firstName: Wing middleName: Alisa Lang lastName: Cooley email: alternativeEmail: contact: 9005277917 alternativeMobileNo: 9005277917 currentLocation[0].city: Lucknow currentLocation[0].state: Uttar Pradesh currentLocation[0].country: India dateOfBirth: 2024-01-22 gender: Male disability: No citizenship: 2 currentCTC: 26 expectedCTC: 70 relocation: Yes relevantExpereince: 3 noticePeriodId: 1 onsiteOpportunity: true UANNumber: 123456789012 reasonForChange: ggf certificates: Non sunt quis rem t linkedinUrl: documentType: application/pdf preferredLocations[0].locationId: 1102 preferredLocations[0].city: Amsterdam candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].organization: mt pvt ltdr candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].designation: In this example, I've reduced the width value to 100 for both Grid items. You can adjust the value as per your requirements. By decreasing the width, you should be able to prevent the horizontal scrollbar from appearing. candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].fromDate: 2024-01-31 candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].toDate: 2024-01-31 candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].currentOrgFlag: true candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].roleDescription: In this example, I've reduced the width value to 100 for both Grid items. You can adjust the value as per your requirements. By decreasing the width, you should be able to prevent the horizontal scrollbar from appearing. candidateWorkExperienceDTO[0].deleted: false skills[0].id: 15 skills[0].skill: adobe links[0].linkName: LinkedIn links[0].linkUrl: links[1].linkName: Other Links links[1].linkUrl: Est id ut ipsum co isDraft: false resume: (binary)