Time and energy management notes yipee - Equipping for the mission -What is the mission? -degree and internships. Possible career -Time and energy is needed -ya gotta be effective -in college -and in His Kingdom † - future goals -goals can be daunting -what is God's will -What is the prize on the mountaintop -The mountaineering plan -Mountaineering requires: -the right gear -practice -lots of small steps -Climbing the mountain -time and energy, learn about thyself -a plan built on habits and small goals, take it one step at a time and grow stronger - your main goal is the mountaintop -A feeeeeew suggestions - keep your goals to yourself... at least at first -record, reflect, and pray - consult wise and experianced people Score: service core of retired executives -plan those steps and habits -Time -the four year lottery jackpot -is the average person qualified to manage millions of dollars just overnight? -How to get qualified -Experiance -failure -Good Advisors -good self leadership -four years is short - the "broke" lottery winner - the team -your college career is equal to that of a multi-milllion dollar organization - YOU ARE THE TEAM This dude is going way too fast.