RP Rules and Guidelines General Australian laws apply on this server. You're required to read the following rules below. * This is your only warning Common sense guide to Basic Australian Law (A) Guns 1. People with no licenses should NEVER own a firearm. 2. If they say "Oh I'll go get a license now" Arrest them anyway. The firearm license was required prior to purchasing. 3. Persons who sell firearms to unlicensed persons are breaking the law. They are technically supposed to check. You can arrest for this. 4. Anyone holding a weapon out in public at any point is in breach of the law, you cannot unholster your weapon. 5. Discharging a firearm in public will result in arrest 6. If they holster a weapon they'd been waving around and say "No no no... I put away now... no..." Arrest them. It shouldn't have been unholstered in public to begin with. This applies for both licensed and unlicensed. 7. If they shoot someone for trespass, punching them, or pretty much anything, that's illegal. Shooting people is illegal. There are exceptions on law enforcement and such obviously. Arrest them. Again, refer to 'guns cannot be owned for self-defense' and expand with 'guns cannot be owned for self-defense or eradication of Humanoid pests'. 8. Firing ranges are totally fine. Don't arrest people for running firing ranges or shooting on them, unless the gun is illegal, bust their ass. (B) Knives 1. If they say "Knives aren't illegal" after un-holstering one in public, say "That's right" and then proceed to immediately arrest them for possession of a controlled weapon in a public place. 2. If they knife someone who punches them then that exceeds reasonable force covered in legislation. As it turns out, bringing a knife to a fist fight is illegal. Arrest them, both preferably, the other is still committing and act of assault as well. 3. Waving your knife around the home alone is fine. Waving your knife at someone in their home is not fine. Arrest them. 4. Even if it's a privately owned property, if it's accessible to the public like a shop or hospital, it's a public place. Waving knives around in public places is not cool. 5. If they are all hobos knives are still totally not ok to have out in public. Good luck arresting the swarm of angry hobo murderers. (C) The Age Rule 1. If they're under 10 I'm afraid they aren't going to jail. Lucky for you they're roleplaying an adult, throw their ass in jail. (D) Rule of thumb: 1. Know the laws you're applying and be reasonable with them. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I do agree that at least some of the major ones should be put up to clarify, but in a way that still leaves the rest of the laws applicable, so people can't just go "It wasn't in the MOTD laws, totally fine" and rape citizens at random. Also, on the note of Rape RP, that's not cool to force on people and on a totally side note I think that shouldn't be accepted without consent from both participating parties. (E) Quick Tips: 1. Please set a realistic role-play name before you begin playing using /rpname First Last eg. /rpname John Smith. 2. Ensure you take the time to read our rule list, to access this again in game type !motd 3. Press F4 for the DarkRP Menu, you will find different categories here such as Jobs. 4. Pressing F1 will show you all the useful commands. 5. If you need assistance or want to report someone use @ for admin chat, although you must state a reason. eg. @ Could you please help me, I just got RDM'd. 6. The blue box at the top right will show you current play time and the total time you have played on server should look like this: http://imgur.com/ruIA9KA. 7. Admin rulings are final, do not argue. (F) Role-play abbreviations: 1. IC - In Character (Normal text chat) 2. OOC - Out of Character ( use //) 3. RP - Role-play (Using /me) 4. Minge - A person who purposely or with lack of knowledge interferes with others experience. (i.e. Asshole) 5. KOS - Kill On Sight 6. Meta game - metagaming is an "out of character" action where a player's character makes use of knowledge that the player is aware of but that the character is not meant to be aware of (I.e Using someones name cause you can see it hovering over there head) (G) - General Rules: 1. When calling an admin, state a proper reason why you require them in admin chat. (@) (Do not call out specific admins unless they are aware of the situation) 2. If an admin tells you to do something, do it, Do not argue! 