The following people were mentioned extremely conspicuously in films this week, it could be that these could be warnings regarding their death. Sean Penn on 02/06/2022, eel then lives exactly: 32 332 320 minutes (3333+22), or 22 453 days (2345 sequence) Cheer on 03/20/2022, it is then exact: 664 536 hours (666+3456 order), or 27 689 days (6789 order) Michele Pfeifer on 03/17/2022, she lives then exactly: 559,992 hours (999), or 23,333 days (3333), or 3333 weeks, 2 days (3333) Will Smith on 02/20/2022 he is then exactly: 53 years, 4 months, 26 days, (23456 sequence), or 2786 weeks and 4 days (678 sequence), or 468 144 hours (444), or 28 088 640 minutes ( 888) Beverly Hills should catch it on February 3rd, 2022, so exactly: 13 205 weeks and 4 days (012345 order), or 133 112 160 minutes (1111+0123 order), after the founding. The Park Six Flags Magic Mountain Roller Coasters got hit on February 8th, 2022, i.e. exactly: 2645 weeks and 3 days (23456 order), or 26 665 920 minutes (666), or 444 432 hours (4444+234 order) after the opening . Chaot Sledge Hammer, whose real name is David Rasche, could catch it on 02/11/2022, exactly: 4044 weeks and 4 days (4444), or 40 769 280 minutes (67890 order) after his birth. Matt Damon on 02/17/2022, he is then exactly: 18 790 days (78901 order), or even better 1 623 456 000 seconds (0123456 order) in the world!!! Harvey Keitel on January 31, 2022, he then has exactly: 30,214 days (01234 sequence), or 82 years, 8 months, 18 days (888), or 4316 weeks and 2 days (1234 sequence), under his belt. Juan Carlos has a critical day on February 28th, 2022, he refreshes then exactly: 1009 month, 23 days, (90123 order), or also 84 years, 1 month, 23 days (1234 order), or in other words, 44 258 400 minutes (444) Victoria Principal has an unfavorable constellation on 02/19/2022. She then lives exactly: 26 345 days in total (23456 order), or 2 276 208 000 seconds (222+0000). De la Soul rapper Kelvin Mercer, symbolically portrayed in a film last week, has a bad constellation on January 28th, 2022, he then laments exactly: 18,792 days (78912 sequence), or 617 months, 11 days (111) Nancy Grace Presenter on 03/05/2022, she lived then exactly:546 696 hours (666), or 3254 weeks and 1 day (12345 sequence). Professional golfer Steven O'Hara on 04/02/2022, he lives then exactly: 365 616 hours (666), or 15 234 days (12345 sequence) Susanne Sarandon on 03/02/2022, she is then exactly: 27,543 days, (2345 order), or 75 years, 4 months, 26 days (4567 order), or 7546.03% of 365 days, (34567 order) The "transporter" Jason Stratham has a pitch-black day on January 29th, 2022, he lives then: exactly: 19,911 days (9/11+111+99), or 54 years, 6 months, 3 days (3456 order), or 654 Months, 3 days (also 3456 order) Djamila Rowe (born August 1, 1967 in East Berlin; also Djamile Rowe) is a German make-up artist who became known through a fictitious affair with the Swiss Ambassador Thomas Borer in 2002 and was then seen more often on television. She could get the receipt for this on February 4th, 2022, she would then live exactly: 19,911 days (9/11+111+99), or 54 years, 6 months, 3 days (3456 sequence), or 654 months, 3 days ( also 3456 order) Alfonso Alonso, former Minister of Health of Spain, was mentioned in a movie this week, lived exactly 1,729,987,200 seconds (789012 order), or 20023 days, (00+22) on 02/07/2022. Ion Tiriac, Boris Becker's former manager, pulled the zinc on February 11th, 2022, he lives then exactly: 4735 weeks and 6 days, (34567 sequence), or 1089 months, 2 days (889012 sequence), or 47,737,440 minutes (444+777), hopefully he survives the day! =========================== Paddington Station, the construction of which was announced by Isambard Kingdom Brunel on July 30, 1833 after several failed attempts, could have a black day on March 9, 2022, i.e. exactly: 68,888 days (8888), or 188 years, 7 months, 9 days (7891 order), or 99 198 720 minutes (789012 order) The film "Aquaman", which has been available on Amazon Prime since this week, says that on January 31, 2022 there will be a tsunami caused by nuclear bombs under the sea. According to the film, the affected areas are: 1. The North Sea, 2. The Mediterranean Sea at the level of Sicily, 3. The Indian Ocean, 4. The Atlantic Ocean, 5. In the area of ​​the "Ring of Fires", also known as "the Pacific Ring of Fire", the bombs should fall into the Deep sea trenches of the Peru Trench, Central America Trench, Aleutian Trench, Kurille Trench, Japan Trench, Boning Trench, Marian Trench and Tonga Trench detonate. These ritual attacks may refer to Victor Vesceco's dive in the Challenger deep-sea trench on April 28, 2019, i.e. beforebefore 33 months, and 3 days (333), hopefully they won't happen. Mention was also made of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, the Colloseum and the Spanish Steps, hopefully there will be no attacks there. ===== Also, two new movies on Amazon Prime this week mentioned the B-Day of 5/6/1944, the day the Allies landed in Normandy. It is to be feared that a similar action could take place tomorrow, January 28th, 2022, only this time it could be the Russians in submarines, even if that sounds stupid. Between the dates are exactly: 77 years, 7 months, 22 days (777+22), or Or 931 months, 22 days (9123 order) Istanbul in Turkey is expressly mentioned in three newly released films on Prime, it is to be expected that there will be attacks there on January 31, 2022, unfortunately there can be no other explanation. Attacks are also said to be planned for the American nursing home chain "Comfort Hill assisted living", Soller Beach (i.e. the beach in the port of Soller) on Mallorca, the St Louis Cardinals baseball team, and the archway of St. Louis. Here without recalculation, sorry! Warm greetings