I don't think it's fair that this guy is controlling who gets to use this method, I ripped his guide off, enjoy, also I apologize in advance to the bad quality of the pdf but this was the only way I can share this with you guys, just remember pay it forward when it works for you, and don't take from small sellers, use big sellers who can take the loss, please don't hurt the little guy G2A.com free gift card & games updated guide. Any item for free on G2A.com including Amazon, Steam, Xbox, Playstation gift cards & everything else offered. This is the most up to date version of this script. Any other one posted will not work! PDF guide here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aTKyZEinbUYfFIqhpX0y8tgBk5oGGZjh/view?usp=sharing Working as of: 24 April 2024