3. You must have a realistic RP name. (Type: /rpname "first name" "last name", e.g '/rpname John Smith') 4. Do not hack/exploit/cheat. (This is a permanent ban without question.) 5. Do not troll/flame/minge. Just don't be annoying and RP properly. 6. NO discrimination based on age, gender, race, sexual preference, religion or country. Respect ALL admins and players. Disrespect will not be tolerated. 7. Do not kill someone for no reason. This is known as "RDM" or "Random Death Match". This is an RP Server; you must have a valid reason to kill someone. 8. Do not break NLR (New Life Rule). When you die you forget everything from your previous life, you can't go back to the area you died within 5 minutes. (If you die in a raid YOU CANNOT REJOIN it regardless of waiting 5 minutes 9. Do NOT meta-game with peoples names, jobs, doors, etc. Meta-gaming is where you use out of character information, in character. E.g. You see a person with a beanie, you can't automatically assume he is a gangster without proper proof. 10. You must role-play fear of weapons (FearRP). If someone is pointing a gun at YOU, you must role-play it as if it was real life and that you value your life. This means that you wouldn't run around or take out your own gun when someone is pointing theirs at you. Fail to FearRP is punishable by kick. 11. Do NOT abuse fists, this is also known as Fist Whoring. Only use fists for a RP reason. (E.g. An angry riot against police.) Fist Whoring is punishable by a kick/ban, this includes fistwhoring cars, which take damage. 12. Do NOT kill players when they are typing, wait for them to finish. This is known as Power-Gaming and is punishable by a kick/ban. 13. No microphone spamming. E.g. role-playing a busker is OK, but screaming/spamming through your microphone is not. (When busking do it at the police discretion, also a permit is required (gun license) otherwise it is microphone spam and you will be gagged or kicked) 14. Do not impersonate any Admins. (Saying you're an Admin in game when you're not or stealing their name.) 15. Murder is permitted in extreme circumstances only, you must have a reason that warrants ending ones life. If you have a reason that warrants murder you do not have to abide by rules on shooting unarmed people. 16. You can not steal mid-transaction. This applies to the products the person has purchased. Shipments are to be assumed as random boxes and you cannot metagame the contents. 17. In character swearing is fine, when swearing OOC ensure you are not doing it in a way that breaks rules on respect. 18. Do NOT advertise other servers, websites, or recruit on this server. 19. Black phys-guns are strictly against the rules, you will be punished for using them. Don't ask why. 20. An Admin's ruling is final. If you have a problem with their decision, take it up with them in a civil manner on the forums or discord. 21. You cannot advertise /OOC your store or base to be raided, this is also known as baiting. use /cr to cry out for help. (Hopefully Police comes to your aid). 22. You can NOT force people in a situation where they have a high chance of death - unless you have a valid reason for their demise 23. NO kidnapping unless you are in a Mafia/Rebels. Thieves can hold people hostage or for ransom if they have valid reasoning. (Such as raid/hostage situations or bargaining tools) 24. You can not camp in your base and money farm all day, be creative, RP such as a money counterfeiting operations are allowed. 25. Exploiting ammo or kind of shipment will result in a permanent ban from our server(s) 26. When you change jobs remove the stuff related to the job. (Donation box, etc.) 27. Any event which requires rules to be altered for the situation requires admin approval and supervision. 28. As a drug dealer, if you do not PowerRP installing a filtration system (/me installs air purification system) The sound the meth cooking process makes may be used as a reason for a police raid, cook in remote areas. The reasons for this is because the meth cooking process is disgusting, and the smell will hit you well before the sound of making it does. 29. /Advert is for advertising your business and/or product and not for general chatter, requests and announcements. (H) - Base Building and Prop Rules: 1. All covers/barricades MUST reveal chest height and higher. 