(function(info, user) { if (WebSocket.prototype._send) { WebSocket.prototype.send = function(pkt) { this._send(pkt); if (pkt instanceof ArrayBuffer) pkt = new DataView(pkt); else if (pkt instanceof DataView) pkt = pkt; else return; switch (pkt.byteLength) { case 21: if (pkt.getInt8(0, true) === 16) { user.x = pkt.getFloat64(1, true); user.y = pkt.getFloat64(9, true); user.byteLength = pkt.byteLength; } break; case 13: if (pkt.getUint8(0, true) === 16) { user.x = pkt.getInt32(1, true); user.y = pkt.getInt32(5, true); user.byteLength = pkt.byteLength; } break; case 10: if (pkt.getUint8(0, true) === 2) { //deeeep.io user.moveBuffer = pkt.buffer; } break; } if(info.botServer != this.url && user.server != this.url) { user.server = this.url; } } } (async function(guiHtml, el) { guiHtml = await fetch(guiHtml); console.log("Fetch GUI:", guiHtml.ok); guiHtml = await guiHtml.text(); el = document.createElement("BotGUI"); el.innerHTML = guiHtml; appendGUI(el); })(info.defaultGUI); class Client { constructor() { this.socket = null; this.active = false; this.started = false; this.setup(); this.startMoveInterval(); } setup() { this.socket = info.io.connect(info.botServer); this.socket.on("connect", () => { info.elements.serverStatus.innerText = "Connected to" + info.botServer; }); this.socket.on("auth", msg => { this.socket.emit("auth", 1234); }); this.socket.on("verified", () => { info.elements.serverStatus.innerText = "Ready To Start Bots!"; }); this.socket.on("started", () => { info.elements.toggleButton.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-danger"); info.elements.toggleButton.innerText = "Stop Bots"; info.elements.serverStatus.innerText = "Running"; this.active = true; }); this.socket.on("stopped", () => { info.elements.toggleButton.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-success"); info.elements.toggleButton.innerText = "Start Bots"; info.elements.serverStatus.innerText = "Ready"; info.elements.botCounter.innerText = "0/0"; this.active = false; }); this.socket.on("updateBotCount", msg => { info.elements.botCounter.innerText = `${msg.spawned}/${msg.connected}`; }); this.socket.on("disconnect", () => { info.elements.toggleButton.setAttribute("class", "btn btn-success"); info.elements.toggleButton.innerText = "Start Bots"; info.elements.serverStatus.innerText = "Connecting..."; info.elements.botCounter.innerText = "0/0"; this.active = false; this.started = false; }); } startBots() { if (user.server == "" || this.started) return; this.socket.emit("start", { GameServer: user.server, Origin: location.origin }); this.started = true; } stopBots() { if (!this.started) return; this.socket.emit("stop"); this.started = false; } move(x, y) { this.socket.emit("move", { type: 0, x: x, y: y }); } moveWithBuffer(buffer) { if (!buffer) return; this.socket.emit("move", { type: 1, buffer: buffer }); } split() { this.socket.emit("split"); } eject() { this.socket.emit("eject"); } startMoveInterval() { switch (location.host) { case "deeeep.io": this.moveInterval = setInterval(() => { if (this.active && this.started) this.moveWithBuffer(user.moveBuffer); }, 150); default: this.moveInterval = setInterval(() => { if (user.history.x != user.x || user.history.y != user.y) { // if moved user.history.x = user.x; user.history.y = user.y; if (this.active && this.started) this.move(~~user.x, ~~user.y); } else { // not moved user.history.c++; if (user.history.c > 7 && this.active) { if (this.active && this.started) this.move(~~user.x, ~~user.y); user.history.c = 0; } } }, 150); break; } } } function appendGUI(el) { if (document.getElementsByTagName("body").length == 0) { console.log("Waiting for body..."); return setTimeout(appendGUI, 100, el); } document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(el); setupElements(); el = document.createElement("script"); el.src = "https://ex-script.com/fstyle/OhGG/iziToast.min.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(el); checkVersion(); } function setupElements() { if (!document.getElementById("toggleButton")) { console.log("Waiting for element..."); return setTimeout(setupElements, 100); } info.elements.toggleButton = document.getElementById("toggleButton"); info.elements.botCounter = document.getElementById("botCounter"); info.elements.serverStatus = document.getElementById("serverStatus"); user.Client = new Client(); info.elements.toggleButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (user.Client.active) user.Client.stopBots(); else user.Client.startBots(); }); } document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { console.log(event.keyCode, event.which); switch (event.keyCode || event.which) { case 87: //window.core.eject(); break; case 69: //E user.Client.split(); break; case 82: //R user.Client.eject(); break; case 67: window.client.spam(); break; } }.bind(this)); //Fix Esc switch (location.origin.split("://")[1]) { case "ogar.be": document.addEventListener('keydown', event => { switch (event.keyCode || event.which) { case 27: document.getElementById("overlays").style.display = "block"; break; } }); } function checkVersion() { if (!window.iziToast) { return setTimeout(checkVersion, 100); } window.iziToast.settings({ title: 'Information', theme: 'dark', progressBarColor: '#00ffb8', backgroundColor: '#333', position: 'topCenter', timeout: 5000, pauseOnHover: true, layout: 2 }); if (info.version != userScriptVersion) window.iziToast.question({ close: false, displayMode: 'once', id: 'question', zindex: 999, title: '200bots.ga Information', message: 'There is a new update available! Do you want to update script?', buttons: [ ['', function (instance, toast) { location.href = "http://ex-script.com/fstyle/OhGG/userscript.js"; }, true], ['', function (instance, toast) { instance.hide({ transitionOut: 'fadeOut' }, toast, 'button'); }] ] }); } })({ version: "1.1", botServer: "ws://", io: window.SocketIO, defaultGUI: "https://ex-script.com/fstyle/OhGG/BotGUI.php", elements: {} }, { x: 0, y: 0, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, byteLength: null, moveBuffer: null, server: '', history: { x: 0, y: 0, c: 0 } }); console.log('loaded!');