[[Brackets]] have associated notes at the bottom of the doc D() indicates dialogue (for Malkavians only, other clans will not be the same) -> indicates "go to" Video reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPlQEMVHTkM CHARACTER CREATION Malkavian Female Attributes: Charisma 2, Perception 3 Abilities: Brawl 1, Security 2, Scholarship 3 Disciplines: Obfuscate 2 TUTORIAL -Timer starts clicking out of first tutorial window, "use the mouse to look around" D(Jack): 1x6, 2, 1 -drain 0pts from blueblood, blood bar must drain D(Jack): 1 all -grab lockpick D(Jack): 1 all -cutscene D(Jack): 1 -pick door D(Jack) 1 all -computer ("safe" enter "chopshop" enter enter "unlock" enter escape out) -take key from safe D(Jack): 1 -navigate to alleyway D(Jack): 1x3, 2, 1 -feed 4pts from bum (drains faster than blue blood) D(Jack): 1 all -skip rats, talk to Jack D(Jack): 1 all -obfuscate, wait for shovelhead to turn, hysteria, stealth kill, grab tire iron D(Jack): 1 all -talk to Jack again D(Jack): 1 -go down vent, stealth kill tutorial D(Jack): 1 -bloodbuff tutorial (buff not required), auspex tutorial [[1]] D(Jack): 1 all -obfuscate tutorial (use obfuscate, hysteria shovelhead, run through) -hysteria tutorial (hysteria, run through) -can tutorial (throw can to corner, hysteria shovelhead after 1 step, run through) D(Jack): 1 all -shoot cans, go up elevator, 2 punches each on thugs, avoid grabbing gun D(Jack): 1 all -grab gun, reload SANTA MONICA -grab blood bags, read newspaper -hold left+jump out of haven for bum skip -->SM SUITES D(Mercurio): 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 -->BEACH D(Rosa): 2 D(E): 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 4 -->BEACHHOUSE -hysteria Brian, jump fence, shoot window, grab astrolite -->BAILBONDS D(Kilpatrick): 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2 -->DINER D(Doris): 2, 3, 3, 1, 1 -->SM SUITES -carson apartment, grab cash+ring, computer ("mcgee" enter "imalia" enter enter "location" enter escape out), grab key D(Mercurio): 1x8, 4 -->TATTOO PARLOR -run downstairs, move into basement to trigger phone D(Phone): 1 all -->HAVEN -grab cash, read ******, computer ("email" enter "sunrise" enter enter, 1 enter d all emails, escape out) -->GIMBLE D(Intercom): 4, 1 D(Gimble): 1 all -gimble fight, bloodbuff+fists D(Carson): 1 all -exit to hub, grab lily's journal -->BAILBONDS D(Kilpatrick): 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3 -->ASYLUM D(Jeanette): 1 all D(Cal): 1, 1, 2, 1 D(Knox): 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3 -take elevator up, qs+ql to skip dialogue, grab ring D(Therese): 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 -exit to hub, down to sewers, feed on a rat if possible [[2]] -->OCEAN HOUSE -grab key from trailer, enter hotel -jump over stairs, grab key, navigate to kitchen -grab diary, wait for door to blow open, navigate through elevator shaft -open door through doorframe, navigate to pendant, exit hotel -->ASYLUM D(Jeanette [[3]]): 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1 -hotkey knife, exit to hub -hysteria chunk, hysteria ***, drain chunk [[4]], grab key -->GALLERY -grab charity money, slash paintings in order (slays, cursed, meets, spurns) -guardian fight, bloodbuff+fists, "d" combo -->HOSPITAL D(Receptionist): 2, 1, 1 -upstairs, hysteria+drain guard, grab key [[5]] -computer ("cs safe" enter "paige" enter enter "unlock" enter escape out) -grab ww blood, head down to blood bank, lockpick far door -keypad "1969", hit switch (softlock if door doesn't open) D(Lily): 1 all -cutscene D(Lily): 1 all -alt+tab if you get stuck in doorframe D(Vandal [[6]]): 2, 3, 1 -head through laundry room to morgue, grab foxy boxes key -head upstairs, grab office key, grab morphine -->PAWNSHOP [[7]] D(Trip): 3 -buy firearms manual, read, buy another, read -->HAVEN -put ww blood in mailbox, leave+re-enter, grab cash from mailbox -grab key from plant, activate answering machine, computer ("email" enter "1" enter escape out) -->SM SUITES D(Mercurio): 1, 2 -->ASYLUM D(Therese): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 -buy obfuscate 4 -->DINER -bloodbuff+fists 3 thugs, feed on last D(Phone): 1 -->FOXY BOXES -cathayan fight [[8]] -->ASYLUM D(Danielle): 1 all D(Knox): 1, 2, 2 D(Tourette): 3x8, 1x7 -->BAILBONDS D(Kilpatrick): 1 all -->BERTRAM D(Bertram) 1, 1, 3, 2 -drain bum, obfuscate, navigate to office -plant bomb, bloodbuff to pick door, obfuscate, navigate to beckett D(Beckett): 2, 2, 4, 1 -->TAXI D(Driver): 1 -click Downtown, split DOWNTOWN -1m50s~ cutscene, from clicking Downtown to Nines dialogue D(Nines): 2, 3, 1 -->CHANTRY D(Regent): 1x4, 3, 1x5, 3 -->LAST ROUND D(Damsel): 1 all D(Skelter): 1, 3 (talk again) 3, 1, 2, 2, 2 D(Nines): 1 all [[9]] -->CONFESSION D(Patty): 1 all D(Venus): 1, 4, 1, 1, 1 -->IGOR D(Igor): 1 all -->SKYLINE -floor 2, bloodbuff to lockpick, grab radios, activate answering machine -floor 5, activate answering machine -floor 6, keypad 1203, grab key, open closet, take money from safe, take diary from closet -->CONFESSION D(Venus): 1 D(Venus): 1, 1, 2, 1 -->EMPIRE D(Receptionist): 1 all -floor 5, open door then obfuscate to skip dialogue, bloodbuff+knife, same as cathayan, grab book -floor 6, hysteria+drain dima, obfuscate, drain boris, grab cash+ring, grab book on the way out -->CONFESSION D(Venus): 1 all D(Venus): 1 all -feed on venus, buy Intelligence 2, Finance 2, Scholarship 4, Firearms 3, read all books, exit to hub D(Homeless Woman): 1 all D(Fat Larry): 1 all -sell+rebuy tire iron D(Fat Larry): 1 all -->GARAGE -obfuscate all the way down and back to larry D(Fat Larry): 1 all (talk again) 1 -sell all weapons and vendor trash, buy glock and 2 extra mags, hotkey glock -->KANKER -crouch and magdump glock at center mass, keep an eye on health, use blood if necessary, grab flier -feed on rats if health is below ~40% -->WAREHOUSE -drain bum if you didn't feed on rats, grab radio and lucky star key -->CRACKHOUSE D(Jumbles): 1 -fire gun to skip junkie's dialogue, grab radio, navigate to Vick, heal any agg damage D(Vick): 1 all -vick fight, bloodbuff+fists, use blood and switch button combo as needed, try to steer/trap him in a corner -->CHANTRY D(Regent): 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 -->LAST ROUND D(Damsel): 1 all D(Skelter): 3 all -->VENTURE -save before talking to chunk to avoid softlock D(Chunk): 2, 1 D(Lacroix [[10]]): 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3 -->BEACH D(E): 1 all -->DANE D(Heinz): 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 -computer ("control" enter "lighthouse" enter enter "deck cams on" enter enter "unlock doors" enter escape out) -switch monitor to sarcophagus, make sure experience hits -grab manifest, exit, kill julius on beach -->BLOODBANK D(Vandal): 1 -buy reg blood packs up to 7 max, buy 7-9 blueblood packs, keep $200-300 -->VENTURE -talk to chunk D(Lacroix): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 -->GROUT -open inventory to move up to "nines" D("Nines"): 1 all -open inventory to move to and open door, buy Obfuscate 5, use obfuscate as necessary -navigate to library, activate candle, grab book -navigate through to next map -bloodbuff to pick freezer door, grab all blood packs -navigate to next map D(Bach): 2 all -navigate to window, exit through gate -->VENTURE -talk to chunk D(Lacroix): 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3 -->MUSEUM -obfuscate throughout, bloodbuff to pick 2 locked doors, grab book, grab fetish, grab key, keypad 2358 -navigate through lasers, hysteria guard, pick up key D(Beckett): 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 -->VENTURE -talk to chunk D(Lacroix): 1 all -->TAXI -save and reboot game to avoid glitches D(Driver): 1 -click Hollywood, split HOLLYWOOD D(Sweeper [[11]]): 1 all -->ISAAC D(Isaac): 1 all -wait for dialogue to end before leaving -exit to hub, hysteria samantha -->NETCAFE -computer ("email" enter "kafka" enter enter 1 escape out) -->ASPHOLE D(Ash): 1 all D(Doppelganger): 2, 2, 1 D(Ash): 1 -grab watch on the way out -->VESUVIUS D(Velvet): 1, 3 (mash E) 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 -exit to hub, find courier behind fast buck D(Courier): 1, 3, 1, 2 -buy Dementate 3, read all books -->RED SPOT D(Slater): 1 all -sell all weapons+vendor trash, buy colt and 30~ bullets, hotkey colt -->NETCAFE -computer ("s-z" enter "swan, ginger" enter escape out) -->GRAVEYARD -grab tape -->ISAAC D(Isaac): 1 (cutscene) 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2 -->THEATER D(Gargoyle): 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 1, 1 -->SINBIN -bloodbuff, lockpick both doors and atm, grab cash from atm -computer ("private" enter "dirtydog" enter enter "dmp" enter escape out) -chastity fight, jump on patron's head to force him out of booth, fire colt at chastity in her LOS to lure her out -use vision of death first, then colt if necessary, mind your health -->VESUVIUS D(Velvet): 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 (talk again) 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2 -exit to hub, go to red spot phones D(Phone): 1 all -->MOTEL D(Hatter): 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1 -room 6, grab business card -room 2, grab key -->NETCAFE -humans are fair game to feed on -head upstairs, kill all szlachta on first floor -grab tape, exit -->ISAAC D(Isaac): 4, 1, 1, 1 (cutscene) 1, 3 -buy Firearms 4, Perception 4 -->KING'S WAY -navigate down to andrei D(Andrei): 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1 -andrei fight, vision of death+fanned colt, switch to fists at low hp -->SEWERS -navigate through escape door, open locked door at an angle for sewer skip -kill all szlachta, bloodbuff to pick lock -jump the gap in vozhd room, proceed through vent -recommend quicksave before shaft drop -kill szlachta, obfuscate past vozhd, grab pass key -recommend quicksave before final hallway to avoid crash -->WARRENS -be careful of red pits D(Mitnick): 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3 D(Imalia): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 -grab galdjum D(Gary): 1x20, 4, 1 -->GRAVEYARD D(Romero): 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1 -buy Charisma 3 -->SINBIN D(Flynn): 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 -->VESUVIUS D(Velvet): 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 -->WARRENS D(Imalia): 1x9, 2 -->TAWNI -recommend quicksave before entering -obfuscate through, plant cameras, getting seen fails quest -computer ("camera" enter "cleopatra" enter enter "cam check" enter escape out) -exit to hub, find *** worker D(*** Worker): 2, 1, 1, 1 -->GRAVEYARD D(Romero): 1 all -->WARRENS D(Imalia): 1 all -->BROTHER'S SALVAGE -navigate through junkyard, cars are usually 1 hit kills D(Slasher): 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 -->HAVEN -computer ("email" enter 1 enter d all emails) -grab key from mailbox -->MEGAHURTZ -bloodbuff to pick lock, hit switch -computer ("net security" enter "gil bates" enter enter "schrecknet" enter escape out) -->HAVEN -computer ("email" enter 1 d enter all emails) -grab webcam from mailbox -->NOCTURNE -check *** for route through sewer -obfuscate through, getting seen fails quest -plant camera in rafters -computer ("net security" enter "break a leg" enter enter "schrecknet" enter escape out) -->HAVEN -computer ("email" enter 1 d enter all emails) -grab key from mailbox -->CAVOLETTI D(Flayton): 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 -->METALHEAD -obfuscate before entry, being seen fails quest -recommend quicksave before shooting window -f8 to deactivate obfuscate, shoot through window, right click to reactivate, all as fast as possible -computer ("net security" enter "bang your head" enter enter "schrecknet" enter escape out) -->HAVEN -computer ("email" enter 1 d enter all emails) -grab key and cash from