--Anti AFK stolen from infinite yield // the readily available old one :) local GC = getconnections or get_signal_cons if GC then for i,v in pairs(GC(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled)) do if v["Disable"] then v["Disable"](v) elseif v["Disconnect"] then v["Disconnect"](v) end end else print("lol bad exploit") local vu = game:GetService("VirtualUser") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() vu:Button2Down(Vector2.new(0,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) wait(1) vu:Button2Up(Vector2.new(0,0),workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) end) end function FarmCoin(CoinID, PetID) game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["join coin"]:InvokeServer({[1] = CoinID, [2] = {[1] = PetID}}) game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["farm coin"]:FireServer({[1] = CoinID, [2] = PetID}) end function GetMyPets() local returntable = {} for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Inventory.Frame.Main.Pets:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == 'TextButton' and v.Equipped.Visible then table.insert(returntable, v.Name) end end return returntable end function GetCoins(world, area) local returntable = {} local ListCoins = game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["get coins"]:InvokeServer({})[1] for i,v in pairs(ListCoins) do if string.lower(v.w) == string.lower(world) and string.lower(v.a) == string.lower(area) then table.insert(returntable, i) end end return returntable end function CollectOrbs() local ohTable1 = {[1] = {}} for i,v in pairs(game.workspace['__THINGS'].Orbs:GetChildren()) do ohTable1[1][i] = v.Name end game.workspace['__THINGS']['__REMOTES']["claim orbs"]:FireServer(ohTable1) end while wait() and not _G.Stop do local cointhiny = GetCoins(_G.World, _G.Area) local pethingy = GetMyPets() for i = 1, #cointhiny do pcall(function() FarmCoin(cointhiny[i], pethingy[i%#pethingy+1]) end) pcall(function() CollectOrbs() end) end end