2. You may have only 1 LAYER of keypad security per base. (You may have multiple entrances, e.g. back/front keypad entrance as this counts as a single layer. (ONLY Bankers can have 2 keypad layers per base, not per player) https://imgur.com/a/5qQWIdc 3. Do not have props that are pure black or invisible. Try to apply realistic materials/colours to props. Bulletproofed windows are permitted as long as they are realistic (i.e. not TOTALLY invisible) 4. You can not have keypads that force the cracker to have their back to the fading door. 5. Do not prop kill/block/trap/surf/spam. You're allowed to prop block when you are building a store or shop, but you must have NO valuables inside. Valuables include money printers, gun shipments, drug shipments, etc. 6. You can not have KOS signs ("Cross this line and you die.") or anything similar. You MUST give at least 3 warnings to leave (If a player touches a Keypad or button you may engage that player). 7. Do not tamper with other player's creations/property. 8. Do not spawn props in other people's homes/property without their permission. 10. Every base must have a lock pickable/keypad crackable entrance for raiders/robbers. 11. All fading doors must be activated for at least 4 seconds in length (or toggled). 12. All keypads/buttons connected to a fading door must be within a 1x1 block distance of that door, and they CAN NOT be hidden. They must be in plain sight, preferably positioned at eye level. 13. You are not allowed to build structures that wouldn't make sense in real life. E.g. Having a floating building. (Support the building with pillars.) 14. No tunneling (Making people crouch to get into an area). 15. No doom forts. (Massive custom build places, large walls). Lots of props in a custom building will slow the server down considerably. Just putting a wall/fence around your base is okay, so long as it's not too high and it makes sense role-play wise. 16. Do NOT build into areas of the map that are normally inaccessible. 17. Parts of the map can be claimed, but this is totally at the admin's discretion, you must ask and give a valid explanation as to why you need land. You must also follow PowerRP in the sense that your group has the required power to control the territory. 18. Any buttoned door leading into a base must be a toggled door. 19. All tunnels must be at least two people wide no exceptions. 20. No mazing. 21. Overheads are allowed, but within reason. They must be situated as window or alike and the whole body above the chest must be seen. 22. Buildings may NOT have more then one store set up inside. You are to trade either from the same store, or separate ones. Only time this is acceptable is in a large open area with a 'Sunday Market' type setting, or in Flea Market with Admin approval. 23. Do NOT build on or over the footpath. (Only Hobo's can build a little home on the footpath). (I) - Combat/Raiding & Murder Rules: 1. You can't raid the same place for a minimum of 10 minutes. 2. You can't bunny hop. (Jump repeatedly to avoid things.) To get away from danger, combat or being arrested. Doing so is FailRP. 3. When raiding you're not allowed to kill anyone unless they have a weapon out, this means they are a threat to you. It's FailRP if you instantly kill them and they have no weapons. You must force them against the wall or keep them company, watching them as you raid. 4. Medics can not heal during combat, Only the S.W.A.T Medic can. 5. You are not allowed to purchase health or armour during a fight. 6. If you find yourself in a situation where both parties have their gun pointed at each other... It becomes a showdown, and you should defend yourself appropriately. 7. Anyone participating in a raid that is unarmed is viable to be shot in the crossfire. Regardless if they're unarmed they're classed as enemies trespassing. 8. Flash bangs and smoke grenades cannot be used in public. (Except in a large gunfight or something similar.) 