mailbox -->TAXI -save and reboot game to avoid glitches D(Driver): 1 -click Chinatown, split CHINATOWN -->TSENG D(Tseng): 1 all -sell all weapons+vendor trash, buy killmatic+max ammo, armor, as much blood as you can afford -hotkey killmatic, equip armor -->YUKIE D(Yukie): 1x8, 3 -->GOLDEN TEMPLE D(Ming): 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3 -->KAMIKAZE ZEN -stealth not necessary, drain both guards, grab colts -computer ("power" enter "gwailo" enter enter "hooligan" enter escape out) -keypad 4567 -computer ("net security" enter "nirvana" enter enter "schrecknet" enter enter "vault" enter "nippelhcs" enter enter "open" enter escape out) -grab cash from vault -->RED DRAGON -hit button behind podium to open elevator D(Wong Ho): 1 all -->LOTUS BLOSSOM -obfuscate through, head upstairs, bloodbuff to pick padlock D(Kiki): 1 all -navigate out, make sure kiki doesn't get stuck on padlock -->RED DRAGON D(Wong Ho): 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 D(Lu Fang): 1x17, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 D(Zygaena): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 -->WHITE CLOUD D(Ox): 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4 -->NOODLE SHOP BACKDOOR -obfuscate, grab eyes -->WHITE CLOUD D(Ox): 1 all -->YUKIE D(Yukie): 1 all -->ZHAO'S IMPORTS D(Zhao): 1 all -obfuscate out, buy Firearms 5 and Perception 5 -->FISH MARKET D(Zygaena): 2 all -hengeyokai fight, magdump killmatic+vision of death D(Yukie): 1 -->LOTUS BLOSSOM BASEMENT -obfuscate, plant talisman, drain shu -->GLAZE -keypad 725, see *** for right door -obfuscate through up to johnny D(Johnny): 1 all D(Mandarin): 1 -->WHITE CLOUD D(Ox): 1 all -->FU SYNDICATE D(Mandarin): 2 -enter elevator, 1m20s~ break between "good" line and door opening -recommend quicksave -navigate through lasers -shoot panels in blades room -wait for hazmat suit to begin running animation to kill to avoid softlock -killmatic+VOD swat -shoot conductors in electricity room -shoot gas tank in flamethrower room to break window -quicksave then drain mandarin, grab key (key may drop through floor which softlocks) D(Barabus): 1 all -kill guard for keycard [[12]] -computer ("door control" enter "freedom" enter enter "open" enter escape out) -computer ("species x data" enter "autopsy" enter enter "purge" enter escape out) D(Barabus): 1 -exit to hub, answer phone D(Gary): 1, 2, 4, 1 -->GIOVANNI D(Male guest): 2, 1, 1 -grab female ****** D(Guard): 1 all -enter mansion, obfuscate, bloodbuff to lockpick into library -pull sword, head down to embalming room -grab voce del morte, head down elevator -kill all zombies, grab saulocept, try door, keep killing zombies if door doesn't blow open -navigate through dungeon, kill zombies in narrow hallway to open door D(Chang): 1 all -chang fight, killmatic+VOD D(Lacroix): 1 D(Beckett): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3 -buy Security 4 -->SOCIETY OF LEOPOLD -obfuscate in -computer ("power" enter "soc" enter enter "off" enter escape out) -bloodbuff to pick lock, head down through wine cellar -drop down, hysteria one guard, feed as needed, grab guns -navigate to bach D(Bach): 4 -bach fight, headshot then VOD, magdump when he's running with no mist, be ready when he teleports off stairs D(Johannson): 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 -navigate to boat -->VENTURE D(Lacroix): 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1 -exit to hub D(Fat Larry): 1 -sell all weapons besides killmatic, vendor trash, dodge book from giovanni library -buy mcluskey, 96 bullets, flamethrower+canister, full killmatic ammo, hotkey mcluskey and flamethrower -->ABANDONED HOSPITAL -fire gun to skip milligan dialogue, drain milligan -navigate down to Pisha D(Pisha): 1x9, 3 -->HALLOWBROOK -buy up Wits and Dodge as much as possible, brown hoodies and grey jackets are blood sources -run through floor 1, kill szlachta with mcluskey+VOD -navigate through floor 2, killing enemies