@Game Dealer here are those series I mentioned before I actually started from this channel and think it is the funniest and accurate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAuH0UpQ69E&list=PLJrGKe-Fm2a9dF9Re_lZct4PUAo5zrk_2 Considering your logic about fulfillment I would agree under certain conditions but the problem is that in the modern world it is pretty much an unattainable dream. I am not exactly sure which philosopher expressed that idea first, maybe Niche and Schopenhauer, that existence is fundamentally meaningless. The doomer meme is based on that idea, not on the fact that some people are unmotivated or to incompetent to achieve something it is the knowledge that you fundamentally can't do that and this is why you become Doomer, you know that your life is meaningless and nothing can be done to change it. No matter what you do only suffering waits you in the future. (Peterson is trying to solve that by taking some random responsibility on yourself to bring meaning to your suffering but suffering is not going anywhere) I have seen one doomer episode where he does get married but nothing changes he has a few happy moments until his beloved wife dies his son becomes another depressed doomer maybe he commits suicjde and doomer dies alone in his room forgotten by everyone. Oh here it is watch?v=tYR30H8Mb54 So for every moment of your fulfillment, you will be punished eventually when the thing you achieved will be taken away. To make things worse we are living in a collapsing world that gets worse every day like wages are stagnant for decades and all that upcoming global warming new tax lack of job perspectives. 70% divorce rate with all horrible consequences. You must be mad to even try in that kind of environment. So because of all that, chasing love and family is no different than chasing P or other fun. Neither of those is going to give you permanent happiness it is all just short-term pleasure. More about that here watch?v=Aaz4jdlqhSk I may look for a link to some Peterson video, but since I watched several of them I would say that you don't need any specific video for that he is adding that statement to pretty much every of his video where after presenting his theory he always admits that this is not applicable to everyone and specifically says that if you are different you should not follow it. His advice is targeted towards mostly conservative people whom he described to be high on conscience and relatively low on intelligence and creativity. It took some time to find it but here Peterson is saying that: but it is not the only video where he is saying the same. NX2ep5fCJZ8?t=599 about 10th minute Either way, Peterson is quite a naive because while his ideas are valid he fails to understand the reality and how things really work. and the fact that the world changed a lot. Creative people are quite a different kind and they operate on totally diffrent principles. they have no conscience and do not need any responsibilities or meaning. If we look at that Piniocio island analogy conservatives will become slaves of pleasure but creative people will be the ones who build that pleasure island and become masters of it. Here is another doomer video about that watch?v=T5U7m6Z-hAE Yes of course training and gardening will not give you red eyes, but you know that most modern works are done on a computer. Especially creative kinds of work. The catch is that with those kinds of work you get so extremely agitated solving various problems like when you try to find a bug in your drone flight controller that you will be unable to sleep all night and wake up with red eyes that hurt and without even any breakfast or shower you turn on your computer and try to solve that damn problem using the ideas you got during your sleep time. Even if you do some mechanical things you will be still spending most of the time on the cad software designing the model which will be later produced in 3D printer of CNC machine