This file is: a way to test old and new files for text comparison software e.g. WinMerge. It's not useful without the "new" file as well. --- This line has been moved to the top of the page in the new version This line has just one word that is unique This line has two spaces between words but has been fixed in the new file This line has a number that has one digit that is different in the new version 4.96 This line is a duplicate of a line elsewhere in the file THIS LINE IS IN ALL CAPS IN THE NEW FILE This Line Is In Proper Case In The New File This Sentence Uses CamelCase which has been fixed in the new file This line is a duplicate of a line elsewhere in the file This line is very similar to another line elsewhere in the file except for this text This statement is not wrapped correctly but is fixed in the new file This line has a lot of white space between it and the next line (this has been fixed in the new version) This line is a duplicate of a line elsewhere in the file This line haas missspelled werds This line is very similar to another line elsewhere in the file