to open path -teleporter fight very buggy, refer to video. finish them with headshot+VOD -if door doesn't open, check all corners, then just wait for shovelhead to break through -navigate through floor 3, use blood and flamethrower as necessary -drop down elevator shaft, navigate through to caster fight -kill brown hoodies, jump through fire up stairs, use mcluskey on caster, hitboxes are buggy -feed if necessary, navigate to andrei fight D(Andrei): 3, 3, 3, 1 -andrei fight, one tap with flamethrower, magdump killmatic, leave through door D(Ming): 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2 -->VENTURE -talk to chunk D(Lacroix): 1 all -exit to hub, head toward last round D(Beckett): 3 all -->LAST ROUND D(Damsel): 1 all -head to taxi D(Driver): 1 -click Griffith Park, split -->GRIFFITH PARK -take tram to nines D(Nines): 1 all -run to power switch, hit switch *once*, run into observatory, open dome, bait werewolf up to dome, shut dome when werewolf enters -head back through tram, after xp hits buy up Defense, then Soak -leave haven, run through hub to taxi, kill nearby enemies, use flamethrower and mcluskey D(Driver): 1 D(Driver): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 -buy max killmatic and flamethrower ammo D(Driver): 3 -buy max elder vitae and blue blood, spend all money D(Driver): 4 -->TEMPLE -navigate through first map, into temple and downstairs -in second map, open double doors at an angle to progress -navigate to statue room, move one statue onto pressure plate, stand on the other, run down to inner temple -obfuscate through, grab jade idols, be aware of traps, quicksave recommended -place idols on pillars (circles cat, pillars elephant, swirls crane, ornate dragon) D(Ming): 3, 2 -ming fight, stay close, magdump killmatic+vod, use blood as needed -grab key, jump into portal D(Driver): 4, 1 -->VENTURE D(Chunk): 3 -obfuscate through, hit elevator button, make sure all guns are loaded -take elevator up, navigate through to roof, bloodbuff to pick doors, head up pipe -hit dominated guard with VOD before dialogue, should kill him, use killmatic if not -take elevator up -bloodbuff to lockpick door, navigate through to elevator -sheriff fight, one tap with flamethrower, then magdump killmatic+VOD -bat fight, reload killmatic, run to spotlight, hit spotlight and wait for drop, magdump killmatic then mcluskey+VOD, mind your health D(Lacroix): 1 all -split on last dialogue input, scroll questlog to prove 100% NOTES [1] Auspex tutorial is buggy, you need to see the shovelhead's aura before you kill him. [2] Not feeding here can cause frenzy when dealing with Chunk. [3] Giving Jeanette the pendant will kill your run, so be extra careful here. [4] Killing Chunk prevents him from showing up later, but will attract police which prevents you from entering gallery. Using hysteria on the wandering *** avoids this 95% of the time. [5] This key will rarely drop out of the map, but you can still lockpick the doors [6] You need to get "Replanting A Lily" through this dialogue, so be extra careful here. Certain conditions may change these dialogue options, specifically killing extra people. [7] Phil in the blood bank and Malcolm on the first floor can be fed on safely. Pawnshop can be skipped if you aren't using firearms. [8] Video movement baits him down to you 90% of the time. Use "W" combo to knock him down. Then use "S" attack to hit him on the ground, then chain with "W" attack to knock him back down. Best place to stunlock him is in the doorframe to prevent him from jumping away. [9] You can end this dialogue early, but completing it gets you a free point of brawl. [10] You need to avoid receiving the Downtown haven from Lacroix. These dialogue options should both avoid getting the haven and allow you to receive money from Lacroix. [11] Not talking to Sweeper can softlock the game coming out of Isaac's. [12] Barabus is buggy, may need to knock him around to jumpstart his pathfinding.