Title: OTS Coding Hybrid Reviewer Course Description: Welcome to the OTS Coding Hybrid Project! In this course, we will cover the fundamental rules of conducting reviews and also go through several tests. type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 1 question:
What should be the guiding principles when assigning scores?
choices: 0. Scores should be based on personal preferences and judgments. 1. Scores should be based on common sense. 2. Scores should be assigned in strict accordance with the quality rubrics. 3. Scores should be assigned randomly. answer: [2] isSingleSelect? True type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 2 question:In which field is the code subject to review?
choices: 0. Online IDE 1. SphereEngine IDE 2. None of the above 3. Model Resposne answer: [3] isSingleSelect? True type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 3 question:What should be done if the task has already been reviewed by someone else before you?
choices: 0. Quickly review the task and ensure it looks good 1. Treat review as initial and examine every aspect of the task 2. Submit the task as is, since it has already been reviewed 3. Skip the task answer: [1] isSingleSelect? True type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 4 question:What should be the first step when conducting a review?
choices: 0. Check if the TL is online 1. Write feedback 2. Correct all identified errors 3. Grade all turns in the task answer: [3] isSingleSelect? True type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 5 question:Select ALL correct statements.
choices: 0. The reviewer should fix all identified issues if it will take no more than 45 minutes/turn 1. In all cases, the task must be fixed, even if it takes more than 45 minutes/turn 2. The task should be rejected if even one issue is identified, regardless of the number of issues found or the time needed to fix them 3. The task should be rejected if fixing the issues will take more than 45 minutes/turn answer: [0, 3] isSingleSelect? False type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 6 question:What score should be selected when evaluating the quality of a turn?
choices: 0. The highest one from all the rubric's ratings 1. The average one from all the rubric's ratings 2. The lowest one from all the rubric's ratings 3. The median one from all the rubric's ratings answer: [2] isSingleSelect? True type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 7 question:What score should be selected when evaluating the quality of a task?
choices: 0. The median one from all the turn's ratings 1. The lowest one from all the turn's ratings 2. The highest one from all the turn's ratings 3. The average one from all the turn's ratings answer: [1] isSingleSelect? True type: multiple_choice title: ❓Question 8 question:Select ALL correct statements.
choices: 0. Providing feedback is mandatory only if the task is of low quality 1. Feedback should be respectful, polite, clear, helpful, and detailed 2. Providing feedback is mandatory, regardless of the task's quality 3. Feedback can be vague and unclear answer: [1, 2] isSingleSelect? False