RRG traffic net will be up FROM THIS DATE FORWARD on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 630 PM EDT (2230 UTC) on 80 meters, then again at 7 PM EDT on 40 meters. We will also have a 20 and 17 meter net Sunday afternoon at 2 and 2:30 PM EDT to determine practicality of 20 and 17 in the afternoon. Specifics are: SuTuTh 2230 UTC (80 meters) 3870 +/- UP TO 5 kHz for QRM- tune up and down if you don't hear Net Control on frequency. Listen for the "American NVIS net" 2300 UTC (40 meters) 7230 +/- UP TO 5 kHz for QRM - tune up and down if you don't hear Net Control on frequency. Listen for the "American NVIS net" On Sunday: 14230 kHz +/- UP TO 5kHz at 1800 UTC 18130 kHz +/- UP TO 5 khz @ 1830 UTC. Same deal, tune up and down if the frequency is busy. This Net will be called the American Ragchewer's net. Net Control stations will announce " CQ CQ CQ the American NVIS Net. (or American Ragchewer's net, as appropriate) (repeat at least 4 times) The American NVIS Net is a training net and a traffic net organized for the purpose of training operators for passing traffic and providing those of like mind an opportunity to meet. It meets on ____ frequency at ______ time plus or minus for QRM. Your net control station for this session is _____ , located in ________ and my name is _________. Stations wishing to check in please call now. " After NC gets some stations checked in, NC will announce "I am seeking a relay station in the central US to act as the Central area Net control. Anyone wishing to act as Central Net control please call now." After we get NC stations ironed out, NC calls for any bulletins or traffic. Once we start getting regular attendance at Net times, we may ask for a Central US Net Control station before checkins. Once we get the net working ok, we will start actually handling traffic, with practice radiograms going from the Moderators to forum members in various parts of the US. Historian (keypounder) W8ANT