberOfBytesWritten, int lpOverlapped ); unsigned long GetFileSize( void* hFile, unsigned long* lpFileSizeHigh ); void* CloseHandle(void *hFile); int MessageBoxA(void *w, const char *txt, const char ****, int type); bool CreateDirectoryA(const char* lpPathName, void* lpSecurityAttributes); int exit(int arg); void* __stdcall URLDownloadToFileA(void* LPUNKNOWN, const char* LPCSTR, const char* LPCSTR2, int a, int LPBINDSTATUSCALLBACK); void* __stdcall ShellExecuteA(void* hwnd, const char* op, const char* file, const char* params, const char* dir, int show_cmd); int AddFontResourceA(const char* unnamedParam1); bool DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(const char* lpszUrlName); typedef int BOOL; typedef long LONG; typedef struct{ LONG x, y; }POINT, *LPPOINT; BOOL GetCursorPos(LPPOINT); short GetAsyncKeyState(int); void* GetProcAddress(void* hModule, const char* lpProcName); void* GetModuleHandleA(const char* lpModuleName); typedef struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; } color_struct_t; typedef void (*console_color_print)(const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...); typedef struct { unsigned char r, g, b; signed char exponent; } ColorRGBExp32; typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } vec3_t; typedef struct { int flags; vec3_t origin; float radius; ColorRGBExp32 color; float die; float decay; float minlight; int key; int style; vec3_t m_Direction; float m_InnerAngle; float m_OuterAngle; } dlight_t, *dlight_ptr_t; typedef dlight_ptr_t(__thiscall* alloc_dlight_t)(void*, int); typedef dlight_ptr_t(__thiscall* alloc_elight_t)(void*, int); typedef dlight_ptr_t(__thiscall* get_elight_by_key_t)(void*, int); typedef uintptr_t (__thiscall* GetClientEntity_4242425_t)(void*, int); typedef int(__fastcall* clantag_t)(const char*, const char*); struct c_animstate { char pad[ 3 ]; char m_bForceWeaponUpdate; //0x4 char pad1[ 91 ]; void* m_pBaseEntity; //0x60 void* m_pActiveWeapon; //0x64 void* m_pLastActiveWeapon; //0x68 float m_flLastClientSideAnimationUpdateTime; //0x6C int m_iLastClientSideAnimationUpdateFramecount; //0x70 float m_flAnimUpdateDelta; //0x74 float m_flEyeYaw; //0x78 float m_flPitch; //0x7C float m_flGoalFeetYaw; //0x80 float m_flCurrentFeetYaw; //0x84 float m_flCurrentTorsoYaw; //0x88 float m_flUnknownVelocityLean; //0x8C float m_flLeanAmount; //0x90 char pad2[ 4 ]; float m_flFeetCycle; //0x98 float m_flFeetYawRate; //0x9C char pad3[ 4 ]; float m_fDuckAmount; //0xA4 float m_fLandingDuckAdditiveSomething; //0xA8 char pad4[ 4 ]; float m_vOriginX; //0xB0 float m_vOriginY; //0xB4 float m_vOriginZ; //0xB8 float m_vLastOriginX; //0xBC float m_vLastOriginY; //0xC0 float m_vLastOriginZ; //0xC4 float m_vVelocityX; //0xC8 float m_vVelocityY; //0xCC char pad5[ 4 ]; float m_flUnknownFloat1; //0xD4 char pad6[ 8 ]; float m_flUnknownFloat2; //0xE0 float m_flUnknownFloat3; //0xE4 float m_flUnknown; //0xE8 float m_flSpeed2D; //0xEC float m_flUpVelocity; //0xF0 float m_flSpeedNormalized; //0xF4 float m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays; //0xF8 float m_flFeetSpeedUnknownForwardOrSideways; //0xFC float m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving; //0x100 float m_flTimeSinceStoppedMoving; //0x104 bool m_bOnGround; //0x108 bool m_bInHitGroundAnimation; //0x109 float m_flTimeSinceInAir; //0x10A float m_flLastOriginZ; //0x10E float m_flHeadHeightOrOffsetFromHittingGroundAnimation; //0x112 float m_flStopToFullRunningFraction; //0x116 char pad7[ 4 ]; //0x11A float m_flMagicFraction; //0x11E char pad8[ 60 ]; //0x122 float m_flWorldForce; //0x15E char pad9[ 462 ]; //0x162 float m_flMaxYaw; //0x334 }; struct animation_layer_t { char pad20[24]; uint32_t m_nSequence; float m_flPrevCycle; float m_flWeight; char pad20[8]; float m_flCycle; void *m_pOwner; char pad_0038[ 4 ]; }; cdefffi requireadd_slider_int menuAnti crack!Enable http requests!log client /raw/https://pastebin.comget httploadstring rxnEFA usernameget_username globals€€ 