What you need - •Verifed Paypal, the older/more authentic the better. •VPN •Money to invest •Patence ==================================================================================== *You are GUARENTEED to make money as long as you follow this guide. Now for the method. Step 1. Clear cookies. Step 2. Turn on VPN. We're going to call the location we are currently spoofed as VPN1. Step 3. Create a new burner paypal account. Step 4. Log out and clear cookies again. Step 5. Log in to your verified paypal while still connected to VPN1. ==================================================================================== Now you have a decision to make as the world is yours. You can either buy anything online, for 100% free or you can just double your money with no strings attached. First we'll go through how to buy anything for free as it is a bit simpler and less time consuming. The only requirement is that you have the fund necessary to buy whatever it is that you want. ===================================================================================== How To 'Buy Anything For Free Step A1. The funds MUST be in your actual paypal balance. NOT in a bank account or in pending. Locate the item you would like to "buy'. Ex: a shirt on Grailed or any website that accepts paypal. Step A2. From your verified paypal account, send however much money is needed to purchase the item to your newly created account through friends & famiy. *You may have to confirm the payment from the phone number connect to account. Step A3. Pay for the item through the new account. New accounts are usually not able to send funds for the first 7-14 days of their creation though so take that into consideration. Step A4. Clear cookies again. If anything you should be clearing cookies periodically Step A5. Log into your verified paypal from its usual connection. Ex: if this is YOUR actual paypal account, then just go back to your home connection. Step A6. File a chargeback on the payment sent to the burner paypal for an unathorized purchase. "DO NOT RESPOND TO THE DISPUTE FROM THE BURNER ACCOUNT.” Money should be refunded to your account within 30 days, most times it only takes 3-5 Enjoy your free purchase<3 ===================================================================================== How To Double Your Money ===================================================================================== There's two different ways to go about this depending on how accessible verified paypai accounts are to you, you can decide what's easier. Just like before, funds MUST be in your actual balance. ===================================================================================== Method 1 ===================================================================================== Step B1. The simpler method requires 2 verified paypals and 1 burner. You can probably see where we're going with this already. The difficulty here is in being logged into the right account at the right time while having the right VPN location running. Every account should be created on a different location. Step B2. From your verified paypal account, send however much money you would like to double ta your newiy created account through friends & family. "You may have to confirm the payment from the phone number connect to account.” Step B3. Send funds to your 2nd verified account while still connected to VPN1. Step B4. Log back into your main verified PayPal through the usual connection and initiate the chargeback due to unauthorized purchase, again, "DO NOT RESPOND TO THE DISPUTE FROM THE BURNER ACCOUNT.” Step B5. Wait for the funds to be chargedback before touching the 2nd verified account. Once you’ve been chargedback you can literally enjoy your free money.