9. Murder requires a seriously valid reason, treat murder in game as you would in real life. Be very careful murdering someone, the police will attempt to arrest you if caught. If your reason turns out to be RDM you will be punished by an administrator. examples of valid reasons include but are not limited to: Self defence, Witness to criminal activies, threats of a highly violent nature (e.g. someone is actively attempting to harm or kill you), extortion, corruption which interferes with your agenda, criminals interfering with your agenda, raids which turn into gunfights. EXAMPLES OF INVALID REASONS: "I don't like him", "He abused me", "He shot up my fence", "I don't know", "He punched me", "He's gay/fat/annoying/stupid/asshole", VERBAL THREATS (J) - Job and Demotion Rules: 1. Do NOT sell/buy any jobs. 2. Do as your job title says, do not abuse it or become something that you aren't even using. You also can't use the custom job (/job) to become another class, e.g. a Citizen pretending to be a Police Officer. You may use /job to infiltrate the PD or Gangs. 3. If you choose a job you must RP that job. (E.g. a gun dealer not selling guns). 4. Do NOT abuse jobs just to get their benefits. E.g. a gangster going gun dealer, buying a gun/shipment and then going back to gangster. 5. You must discuss all demotions for at least 1 minute, and ask if anyone wants to object. If there are valid objections from people other than the person being demoted, then you must drop the demotion. 6. Do not demote someone just because you dislike them or you want their job. The demotion system is designed to remove people from jobs they are abusing (or demoting corrupt police/mayor when they are arrested with evidence of being corrupt). (K) Job Guidelines: ----------------------- | Quick find list: | | • Citizens (A-E) | | • Services (F-I) | | • Government (J-P) | | • Organizations (Q-T) | | • Criminals (U-Y) | | ----------------------- • Citizens (A) Banker 1. You store other people's items in a secure location. 2. Don't go banker just to farm money printers. 3. Don't steal other peoples' items, you're not a thief. 4. You should generally hire security guards to help defend your bank. 5. Bankers can have 2 keypaded doors in their bank. 6. Bankers may store 'illegal' goods at their own risk. If you are caught red handed you may be punished to the full extent of the Laws. I know this seems senseless and pointless but a lot of users of our servers will ask when a situation arises (B) Casino Owner 1. You must set up a Casino and actually use this job. 2. You may not base with any faction. 3. You may pay the Gangs for protections against theives and other factions looking to harm your casino. 4. You can be raided. So set up your base accordingly. (C) Citizen 1. You are the basic level. You may not kill anyone unless they are a DIRECT threat to your life. 2. You may not base with any Theives or Gangs. 3. You can NOT raid. 4. You can NOT join raids. (D) DJ 1. No outdoor projections OR DJ setups, Unless its in an area away from the main population. EG. The Mine, The Forest or The Warehouses. 2. DO NOT just spawn in an piano and change class. 3. DO NOT spawn in piano for another player just to play (if they ask you in ooc to spawn one in for example tell them No). 4. You can use the projector to play music if you have made a club. (E) Hobo 1. Hobos can NOT own firearms, They MAY own a knife. 2. You can sing for money on the side of the street, but this is at the Police's discretion. 3. Hobos can not act as mafia/gangs, e.g. hobos pretending to be terrorists, running around shooting people. 4. Hobos are not a gang, they cannot have gun dealers working with them etc. 5. Donation Box's are only to be used for donations for hobos. Don't exploit by changing class's, if you change jobs, ask an admin to remove the box. 6. You can not kidnap as a hobo. • Services (F) Body Guard 1. You are hired by citizens to watch over them while they go about their business. 2. You can not work for free. 3. You can not work for Mafia, Gangsters or Thieves either. 4. You can not act as a Police Officer. 5. You can not randomly confiscate weapons using weapon checker, Role-Play it out. 6. A maximum of 2 Body Guards per player. (G) Doctor 1. It is encouraged that you set up a Hospital/Doctor's Practice and RP heals. (E.g. gunshot wounds, diseases, etc.) 2. Do NOT heal people for free, you must charge a price for a heal. 3. Do NOT heal a person or yourself during combat. 4. No private doctors. (H) Gun Dealer 1. You can work as a private supplier, so long as there is at least one public Gun Dealer and you do not participate in any group activities (e.g. Raiding with the gang but you can still defend the base). (I) Security Guard 1. You are hired by shopkeepers to watch over their property. 2. You can not work for free. 3. You can not work for Mafia, Gangsters or Thieves either. 