var crypto = require('crypto') const IPN_HMAC_SECRET = "7c28eb2f82cbf601510c1dc4eef7753d0a3994320d0c21e4a011ce38da5efed1" exports.handler = async (event) => { const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha512', IPN_HMAC_SECRET); const body = JSON.parse(event.body); hmac.update(JSON.stringify(body, Object.keys(body).sort())) const signature = hmac.digest('hex') if (signature === event.headers['x-keagate-sig']) { // We're good to go const id = const status = body.status if (status !== "CONFIRMED") { console.log("Not ready yet...") return; } else { // Someone just paid console.log("CONFIRMED!!!"); } } else { // Could be spoofed console.log("Spoofed maybe...") } const response = { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({ headers: event.headers, body: JSON.parse(event.body) }), }; return response; };