(https://i.redd.it/xualmgqiptfx.jpg - The Stalker challenge) Character profile: https://textbin.net/ejoukqoubi Character theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWL080QOqfY Well, there it is. I finally took the Stal/k/er challenge and ventured out for a few days in the zone (or whatever you can call that ghost town). I brought a camera and my gear for a short stay and went along to taking pictures of what I'd find. This ain't Stalker, but at least I can replicate the feel. There's no mutants or weird anomalies here, fortunately. Few hours into the town, I've found an old pharmacy that was just about empty. Looking further into the pharmacy, looks like there's a locked door, maybe there's something more in it? Alright, let's get this ope- [Harahel isekai ensues] ==== Player Build v0.6.5 ==== Race: [Humie] ***: [Male] Hair: [Brown] Eyes: [Amber] Skin: [Pale] Face: [Boyish] Bust: [Flat] Height: [Average – About 5’10”] Hips: [Masculine] Butt: [Masculine] Fitness: [Fit] The old and reliable humanity, which is to say, moderately frail and without anything particular going for it. In this world, being fit and staying fit is something that’ll have to be a persistent thing, lest I grow weak & stumble. F.M.S.U.: [Everwet], [Life, Uh, Finds A Way], [Love Nectar], [Ranma], [Curse of A Thousand Maidens] Ranma shenanigans aside, I don’t mind or care about never becoming an actual girl. Ranma can always be fixed with a judicious usage of Elemental magic. As for the wetness, well, Senketsu can clean that up. I have no idea how I can somehow give birth from my ass, nor do I want to know, so if I can control my fertility, then all the better. As for the nectar thing, let’s hope no vampire gets a hold of me. G.R.M.: [Tasty Fate], [Bio-Immortal], [Pain Zero],[Regeneration] Not suffering or dying of old age, especially when I’m liable to be stuck in Harahel for potentially thousand of years, sounds like a good idea. Regeneration will cover up the actual injuries, so outside of dying outright, I’m now immortal. I’m not sure how the locals will react to a seemingly normal human never aging, but that’s going to be a hassle for another century. As for pain, if it goes through my barriers, I won’t feel much and in the absolute worst case, it’ll make the exit plan less scary. U.T.T.: [Fertile Fields], [Contortionist], [Mr Clean] Gone are the days of having to use the bathroom, especially in what is essentially medieval times. Flexibility is always appreciated and so is not getting pregnant or knocking up somebody I don’t want to knock up. Boons: [Hush Money], [Unbreakable Mind], [Tasty Prof], [Man Portions], [Hero], [Demon Lord], [HUD], [Status], [Hammerspace Inventory], [Gate Of Babylon], [Ooga Booga], [Flavour Flay], [Darkvision], [Lucky], [Remote Capture] Where to begin. The core usage of [Gates of Babylon] will be to fire bullets and/or other projectiles at (near) ballistic speeds. In addition, most projectiles launched at me can be absorbed into my inventory and then launched back. Not having to actually carry the items with [Remote Capture] will make things infinitely more practical as well. From Procel, I receive a mind that will never get affected by somebody else, no supernatural or physical anything will sway it. Boosting my Spatial magic to “demon lord” level is certainly going to be interesting when travelling or dealing with the locals. Some are bound to notice that I’m more than just a regular human. That’s their problem, though. In terms of more passive abilities, an effective immunity to bad food, intoxication and whatnot will be most appreciable and so will the fact that I can change the flavor of anything I consume, so there’s no real “bad” food out there. That said, I’ll never get lost, not even in the dark. Fantasy NVGs are quite the nice thing. And to top it all off, I’ll be able to have accurate data & statistic reading with [HUD] and [Status]. Banes: [The Adoring Fan], [Kafuka], [Just Passin’ Through], [Masculinity], [Potionholic], [Off With A Bang], [Mark Of Failure] The adoring fan…that’s going to be a hassle and a half. Can’t get rid of her, so I’ll see how she behaves. Best case, I can “domesticate” her into being a functioning person if she’s not too annoying. Worst case, she gets 3 strikes and is then left with a cripple leg in the middle of nowhere. Or I can just ditch her somewhere. Speaking of somewhere, being sent somewhere random shouldn’t be too bad, since I can’t get lost and can teleport across extreme distances. That’ll cost a lot of Arka, which is definitely going to cause an addiction. I’m apprehensive at the idea of starting my new life in what is essentially the Zone, but without anything to my name. If I can’t make it out of there alive, I can only hope that I’ll have the stomach to end myself and respawn to an outside cathedral. I hope suicide doesn’t count for the marks. Items: [Dungeon Dowser], [Survival Guide], [Senketsu], [Riftgate Licence], [Infinity Bag], [Endless Polaroid], [Tab Leet], [Solar Charger], [Runman], [Knowledge x1] To Harahel, I will bring the Ar/k/. General knowledge for survival, basic medicine and the like. The Survival Guide will supplement that in an excellent way, on top of providing me with a self-updating map. The dowser is always a nice tool. For travel, the riftgate license is an absolute must and will stay in hammerspace until needed. Outside of that, the bag will carry anything too big or heavy for me. Senktesu is a fun one, a sentient(?) exo-suit that will help clean up certain things. And with all of that, the polaroid will be nice for keeping photos of everything and tracking it via the tab leet. And what kind of adventure is it if you don’t have music? Aferlife: [Procel - Arbiter of Secrets] Afterlife Timer: [1 Day] Death Mods: [Remuneration] Player Count: [10,000 People] Start Location: [LOST] Ending Fate: 0 Ending Prof: 0 PROFICIENCY Strength 1 Agility 2 Endurance 1 Durability 2 Combat 3 Arcane 1 Spatial 5 Alchemical 1 Elemental 1 Luck 4 Roughly human on the physical. Being able to make my potions will be very useful to keep me alive & sate a certain addiction. Arcane magic is a mixed bag, it’ll depend on what I can use with it, but I’m sure a low-level mana burn enchantment isn’t out of the question. Combined with Elemental magic, I might generate spare ammunition if I run out of more “proper” ammo. Elemental magic, though, that’s useful. Helps with survivalism, making small fires, getting purified water, that sort of things. Combined with Arcane magic, it could help with generating ammunition. Manipulating the water’s heat will be useful to manipulate Ranma. Spatial magic is its own beast. Teleportation, barriers, weird space creation, gravity & time fuckery? Sign me the **** up. Who needs a cumbersome plate carrier that only protects my chest when I can get full-body protection that weighs nothing? That teleportation will come in pretty handy as a "get-out-of-hail-free" card. Hopefully anti-magic fields aren't commonplace. /////////////////////// [Goals] -Acquire (magical and/or) technological artifacts for fun & profit. -Detail & catalogue the abovementioned artifacts. -Explore Harahel (and Dungeon City) for the experience. -Catalogue the different areas of Harahel and compile a more thorough survival guide for the more dangerous areas of Harahel. -Get a permanent house. -Start a courier business for cross-Harahel safe transport to fund the above. -Make fun of mosquitoes and get away with it.