4. You can not act as a Police Officer. 5. You can not randomly confiscate weapons using weapon checker, Role-Play it out. 6. A maximum of 2 Security Guards per base. • Government (J) Mayor 1. To place a lawboard type /placelaws. 2. The laws are those of Australia today. 3. Corruption is allowed, but you must announce it in your job title (i.e. "Corrupt Mayor") 4. Your job is to keep the city under control, start lotteries and such. 5. You must approve/deny warrants for valid reasons. 6. You may own a pistol, but no other gun. 7. You must never participate in police raids. 8. Use the lock down function only when necessary, and you must give a reason before starting the lock down. 9. You can use '/broadcast' to globally broadcast messages. 10. The Mayor can establish a process of recruitment where you have to be processed to become a law enforcer before joining the force. If this is active and you join the force without the process you're viable for demotion. 11. You cannot allow a person or persons to be above or immune from the law (i.e "All hobos are immune form the law ") (K) Mayor's Bodyguard 1. Protect the Mayor at all costs. 2. Abide by the Mayor. 3. You are not the Police, you do NOT enforce the law. 4. You may take deadly force if the Mayors' life is in danger. 5. You can be corrupt if you have your job title set to 'Corrupt MB' this means you can look the other way when the mayor is being kidnapped. (L) Police Chief 1. The same rules from Police Officer apply to the Police Chief. 2. The Chief of Police can establish a process of recruitment where you have to be processed to become a law enforcer before joining the force. If this is active and you join the force without the process you're viable for demotion. 3. The Chief runs the Police Force. The Chief may choose who to hire and fire. 4. You may elect to choose a S.W.A.T. member to lead the squad. 5. All standard policing rules apply to this job. (M) Heavy Raid Support 1. You are the PD's last line. You must wait in the PD until deployed by the Police Chief or Mayor. 2. You must wait until the S.W.A.T. have entered the raid before you may enter. 3. You are not the S.W.A.T. you do NOT hunt down "Wanted" players. 4. You may enter a raided building before the standard Police officer and Chief. 5. Only go to this job if there is at least 3 Police Officers and a S.W.A.T. member. (Assuming the server population is high enough) (N) S.W.A.T. 1. Only go to this job if there is at least one Police Officer. 2. S.W.A.T. are only for providing backup on police raids and responding to call-outs(/cr) - they DO NOT enforce the law on the streets, that is the job of the Police. 3. S.W.A.T. can hunt down dangerous fugitives ONLY if they have committed a violent/ major crime. 4. All standard policing rules apply to this job. (O) S.W.A.T. Medic 1. Only go to this job if there is at least one S.W.A.T. member. 2. Your role is to provide medic assistance to your team. 3. You may heal mid raid but only the PD. 3. You may only enter a raid after all your S.W.A.T. team has been killed or have removed themselves from the raid. 4. All standard policing rules apply to this job. (P) Police Officer 1. Cops do not make the laws, they enforce them. 2. Corruption is allowed, but you must announce this in your job title, e.g. "Corrupt Police Chief" Being corrupt means you can turn a 'blind eye' for a price, not joining up with the mafia/gang, breaking laws and rules, etc. 3. The arresting officer must offer bail, no one else may offer bail. (Bail list is at the bottom of the page.) 4. Police have the right to refuse bail if you've committed a violent/major offense. 5. Do NOT random wanted/warrant/weapon check, you must have a legitimate reason to do so. 6. When using the battering ram you must only ram down the door or fading door. 7. Cannot taze if suspect has weapon drawn first, FearRP applies with this weapon. 8. You must let the suspect know what he is being arrested for before placing him under-arrest. 9. Guns are illegal in Australia, if you see someone with a 2 handed gun on their back, you have the right to arrest them, although you must roleplay it out correctly. eg. Asking the to drop the gun and then arresting them for possession of a deadly firearm. Corrupt cops can take the gun and let the victim go. • Organizations (Q) Godfather/Gang Leader 1. Do NOT choose this job because thief is full and you want to rob places. 