10/28/2021 - Present: O, K, E, L, T - Party is at outskirts of crowd - O asks villager what is going on --> Mer people have been interfering w/ their fishing activities - O weaves through crowd - Baba is speaking language o does not recognize - Name of mer person baba is speaking to: Atl Guand - Party decides this is not necessarily their business - Baba speaks to crowd - Mer court emissary said due to sea kelp blight they have competed w/ locals in fishing grounds - Describes plant that could help cure blight - Plant can be found in cave at intersection w/ Fae wilds (similar to place that S&T found in earlier episode) - Party discusses helping: - Villagers will drop work on ship repairs, so if party wants to travel by ship, they should help find plant so villagers can remain working on repairs - E & T favor travel by land - L uses Navigator's tools and tells party that they are not halfway to Lathe, as they had believed, but instead are much farther away from Lathe --> land way would take significantly more time - Party decides to go for sea route since it is faster & accordingly agrees to help - O does the talking with Baba, and they are accompanied by two villagers: Senior & Junior - Party starts journey to cave - Party finds coin purse in road - After careful examination by Sven, O picks up the purse and it turns out to be his - K suggests it was the fae playing a trick on them - he is familiar with them from his times as a ranger - K says they love to play tricks - O ties coin purse to his person with hempen rope - Squirrels ran across way - T says probably Sven scared them? - Party makes camp in evening on side of the road - Watch order: - K: 4h - T: 2h - O: 2h - T notices rustling during his watch - wakes up O who suggests it's just someone having a quickie - In the morning everyone notices they are missing items, except E&T - O missing cook's utensils - L missing waterskin - K's boots are filled with cold water --> he chuckles and says that's a typical fae prank - T casts invisibility - L questions Senior and Junior who are also missing items (rope) - K says not to question each other, as this dischord is exactly what the fae aim for: strife for their amusement