2. You can request shop owners to buy protection money from you. 3. You can bribe the police to avoid any crimes you have/will commit. 4. You MUST have at least two group members present when doing criminal activity. (Meaning if you're Gang Leader 2 Gangsters and if you're The God Father you need 2 Mafia members) 5. If you die while raiding the whole group must retreat. (This initiates a "raid over".) (R) Mafia/Gangster 1. You can only raid someone with the Godfather/Gang Leader present, if the Godfather/Gang Leader dies the raid is automatically over and you must leave the raid location. 2. You CAN NOT mug players. 3. You cannot kidnap other players without the Leader present. (S) Private Military Leader 1. You may work for anyone. 2. You are bound to the same rules as your employers job. (E.G. If hired by a citizen you may NOT raid the PD or shops on their behalf.) 3. You can NOT raid on your own without a contract. 4. You can NOT work for free. 5. Do NOT choose this job because thief is full and you want to rob places. 6. You can bribe the police to avoid any crimes you have/will commit. 7. If you die while raiding the whole group must retreat. (This initiates a "raid over".) 8. You CAN NOT mug players. 9. You CAN NOT base with other factions or players other than PMC. (T) Private Military Contractor 1. You must follow your leaders instructions at all times. 2. You can only raid someone with the Private Military Leader present, if the Leader dies the raid is automatically over and you must leave the raid location. 3. You cannot kidnap other players without the Leader present. 4. You CAN NOT mug players. • Criminals (U) Black Market Dealer 1. You can work as a private supplier, so long as there is at least one BMD selling and you do not participate in any group activities (e.g. Raiding with the gang but you can still defend the base). 2. You cannot sell publicly or you can potentially get arrested. 3. You sell highly illegal weapons in the backstreets and private meetings. 4. Make anonymous adverts to get customers. (/advert (Anon) Selling guns!) 5. You must sell in the shadows and private meetings not in the public eye. (V) Hitman 1. The person who placed the hit needs a solid reason to place it, otherwise it's RDM. 2. If the Hitman is arrested during the job, the hit is automatically failed. 3. The minimum price for a hit is $1000. You can use /hitprice (amount) to make the price higher. 4. You may use the climb swep to get to vantage points and get away from police and other situations. 5. The climb swep is only to be used for situations it is needed in not for just general use. (W) Drug Manufacturer (Master Meth Cook/ Weed Grower) 1. You manufacturer and sell drugs 2. Your occupation is completely illegal, if you attempt to sell these drugs you may be reported to the police, so be careful. 3. You may work with other Drug Manufacturers 4. You may work in partnership with the Mafia, Gangsters and other Drugdealers only, you cannot participate in any gang/mafia related raids. (X) Professional Hitman 1. The person who placed the hit needs a solid reason to place it, otherwise it's RDM. 2. If the Hitman is arrested during the job, the hit is automatically failed. 3. The minimum price for a hit is $1000. You can use /hitprice (amount) to make the price higher. 4. You may use the climb swep to get to vantage points and get away from police and other situations. 5. The climb swep is only to be used for situations it is needed in not for just general use. (Y) Thief / Donator Thief 1. When mugging you can only take a maximum of $500. 2. Do NOT steal entities such as projectors and donation boxes. 3. You can not mug with a two handed weapon, only a pistol or knife. 4. You can not mug in a public place. You must use an alley or out of sight of other players. 5. You are allowed to mug for weapons. 6. You can only mug once every 10 minutes (and you can't kill someone if they have no money). 7. Make yourself useful (make a carnival and scam people, etc). 8. You are NOT allowed to work with groups to raid but you are allowed to work as a locksmith for Police and Hitman for money. 9. Thieves are only allowed to be in a group of 2 only. The other 4 thieves are classified as enemies, and you treat them as such. 10. You can not kidnap as a thief. 11. You may raid the PD and other buildings. Do not just gun people down, Use FEAR RP.